
Built-In Functions

Built-In Functions

SetArray (var void, integer, integer, integer open), (var array all, integer);
Declaration 0: Assigns an array to arg1 with type arg2 and dimensions [0..arg2 -1, 0..arg3 - 1, ...]
Declaration 1: Redimensions the array in param1 to the new dimensions [0..arg2 - 1, ...]. You can only change the size of the first dimension.

Terminates the execution of the script immediately.

Ends a for, while or repeat loop.

Continues with the next loop of a for, while or repeat loop.

Round (float) : integer
Trunc (float) : integer
Int (float) : float
Frac (float) : float
Insert (string, var string, integer)
Delete (var string, integer, integer)
Copy (string, integer, integer)
Pos (string, string)
StrToInt (string) : integer
IntToStr (integer) : string
Same as their Delphi equivalents

Format (string, all open)
Same as the Delphi function "FORMAT". Instead of a "array of const" this function expects an user defined number of arguments.

Now () : float;
FormatDateTime (string, float) : string;
Same as their Delphi equivalents. Time and date is stored as a float in Script.

CopyRight () : string;
Shows a Copyright messagebox