StickyNote Version 6.00 Thank you for using StickyNote 6. If you have any questions regarding the software, please read the on-line documentation provided, or send your questions to StickyNote 6 is copywritten by Tenebril Incorporated. You may read the licensing agreement attached with StickyNote for more information. ---------------------------General information--------------------------- I. Purpose StickyNote 6 Lite is a freeware sticky notes program for your Windows PC. Using it, you can create sticky notes on your desktop, but additionally you have many extensive abilities, including sending notes over the Internet to your friends, changing fonts, rolling up notes, changing background bitmaps, creating your own color library, and many, many more things. StickyNote is a simple, straightforward, yet deeply- functional program which accomplishes exactly that task for which it was created- storing your ideas, to-dos, all your notes in an easy-to- access fashion. II. Installation To install StickyNote 6 Lite on your machine, simply run the Setup program enclosed in this distribution. This setup program will prompt you accordingly. The only caveat is that you must exit any older versions of StickyNote before running installation. You can exit your old StickyNote by right-clicking its icon in the system tray, and choosing "Exit" from the menu which appears. After following the instructions in Setup, StickyNote will be installed and its shortcut placed in your StartUp folder. To start StickyNote, simply go to the StartUp folder and click on its icon. III. System requirements Your machine must have a working Internet connection. StickyNote will need to log onto the Internet periodically on start up to check its version and to download the latest news. If your Internet connection is not working, StickyNote will not be able to start at some point. Additionally, you must have a mouse. It is recommended that your computer display more than 256 colors to appreciate the full effects of StickyNote. III. Status StickyNote 6 Lite is a freeware program. IV. Distribution StickyNote 6 Lite is freely distributable. You may not change the contents of the distribution file, however. V. Contact Please send any questions to We will make an effort to assist you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------