Buzz Help

Pattern Editor

Fading between parameters

You can put a smooth fade between any two parameters in a pattern using the interpolate command (Ctrl+I).
  1. Move the cursor to the first field in the fade and press Ctrl+B.
  2. Move the cursor to the last field in the fade and press Ctrl+B.
  3. Now press Ctrl+I to make it increment between the fields.
  4. Pressing Ctrl+U clears the selection.

Keyboard Commands

Cursor movement
ArrowsMove cursor
(shift)TabMove to next/previous track
Page up/downMove 16 rows up/down
Home1. Move to first field, track, then row
End1. Move to last field, track, then row

Q2W3ER5T6Y7UBase octave + 1
I9O0PBase octave + 2
. (dot)Clear field under cursor
DeleteDelete row under cursor
InsertInsert an empty row on cursor
Shift +/-Shift values in selection or in field under cursor in no selection
Ctrl+RRandomize values in selection or in field under cursor in no selection
Ctrl+IInterpolate values in selection

Shift+up/downSet selection
Ctrl+B1. Set begin of selection, 2. change sel. mode
Ctrl+E1. Set end of selection, 2. change sel. mode
Ctrl+UDeselect all

Ctrl+XCut selection
Ctrl+CCopy selection
Ctrl+VPaste at cursor overwriting

-/+ or Alt+PSelect pattern
Ctrl+ReturnCreate new pattern
Ctrl+Shift+ReturnCreate copy of pattern
Ctrl+BackspaceView pattern properties
Ctrl+DelRemove pattern
Ctrl +/-Add/delete track

<,> or Alt+WSelect wave
*,/ or Alt+BSelect base octave
Ctrl+up/down or Alt+MSelect machine
Ctrl+LSolo current machine (generators only)