You must specify either Unix, PKZip, or ZipIt for the emulation type. ZipIt is critically low on memory. Please quit ZipIt and, in the Finder's Get Info window, give ZipIt more memory. You cannot close the frontmost window while I am zipping or unzipping files. Monaco Registered to: Version ZipIt Registration Processing files… Printing catalog of zip file. Press ⌘-period to cancel. Add Replace Creator Type Extension Do you really want to lose your changes? Unknown error The frontmost window is not a zip window; you cannot close it. The frontmost window is not a zip window; files cannot be added to it. File could not be saved because front window was not a zip window. You did not specify a folder in which files should be saved. folder Info Are you sure you want to open %d Get Info windows? --- Desktop ZipIt is running critically low on memory. That dialog box could not be opened. selected files the zip file Enter your comments for %d items 1 item (Not saved) The 'in' parameter must refer to the directory in which you want to unzip the files. Sorry, ZipIt does not support the file type parameter to the save event. Please omit it. untitled You need to specify an initial 'disk file' property (the file you wish to add). You cannot close the root folder. The folder you specified is not currently open. The frontmost window is not a zip window; you cannot close it. You can only add files to a folder or to a window or document. The frontmost window is not a zip window; files cannot be added to it. File could not be saved because no file was specified and no default existed. You can only compress a window or document. The specified window is not a zip window. File could not be saved because front window was not a zip window. You did not specify a folder in which files should be saved. All the files you specify to unzip must belong to the same archive. ZipIt could not complete operation due to a bug. Please report to the author. ZipCommand You cannot set the selection of an individual window. Set the selection of the application instead. File names cannot be longer than 31 characters. The compression level must be between 0 and 9. ZipIt Sorry, selected file is not a zip archive, or is not the final segment. Inflating Exploding Expanding Unshrinking Extracting Sorry, this version of ZipIt cannot extract encrypted files. Register ZipIt to get a version that can. Sorry, only US versions of ZipIt can extract encrypted files. The password you have given for file “%#s” is incorrect. The file was not unzipped.