#========================# || DELPHI ICON SUITE 1 || #========================# #==============================# || Made by: Yann Cluchey || || From: ClucheySoft (http://www.cluchey.com) || || Released: 22 June 1999 || || FREEWARE || #==============================# #==========# || Introduction: || #==========# This set contains 18 icons which can be used to replace the standard icons used by Delphi for it's files. They aren't terribly different, but they're nicer and there's an icon for just about every file type Delphi uses. #==================# || Installation Instructions: || #==================# Until I write a program which can do this automatically, you'll have to register the file types manually. The usual stuff like dpr and pas files for example should already be registered and you'll just have to change the icon. But for the dmt extension, for example, you'll have to create a new association. If using windows 9x, open Windows Explorer, click View | Folder Options and goto the File Types tab. Here you'll see a list of file associations. For types which already exist, EG dpr, find it in the list, select it and click the Edit button. Then click the Change Icon button and select it's new icon (see list below) from the directory in which you unzipped the Icon Suite. For types such as dmt, which probably won't already be in the list, you'll have to create a new association. To do this, click the New Type button. Click the Change Icon button to select the icon and then enter it's description and associated extension (see list below). Having done this, click OK. (Note: As far as the actions go, you can do what you want. Most of the important files, such as projects or units should already be associated and will therefore already have actions. Types which aren't already associated typically aren't that useful, so it's up to you whether you want to add an action or not. For types such as backup files, I didn't bother to add an action as I never open those anyway. But it's nice to give them an icon instead of the default windows icon.) If using any other operating system, then I'm afraid you'll have to find out for yourself as I haven't got a clue! (If you know, then please tell me and I'll add instructions here.) #===========================================# || List of extensions and corresponding descriptions and filenames: || #===========================================# Ext. Description Icon dpr Delphi Project dpr File.ico bpg Delphi Project Group bpg File.ico ~dp Delphi Project / Package Backup ~dp File.ico dof Delphi Options File dof File.ico pas Delphi Unit pas File.ico ~pa Delphi Unit Backup ~pa File.ico dcu Delphi Compiled Unit dcu File.ico dfm Delphi Form dfm File.ico ~df Delphi Form Backup ~df File.ico dcr Dynamic Component Resource dcr File.ico res Resource File res File.ico rc Resource File res File.ico dpk Delphi Package dpk File.ico dcp Delphi Compiled Package dcp File.ico bpl Delphi 4 Package Library bpl File.ico dpl Delphi 1-3 Package Library bpl File.ico dsk Desktop Settings dsk File.ico drc Delphi String Resource drc File.ico dmt Delphi Menu Template dmt File.ico Also provided is "Delphi.ico" which can be used as an icon for a shortcut to Delphi. #=========# || Final Note: || #=========# If you've made an icon or know of a file type which could be added to future releases of the Icon Suite, then don't hesitate to tell me (e-mail: yann@cluchey.com). Or, even better, if you're able and willing to make an installation program for this suite, then I'd also like to hear from you. Thanks. #=========# || Legal Stuff: || #=========# These icons are freeware and may be distributed freely provided they remain together along with this readme file. You can use these for commercial purposes provided 1) You don't try to sell the icons specifically 2) You ask my permission. Delphi is a trademark of Borland (http://www.borland.com), yadda yadda yadda.