Dear Downloader, I would like to personally thank you for downloading these icons from me. There are more than 600 icons in this archive so you might want to put these in a new directory off your WINDOWS directory not to confuse yourself. Some of these icons are not as self explanatory as they look. such as icon "ATC.ICO" is an icon for an air traffic controller application. But, I'm sure that just looking at these icons, your imagination will find a place for them somewhere. MSTies, TREKies, and Simpson fans might like the icons in here. They are all by name of your favorite character. For TREKies, the only icon I could make were ones of the space ship. ENJOY ALL. Have a fun time! Sincerely, Michael A. Esser (71573,2467) CB Handles: *EIB Fan*, MST3K Watcher, or Creative Expression