WordQuiz is distributed as shareware. You may evaluate it free of charge for 30 days. After 30 days if you continue to use WordQuiz you are required to register it. If after evaluating WordQuiz for 30 days you decide not to register it you are required to remove it from your computer.
Registration entitles you to unlimited free updates and support.
There are several ways to register WordQuiz. When you register WordQuiz you will receive your registration code by e-mail, or optionally you may request that your registration code be mailed to you.
The software you are currently using is a fully functioning program. There are no time limitations built into the software to restrict its continued use and no program features have been disabled. The only difference compared to the registered version is that a reminder to register will be shown every now and then.
Single User Registration
Individual users can register WordQuiz for US $20.00. If you would also like a 3 ½" floppy disk sent to you please add an additional US $5.00. If you choose to register through Shareware-Australia the fee is Australian $35.00 with an extra $10.00 for floppies. Registration entitles you to unlimited free updates and support. You can always download the latest release of WordQuiz directly from the WordQuiz web site on the Internet.
Multiple User Registration
If you would like to register WordQuiz for use on several computers, please contact the author for licensing information.