File Menu Commands

The File menu provides commands to work with the vocabulary documents created with WordQuiz. A short description of each item follows:


Creates a new blank vocabulary document. The Ctrl+N shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.


Opens an existing vocabulary file, and loads it for viewing. When this item is selected the standard Windows Explorer File dialog will be displayed, use it to select the vocabulary file you wish to work with. The Ctrl+O shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.


Closes the active vocabulary document. You will be alerted to save any changes. The Ctrl+W shortcut can be used for this command.


Saves the currently active vocabulary document. If it has not previoulsly been saved, the Save As... command will be invoked. The Ctrl+S shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Save As...

Displays the standard Windows Explorer File dialog allowing you to specify a new name for the currently active vocabulary document and save it to disk.

Page Setup...

Displays a standard dialog for changing printer settings.

Print Preview...

Displays a preview of the currently active vocabulary document as it will appear on a printed page. A corresponding button on the toolbar can be used for this command


Prints the currently active vocabulary document. First the standard Windows Print dialog is shown where you can select if all or a specified range of pages should be printed. The Ctrl+P shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Recent Files

As you work with WordQuiz the four most recently used vocabulary documents will be shown on the menu. Open them by selecting the corresponding menu item.


Closes the WordQuiz application and returns control to the Explorer desktop. You will be alerted to save any changes to open documents. The Alt+F4 shortcut can be used for this command.

Tip Commonly used File commands can be invoked using shortcut keys or buttons on the toolbar.

⌐ 1997-1999 Peter Hedlund. All rights reserved.