The Edit menu contains commands used to edit the content of the active vocabulary document. A short description of each item follows:
Undo will reverse the last edit action. The name of the command will change to reflect exactly what will be undone. The Ctrl+Z shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Cut will remove the current selection and place it on the Clipboard. The Ctrl+X shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Copy will place a copy of the current selection on the Clipboard. The Ctrl+C shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Paste will paste the content of the Clipboard into the current selection. The Ctrl+V shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Clear will remove the current selection. The Del shortcut can be used for this command.
Insert will place a new row in the document grid. The new row will be placed above the current row. If the selection extends over more than one row, an equal number of rows will be added. The Ctrl+I shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Delete will remove the current row. If the selection extends over more than one row, all selected rows will be deleted. The Ctrl+K shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar.
You can search for any text in your vocabulary. The Ctrl+F shortcut can be used for this command, or use the corresponding button on the toolbar. Read more about the dialog shown by this command.
Use this command to search for any text in your vocabulary and replace it with something else. The Ctrl+H shortcut can be used for this command. Read more about the dialog shown by this command.
Tip Commonly used Edit commands can be invoked using shortcut keys or buttons on the toolbar.