Document Window

The vocabulary document window has the appearance of a spreadsheet-like grid. The grid consists of cells organized in two columns and a number of rows. Each column and row has a header. The column headers are used to specify the languages of the vocabulary document. They can be set by selecting the Vocabulary/Languages command, or by right-clicking in the grid and selecting Languages from the popup menu. The row headers number the rows consecutively.

You can click in a cell of the grid to make it the active cell. You can select several cells for copying or other editing by dragging over them with the left mouse button down. To select entire rows or columns click in the headers.

Place your mouse on the part of the document window you want to know more about.

In the document you build a vocabulary of pair-wise entries in the two columns. You can enter text into the active cell simply by starting to type. The cell will now be in edit mode and you can select all or part of the text. You can also edit a cell by double-clicking it and make changes directly in the cell.

When you have finished typing one entry, press the return key and the next cell will automatically become active. Hence, it's easy to quickly type several entries. When you reach the bottom row of the grid, a new row will be added as you press return, so you can just continue to type. When a new window is created it has 100 rows, but there is really no limit to the number of rows you can have in a document.

© 1997-1999 Peter Hedlund. All rights reserved.