
<body id="Me" style="font-family: Tahoma">

<script language="javascript" for="window" event="onload">
InitCalendar(mDate.getMonth(), mDate.getDate(), mDate.getYear());

<script language="JavaScript">

public_description = new public_description_ctor;
var InScriptlet = (typeof(window.external.version) == "string")

function public_description_ctor() {

this.put_BackColor = put_BackColor;
this.get_BackColor = get_BackColor;

this.put_ForeColor = put_ForeColor;
this.get_ForeColor = get_ForeColor;

// foreground color of the days of the previous and next months
this.put_NonCurForeColor = put_NonCurForeColor;
this.get_NonCurForeColor = get_NonCurForeColor;

// background color of the selected date
this.put_SelectColor = put_SelectColor;
this.get_SelectColor = get_SelectColor;

// foreground color of the day the mouse is over
this.put_HighlightColor = put_HighlightColor;
this.get_HighlightColor = get_HighlightColor;

// foreground color of the calendar headers
this.put_HeaderColor = put_HeaderColor;
this.get_HeaderColor = get_HeaderColor;

this.put_Value = put_Value;
this.get_Value = get_Value;

this.event_OnChange = ""; // fires when the value of the calendar changes
this.event_NewMonth = ""; // fires when the month changes, always preceded by an OnChange event
this.event_NewYear = ""; // fires when the year changes, always preceded by an OnChange event


mDate = new Date();
mSelectBackgroundColor = "Gray";
mStandardBackgroundColor = "White";
mStandardForeColor = "Black";
mHeaderColor = "Black";
mNonCurMonthForeColor = "Silver";
mHighlightColor = "red";
mPreviousElement = Me;
mFirstOfMonthCol = 0; // X-coord of first of month
mLastOfMonthCol = 0; // X-coord of last of month
mLastOfMonthRow = 0; // Y-coord of last of month

/* @Name: InitCalendar
/* @Purpose: Initializes or refreshes the calendar
/* @Inputs: iMonth - Integer representing the month (0 for January)
/* iDay - Integer representing the day of the month
/* iYear - Integer representing the year
/* @Notes: the year is subject to interpretation by the JavaScript
/* date object (i.e. years 0-99 get converted to 1900-1999)

function InitCalendar(iMonth, iDay, iYear) {

CurMonth.innerText = getStringMonth(iMonth);
CurMonth.style.color = mHeaderColor;
CurYear.innerText = getStringYear(iYear);
CurYear.style.color = mHeaderColor;

// set the date to the first day of iMonth/iYear
// to get the column number for the first day of the month
// and set the selected elements in the month and year dropdowns
if(iYear > 100) {
iNewSelection = iYear - 1970;
} else {
mDate.setYear(1900 + iYear);
iNewSelection = iYear - 70;

document.all("selYear").selectedIndex = iNewSelection;
document.all("selMonth").selectedIndex = iMonth;

iFirstOfMonthCol = mDate.getDay();

iTmp = iDay + iFirstOfMonthCol - 1;

iDayRow = Math.floor((iDay + iFirstOfMonthCol - 1) / 7);

if (iFirstOfMonthCol == 0) {
// when the first of the month is Sunday, start in the second row
iFirstRow = 1;
iDayRow += 1;
} else {
iFirstRow = 0;

// de-select the previous element
mPreviousElement.style.backgroundColor = mStandardBackgroundColor;

// once the column of the first of the month is known, the whole calendar can be populated
iDaysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear);

for(iCurRow = iFirstRow, iCurCol = iFirstOfMonthCol, iDayIndex = 1; iDayIndex <= iDaysInMonth; iDayIndex += 1, iCurCol += 1) {
if(iCurCol > 6) {
iCurCol = 0;
iCurRow += 1;

document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).innerText = iDayIndex;
document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).style.color = mStandardForeColor;

// store the locations of the first and last days of the month in the grid
mFirstOfMonthCol = iFirstOfMonthCol;
mLastOfMonthCol = (iCurCol + 6) % 7;
if(iCurCol == 0)
mLastOfMonthRow = iCurRow - 1;
mLastOfMonthRow = iCurRow;

// populate the empty sections of the grid with the next and previous months' days
for(iDayIndex = 1; iCurRow <= 4 || iCurCol <= 6; iCurCol += 1, iDayIndex += 1) {
if(iCurCol > 6) {
iCurCol = 0;
iCurRow += 1;

document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).innerText = iDayIndex;
document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).style.color = mNonCurMonthForeColor;

iPrevMonth = (mDate.getMonth() + 11) % 12;
iPrevMonthLastDay = getDaysInMonth(iPrevMonth, mDate.getYear());

for(iDayIndex = iPrevMonthLastDay, iCurRow = 0, iCurCol = (mFirstOfMonthCol + 6) % 7; iCurCol >= 0; iCurCol -= 1, iDayIndex -=1) {
document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).innerText = iDayIndex;
document.all("Cell" + iCurCol + iCurRow).style.color = mNonCurMonthForeColor;

iDayCol = mDate.getDay();

// highlight the date in the calendar
document.all("Cell" + iDayCol + iDayRow).style.backgroundColor = mSelectBackgroundColor;
mPreviousElement = document.all("Cell" + iDayCol + iDayRow);


/* @Name: put_NonCurForeColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the NonCurForeColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the Color you wish to set the property to

function put_NonCurForeColor(stColor) {
mNonCurMonthForeColor = stColor;

// change the forecolor of the previous month elements

iFinalCol = (mFirstOfMonthCol + 6) % 7;
for(iColIndex = 0; iColIndex <= iFinalCol; iColIndex += 1)
document.all("Cell" + iColIndex + "0").style.color = stColor;

// change the forecolor of the next month's elements

iFirstCol = (mLastOfMonthCol + 1) % 7;
if(iFirstCol == 0)
iFirstRow = mLastOfMonthRow + 1;
iFirstRow = mLastOfMonthRow;

for(iRowIndex = iFirstRow; iRowIndex <= 5; iRowIndex += 1) {
for(iColIndex = iFirstCol; iColIndex <=6; iColIndex += 1) {
document.all("Cell" + iColIndex + iRowIndex).style.color = stColor;


/* @Name: get_NonCurForeColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the NonCurForeColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current NonCurForeColor

function get_NonCurForeColor(stColor) {
return mNonCurMonthForeColor;

/* @Name: put_HeaderColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the HeaderColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the color you wish to set the property to

function put_HeaderColor(stColor) {
mHeaderColor = stColor;

CurMonth.style.color = stColor;
CurYear.style.color = stColor;

DayHeaders.style.color = stColor;


/* @Name: get_HeaderColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the HeaderColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current HeaderColor

function get_HeaderColor(stColor) {
return mHeaderColor;

/* @Name: put_HighlightColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the HighlightColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the color you wish to set the property to

function put_HighlightColor(stColor) {
mHighlightColor = stColor;

/* @Name: get_HighlightColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the HighlightColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current HighlightColor

function get_HighlightColor() {
return mHighlightColor;

/* @Name: put_SelectColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the SelectColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the color you wish to set the property to

function put_SelectColor(stColor) {
mSelectBackgroundColor = stColor;

mPreviousElement.style.backgroundColor = stColor;

/* @Name: get_SelectColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the SelectColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current SelectColor

function get_SelectColor() {
return mSelectBackgroundColor;

/* @Name: put_ForeColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the ForeColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the color you wish to set the property to

function put_ForeColor(stColor) {
mStandardForeColor = stColor;

iFirstCol = mFirstOfMonthCol;

if(iFirstCol == 0)
iFirstRow = 1;
iFirstRow = 0;

for(iColIndex = iFirstCol, iRowIndex = iFirstRow; iRowIndex < mLastOfMonthRow || iColIndex <= mLastOfMonthCol; iColIndex+=1) {
if(iColIndex > 6) {
iColIndex = 0;
iRowIndex += 1;
document.all("Cell" + iColIndex + iRowIndex).style.color = stColor;

/* @Name: get_ForeColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the ForeColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current ForeColor

function get_ForeColor() {
return mStandardForeColor;

/* @Name: put_BackColor
/* @Purpose: Sets the BackColor property
/* @Inputs: stColor - the color you wish to set the property to

function put_BackColor(stColor) {
mStandardBackgroundColor = stColor;
Me.style.backgroundColor = stColor;

document.all("selMonth").style.backgroundColor = stColor;
document.all("selYear").style.backgroundColor = stColor;

for(iColIndex = 0, iRowIndex = 0; iRowIndex <= 4 || iColIndex <= 6; iColIndex += 1) {
if(iColIndex > 6) {
iColIndex = 0;
iRowIndex += 1;
if("Cell" + iColIndex + iRowIndex != mPreviousElement.id)
document.all("Cell" + iColIndex + iRowIndex).style.backgroundColor = stColor;


/* @Name: get_BackColor
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the BackColor property
/* @Output: A string containing the current BackColor

function get_BackColor() {
return mStandardBackgroundColor;

/* @Name: put_Value
/* @Purpose: Sets the Value property and refreshes the calendar
/* @Inputs: stDate - string representing the month, day, and year in
/* "mm/dd/yy[yy]" format

function put_Value(stDate) {
// parse the string for the month, day, and year, and call InitCalendar

InitCalendar(mDate.getMonth(), mDate.getDate(), mDate.getYear());


/* @Name: get_Value
/* @Purpose: Retrieves the Value property of the calendar
/* @Output: Returns a string in "mm/dd/yyyy" format

function get_Value() {
iMonth = mDate.getMonth() + 1;
iYear = mDate.getYear();

return iMonth + "/" + mDate.getDate() + "/" + iYear;

/* @Name: monthChange
/* @Purpose: Event handler for when the month is changed with the dropdown.
/* It refreshes the calendar and raises the appropriate events

function monthChange() {
InitCalendar(mDate.getMonth(), mDate.getDate(), mDate.getYear());

if (InScriptlet) {
window.external.RaiseEvent("OnChange", window.event);
window.external.RaiseEvent("NewMonth", window.event);

/* @Name: selYearChange
/* @Purpose: Event handler for when the year is changed with the dropdown
/* It refreshes the calendar and raises the appropriate events

function selYearChange() {
// to set the year, add 1900 + 70 because the 0th element of the <select> tag has value 70
mDate.setYear(1970 + document.all("selYear").selectedIndex);
InitCalendar(mDate.getMonth(), mDate.getDate(), mDate.getYear());

if (InScriptlet) {
window.external.RaiseEvent("OnChange", window.event);
window.external.RaiseEvent("NewYear", window.event);


/* @Name: getDaysInMonth
/* @Purpose: Determines the number of days in a given month in a given year
/* @Inputs: iMonth - integer representing the month (0 for January)
/* iYear - integer representing the year in "yyyy" format
/* @Output: Integer number of days in the month
function getDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear) {
if(iMonth == 0)
return 31;

else if(iMonth == 1) {
if(iYear%4 == 0 && !(iYear%100 == 0) || iYear%400 == 0)
return 29;
return 28;
else if(iMonth == 2)
return 31;
else if(iMonth == 3)
return 30;
else if(iMonth == 4)
return 31;
else if(iMonth == 5)
return 30;
else if(iMonth == 6)
return 31;
else if(iMonth == 7)
return 31;
else if(iMonth == 8)
return 30;
else if(iMonth == 9)
return 31;
else if(iMonth == 10)
return 30;
return 31;


/* @Name: getStringYear
/* @Purpose: Returns a string representing a year
/* @Inputs: iYear - integer representing the year
/* @Output: A string containing the year
/* @Notes: this is needed to mirror the JavaScript date object's behavior
/* on integers from 0-99

function getStringYear(iYear) {
if(iYear > 100)
return (1900 + iYear);

/* @Name: getStringMonth
/* @Purpose: Get a string associated with an integer month
/* @Inputs: iMonth - the integer month you want to represent as a string
/* @Output: String representing the month that was passed in

function getStringMonth(iMonth) {
if(iMonth == 0)
return "Leden";
else if(iMonth == 1)
return "┌nor";
else if(iMonth == 2)
return "B°ezen";
else if(iMonth == 3)
return "Duben";
else if(iMonth == 4)
return "Kv∞ten";
else if(iMonth == 5)
return "╚erven";
else if(iMonth == 6)
return "╚ervenec";
else if(iMonth == 7)
return "Srpen";
else if(iMonth == 8)
return "Zß°φ";
else if(iMonth == 9)
return "╪φjen";
else if(iMonth == 10)
return "Listopad";
return "Prosinec";

/* @Name: CalendarClick
/* @Purpose: Event handler for all clicks on the calendar.

function CalendarClick() {

current = window.event.srcElement;

// three of the possible click locations need to be processed.
// 1. A click on a day in the current month
// 2. A click on a day in the previous month
// 3. A click on a day in the next month

if (IsValidCurMonthElement(current)) {

clickedDay = current.innerText;

// make sure the click didn't occur on the day that was already selected
if(clickedDay != mDate.getDate()) {

mPreviousElement.style.backgroundColor = mStandardBackgroundColor;
current.style.color = mStandardForeColor;
current.style.backgroundColor = mSelectBackgroundColor;

mPreviousElement = current;


if (InScriptlet) { window.external.RaiseEvent("OnChange", window.event); }

} else if(IsValidPrevMonthElement(current)) {

// the click occurred in the previous month, so back up a month and
// refresh the calendar

iYear = mDate.getYear();

iNewMonth = mDate.getMonth() - 1;
if(iNewMonth < 0) {
iNewMonth = 11;
iYear -= 1;

// HACK: the innerText has weird chars at the end,
// so let the date object parse it and pass to InitCalendar()
InitCalendar(iNewMonth, mDate.getDate(), iYear);

if (InScriptlet) {
window.external.RaiseEvent("OnChange", window.event);
window.external.RaiseEvent("NewMonth", window.event);

// if the new current month is December, then it's the
// previous year
if(iNewMonth == 11) {
if (InScriptlet) { window.external.RaiseEvent("NewYear", window.event); }

} else if(IsValidNextMonthElement(current)) {

// the click occurred in the following month, so move forward a month and
// refresh the calendar

iNewMonth = mDate.getMonth() + 1;
iYear = mDate.getYear();
if(iNewMonth > 11) {
iNewMonth = 0;
iYear += 1;

InitCalendar(iNewMonth, mDate.getDate(), iYear);

if (InScriptlet) {
window.external.RaiseEvent("OnChange", window.event);
window.external.RaiseEvent("NewMonth", window.event);

// if the new current month is January, then it's a new year
if(iNewMonth == 0) {
if (InScriptlet) { window.external.RaiseEvent("NewYear", window.event); }

// bubble the click event so the container can catch it
if (InScriptlet) { window.external.bubbleEvent(); }

/* @Name: mseOver
/* @Purpose: Event handler for when the mouse moves into different table
// elements of the calendar
function mseOver() {
el = window.event.srcElement;
if(IsValidCurMonthElement(el) && el != mPreviousElement) {
el.style.color = mHighlightColor;

/* @Name: mseOut
/* @Purpose: Event handler for when the mouse moves out of each table
// element of the calendar

function mseOut() {
el = window.event.srcElement;
if(IsValidCurMonthElement(el)) {
el.style.color = mStandardForeColor;

/* @Name: IsValidNextMonthElement
/* @Purpose: Determines if the table element that was clicked on is a day
/* in the next month
/* @Inputs: el - The source element for the event
/* @Output: true - if the element is from the next month
/* false - otherwise

function IsValidNextMonthElement(el) {
retVal = false;
if(el.id.substring(0, 4) == "Cell") {
iCol = el.id.substring(4, 5);
iRow = el.id.substring(5, 6);

if(iRow > mLastOfMonthRow || iRow == mLastOfMonthRow && iCol > mLastOfMonthCol)
retVal = true;

return retVal;

/* @Name: IsValidPrevMonthElement
/* @Purpose: Determines if the table element that was clicked on is a day
/* in the previous month
/* @Inputs: el - The source element for the event
/* @Output: true - if the element is from the previous month
/* false - otherwise

function IsValidPrevMonthElement(el) {
retVal = false;

// make sure it's one of the day elements
if(el.id.substring(0, 4) == "Cell") {
iCol = el.id.substring(4, 5);
iRow = el.id.substring(5, 6);

if(iRow == 0)
if(mFirstOfMonthCol == 0 || iCol < mFirstOfMonthCol)
retVal = true;

return retVal;

/* @Name: IsValidCurMonthElement
/* @Purpose: Determines if the table element that was clicked on is a day
/* in the current month
/* @Inputs: el - The source element for the event
/* @Output: true - if the element is from the current month
/* false - otherwise

function IsValidCurMonthElement(el) {
retVal = false;

// make sure it's one of the day elements...
if(el.id.substring(0, 4) == "Cell") {
iCol = el.id.substring(4, 5);
iRow = el.id.substring(5, 6);

if(iRow == 0) {
if(0 < mFirstOfMonthCol && mFirstOfMonthCol <= iCol)
retVal = true;
} else if (iRow < mLastOfMonthRow || (iRow == mLastOfMonthRow && iCol <= mLastOfMonthCol))
retVal = true;


return retVal;


<!-- JCan add "onmousedown=external.bubbleEvent() onmouseup=external.bubbleEvent()" if interested. -->

<table width="100%" onclick="CalendarClick()" onmouseover="mseOver()"
onmouseout="mseOut()" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<th align="center" colspan="3" width="43%"><span id="CurMonth">m∞sφc a</span> <span
<th align="center" colspan="2" width="29%"><select id="selMonth" name="selMonth"
onchange="monthChange()" size="1">
<option value="0">Leden</option>
<option value="1">┌nor</option>
<option value="2">B°ezen</option>
<option value="3">Duben</option>
<option value="4">Kv∞ten</option>
<option value="5">╚erven</option>
<option value="6">╚ervenec</option>
<option value="7">Srpen</option>
<option value="8">Zß°φ</option>
<option value="9">╪φjen</option>
<option value="10">Listopad</option>
<option value="11">Prosinec</option>
<th align="center" colspan="2" width="28%"><select id="selYear" name="selYear"
onchange="selYearChange()" size="1">
<option value="70">1970</option>
<option value="71">1971</option>
<option value="72">1972</option>
<option value="73">1973</option>
<option value="74">1974</option>
<option value="75">1975</option>
<option value="76">1976</option>
<option value="77">1977</option>
<option value="78">1978</option>
<option value="79">1979</option>
<option value="80">1980</option>
<option value="81">1981</option>
<option value="82">1982</option>
<option value="83">1983</option>
<option value="84">1984</option>
<option value="85">1985</option>
<option value="86">1986</option>
<option value="87">1987</option>
<option value="88">1988</option>
<option value="89">1989</option>
<option value="90">1990</option>
<option value="91">1991</option>
<option value="92">1992</option>
<option value="93">1993</option>
<option value="94">1994</option>
<option value="95">1995</option>
<option value="96">1996</option>
<option value="97">1997</option>
<option value="98">1998</option>
<option value="99">1999</option>
<option value="100">2000</option>
<option value="101">2001</option>
<option value="102">2002</option>
<option value="103">2003</option>
<option value="104">2004</option>
<option value="105">2005</option>
<option value="106">2006</option>
<option value="107">2007</option>
<option value="108">2008</option>
<option value="109">2009</option>
<option value="110">2010</option>
</select> </th>
<tr id="DayHeaders">
<th align="center" width="14%">Ned∞le </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">Pond∞lφ </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">┌ter² </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">St°eda </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">╚tvrtek </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">Pßtek </th>
<th align="center" width="14%">Sobota </th>
<td id="Cell00" align="center" id="r1c1" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell10" align="center" id="r1c2" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell20" align="center" id="r1c3" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell30" align="center" id="r1c4" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell40" align="center" id="r1c5" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell50" align="center" id="r1c6" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell60" align="center" id="r1c7" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell01" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell11" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell21" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell31" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell41" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell51" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell61" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell02" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell12" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell22" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell32" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell42" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell52" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell62" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell03" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell13" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell23" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell33" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell43" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell53" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell63" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell04" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell14" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell24" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell34" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell44" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell54" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell64" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell05" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell15" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell25" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell35" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell45" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell55" align="center" width="14%"> </td>
<td id="Cell65" align="center" width="14%"> </td>