; Name, Width, Height ; Register code (if you have it) ; URL where go optionally when clicked ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Image to load ; resolution (1-8) ; mode (1-6) ; rotation speed (1-8) ; zoom min value (0-80) ; zoom max value (0-80) ; zoom speed (1-20) ; distort modify x (0-8) ; distort modify y (0-8) ; auto wait 1 (0-10000) ; auto wait 2 (0-10000) ; File for scrolltext or "NO" ; Txtscroll y offset ; Txtscroll speed ; Txtscroll font name ; Txtscroll bold ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll font size ; Txtscroll shadow ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll color (red component) ; Txtscroll color (green component) ; Txtscroll color (blue component) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (red c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (green c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (blue c.) ; Txtscroll jump aplitude ; Txtscroll jump speed ; Txtscroll sineshape amplitude ; Txtscroll sineshape movement ; Txtscroll sineangle / pixel ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Message for no java browsers. ; End of applet tag --------- Here detailed instructions about how to change parameters: The credits parameter can't be changed otherwise the applet will not work. To activate the reg parameters read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter you have to place the registration code you purchase from the author. If it is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, you can use "reglink" parameter, where you can specify an URL where bring user when the applet is clicked. If you set to "YES" regnewframe, you can specify a frame where load the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. Otherwise the frame name, for example "myframe1". The image must be large equally to one of the powers of 2 (64x64 pixel, or 32x64, 128x128, ...)., GIF or JPG format. Valid sizes, for example, are 8*8, 8*16, 8*32, 16*32, 32*16, 32*32, 64*64, 64*32, 128*32, 128*64, 32*128, 128*128, 256*128... The size of the applet is determined by width and height tags, and can be different from the size of the image, offcourse. The res parameter determine the resolution: with res=1 pixels are small, but effect is slow, with res=8 pixels are too great but effect is faster. I think the best choices are 1-3. Rotmode is the mode of running. Here the modes: 1) Zoom and Rotate 2) Rotate only 3) Zoom only 4) Distort only 5) Zoom and Distort 6) Automatic show: ZoomOnly, then Zoom&Rotate, then Zoom&Distort Offcouse you can control the speed of rotation wirh rspeed, the min value and max value for zoom (when change zoom direction) with zoommin and zoommax, and offcourse the speed of zoom with zoomspd. You can also determine the distort factors: modix for X axis and modiy for the Y axis. Finally, you can decide the timing of mode 6 (automatic show): auto1 is the time to wait before swap between zoom and zoom&rotate, and auto2 is used to wait the other swap, from zoom&rotate to zoom&distort. Offcouse swap2 must be >= swap1. If swap1=0 then you skip Zoom and start directly with Zoom&rotate. If swap1=swap2 you skip Zoom&Rotate, jumping from zoom only to distort&rotate, and so on....