This applet can generate and animate in realtime a waving flag. The flags of 34 nations are supported. If the flag you are searching for is not supported by this applet, please check the new FlagLoad aplet, that can load any GIF/JPG flag. Remember that are needed both Anflag.class , Lware.class and anfy.class. You must upload these 3 .class files and insert the tag on your html document to add this applet to your page. This applet is fully parametrized, so you can change flag setting the one of your nations, and change the intensity and speed of wind. Here an example of what you have to write in the html (the things anfter the ; are comments with min-max values acceptet): ; Name, Width, Height ; Register code (if you have it) ; URL where go optionally when clicked ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Resolution (1-8) ; RED comp. of backg. color (0-255) ; GREEN comp. of backg. color (0-255) ; BLUE comp. of backg. color (0-255) ; Type of drawing pattern (1-8) ; Speed of wind ; Curve level (1-5) ; Wind intensity (0-20) ; Nation (1-34) ; File for scrolltext or "NO" ; Txtscroll y offset ; Txtscroll speed ; Txtscroll font name ; Txtscroll bold ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll font size ; Txtscroll shadow ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll color (red component) ; Txtscroll color (green component) ; Txtscroll color (blue component) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (red c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (green c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (blue c.) ; Txtscroll jump aplitude ; Txtscroll jump speed ; Txtscroll sineshape amplitude ; Txtscroll sineshape movement ; Txtscroll sineangle / pixel ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Message for no java browsers. ; End of applet tag --------- Here detailed instructions about how to change parameters: The credits parameter can't be changed otherwise the applet will not work. To activate the reg parameters read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter you have to place the registration code you purchase from the author. If it is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, you can use "reglink" parameter, where you can specify an URL where bring user when the applet is clicked. If you set to "YES" regnewframe, you can specify a frame where load the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. Otherwise the frame name, for example "myframe1". The parameter res is the resizer, but I think in this applet the best value is 1, because enlarging screen cause worst and slower effect. You can change the background colour for best results over your web page, the RGB values are same as HTML tags, but in decimal values. The style of painting can be changed with the parameter "pattern": 1 = small dots 2 = double dots 3 = stars 4 = stars with central hole 5 = triangles 6 = triple dots 7 = triple dots dithered 1 8 = triple dots dithered 2 The "speed" parameter will control speed of effect. The "curve" level will change the Y perturbation intensity. The "wind" value will change the metereologic situation: 0 = no waving, and 20 = uragan. Be careful... you have to manually set the width and height in tag, following this table: wind=0 -> width=151 height=101 wind=1 -> width=153 height=103 wind=2 -> width=155 height=105 wind=3 -> width=157 height=107 wind=4 -> width=159 height=109 wind=5 -> width=161 height=111 wind=6 -> width=163 height=113 wind=7 -> width=165 height=115 wind=8 -> width=167 height=117 wind=9 -> width=169 height=119 wind=10 -> width=171 height=121 wind=11 -> width=173 height=123 wind=12 -> width=175 height=125 wind=13 -> width=177 height=127 wind=14 -> width=179 height=129 wind=15 -> width=181 height=131 wind=16 -> width=183 height=133 wind=17 -> width=185 height=135 wind=18 -> width=187 height=137 wind=19 -> width=189 height=139 wind=20 -> width=191 height=141 I am sorry of this, but browsers does not resize() the applet. The most important parameter is: "nation". The applets supports 34 flags of 34 nations, that you can specify with a number. Here the list: 1 = Italy 2 = Spain 3 = France 4 = Ireland 5 = Austria 6 = Germany 7 = Netherlands (Holland) 8 = Belgium 9 = Luxembourg 10 = Sweden 11 = Norway 12 = Iceland 13 = Groenland 14 = Denmark 15 = Finland 16 = Poland 17 = Hungary 18 = Switzerland 19 = South Africa 20 = Russia 21 = Japan 22 = Israel 23 = Greece 24 = Usa 25 = Canada 26 = Australia 27 = New Zealand 28 = United Kingdom (England) 29 = Argentina 30 = Peru' 31 = Venezuela 32 = Mexico 33 = Brazil 34 = Colombia