ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus ====================== This distribution of ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus (TBAV) for Windows comprises the latest release of TBAV for Windows. 1) Understanding the automatic update feature 2) Making special installation sets 3) Automatic update feature for laptops 1) Understanding the automatic update feature --------------------------------------------- This release provides you with an automatic update feature. Using this option of TBAV for Windows, it is possible to automatically update this version to a more recent version. To configure the automatic update feature, you can either install TBAV for Windows in the normal way and alter the setting via the 'Options' menu by clicking the 'Automatic Update feature' item, or you can edit the accompanying TbLoad.Ini file manually. The TbLoad.Ini file comprises three keywords: [TbLoad] UpdateDir=C:\TBAV\UPDATE ; or C:\TBAVWNT, C:\TBAVW95 TimeStamp=04-03-1996, 07:01:00 UseTbLoad=1 The first keyword, 'UpdateDir', specifies the (shared) directory that will contain the files of newer releases. In a network environment, we recommend you to dedicate a public server directory for TBAV updates. The second keyword labeled 'TimeStamp' is used by the automatic update feature to see wether or not files need to be updated. This timestamp refers to the last time TBAV for Windows was updated automatically. The last keyword is used to enable or disable the Automatic update feature. When this line says 'UseTbLoad=1' automatic updating is enabled. You can switch the automatic update feature off by changing the line into 'UseTbLoad=0'. Please specify the update directory parameter in TbLoad.Ini carefully! We receive a lot of support calls from users who tell us that the Automatic Update Feature doesn't work; after some time we always find out that the users didn't change the 'UpdateDir' entry in TbLoad.Ini to their own settings. So, if your system administrator created a dedicated public network directory for TBAV updates, eg., "J:\PUBLIC\TBAV_UPD", remember to change the 'UpdateDir' entry in TbLoad.Ini to 'UpdateDir=J:\PUBLIC\TBAV_UPD'. 2) Making special installation sets ----------------------------------- By changing some options in the SETUP.INF you can alter the default settings from the Windows SETUP dialogs. The default settings are put in the [Defaults] section in the SETUP.INF. Following is a list of settings which defaults can be altered. DestinationPath = C:\TBAV Installation = 0 ; 0 = First-time, express installation ; 1 = First-time, custom installation ; 2 = Update installation The following options only hold for First-time, express installation Per default 0 = No, and 1 = Yes on the given command. AddProgManGroup = 1 ; Create Program Manager group in MS-Windows ? AddShellExt = 1 ; Install Windows shell extensions CreateDriveATarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan drive A: ? CreateDriveBTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan drive B: ? CreateLocalTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan local drives ? CreateNetworkTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan remote drives ? CreateCDRomTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan CD-Rom drive ? CreateFullScanTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan all drives ? PromptForDirectory = 1 ; Ask for non-existent directories to be created ? DisableStopButton = 0 ; Disable Stop button while installing