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TI1557D.txt   Moving Projects Between Machines or Directories
Category   :General Programming
Platform    :All
Product    :Delphi  All

Moving Projects Between Machines

	The main files involved in a project are the DPR, DFM, PAS, and
RES. These are the main files in any project. There are other files
associated with any project. This document focuses on these because they
are the minimum files you need to move a project.

	Moving a project between machines is easy if you follow a few
simple rules. First keep all the files associated with the project in
the same directory. This allows for quick movement all in one operation.
To move the files copy the entire directory to a new temporary directory.
Now delete all the files except those with these extensions DPR, PAS, DFM,
and RES. All the other files will be recreated during the first build.
Having a single directory eliminates questions as to which version of a
dcu or pas file is going into the build. If third party components are in
the project you should install those on to the Delphi Component Palette
of the target machine before attempting to open the project on that
	If the project files were not all in one directory you may end up
editing the DPR file to provide the appropriate new path information on
the target machine. The text involved is in the uses clause of the DPR or
main project file. You may also choose to preserve the DSK files or the
DOF files if you have a specific need to preserve your desktop setttings
or your project options settings respectively. The options file can be
important in cases where you have specific unit aliases, you have specified
directories under project options, use packages, version info, run
parameters, and version info. The dsk file is less critical and generally
not moved with a project.

	The res file should be moved with the project in cases where your
project uses custom cursors, icons, string resources, bitmaps, etc. These
are resources included by you with the compiler directive to be linked into
the project and become part of the executable. The sting resources are used
for internationalization or localization. Other custom resource are visual
enhancment of the project user interface.

	For more detailed information on the specific file types referred
to in this document see the TI on file types, TI 3213.



7/16/98 4:34:16 PM

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