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Technical Information Database

TI1033D.txt - Printing in the DOS IDE under Windows 95

Category   :Printing
Platform   :All-32Bit
Product    :

		Printing from the DOS IDE in Windows 95

	To print from the Borland Pascal IDE under Windows 95 can
require more than just selecting print from the file menu. Follow
this step by step procedure if you can print from Windows applications
but cannot print from the DOS IDE.

1.Open the printers folder under the control panel sub-directory. You
can get to the control panel by going from the start button to the
settings then click control panel. Inside control panel double click
the printers folder.

2.Click the icon for the printer you are going to print on.

3.On the file menu click properties.

4.Click on the details tab and then click on the Capture Printer 
Port button.

5.In the Device list, select the printer port that you want to capture.

6.Type the network path to the printer, and then click OK to save the

7.In the Print To The Following Port dialog box, select the port you
just mapped.

For a handy additional reference on the topic also see the Windows help
file under "Capture".



4/22/99 12:57:44 PM

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