object EditForm: TEditForm Left = 766 Top = 62 Width = 481 Height = 406 Hint = 'Structure diagram window' HelpContext = 114 Caption = 'unnamed' Color = clWindow Ctl3D = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsMDIChild Icon.Data = {} KeyPreview = True Menu = MainMenu1 OldCreateOrder = True Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False Visible = True OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnDeactivate = FormDeactivate OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown OnMouseWheelDown = FormMouseWheelDown OnMouseWheelUp = FormMouseWheelUp OnResize = FormResize PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 473 Height = 360 ActivePage = Programmtext Align = alClient ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 OnChange = PageControl1Change object Programmtext: TTabSheet Caption = '&Source code' object PaintBox2: TPaintBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 465 Height = 329 Align = alClient OnPaint = PaintBox2Paint end object ProgTHScrollBar: TScrollBar Left = 248 Top = 360 Width = 121 Height = 20 PageSize = 0 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = ProgTHScrollBarChange end object ProgTVScrollBar: TScrollBar Left = 677 Top = 113 Width = 16 Height = 120 Kind = sbVertical PageSize = 0 TabOrder = 1 OnChange = ProgTVScrollBarChange end end object Struktur: TTabSheet Caption = 'Stru&cture' object PaintBox1: TPaintBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 465 Height = 315 Align = alClient Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -17 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 ShowHint = True OnMouseDown = PaintBox1MouseDown OnPaint = PaintBox1Paint end object VertikalBar: TScrollBar Left = 418 Top = -18 Width = 20 Height = 368 Kind = sbVertical PageSize = 0 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = VertikalBarChange end object HorizontalBar: TScrollBar Left = 0 Top = 339 Width = 351 Height = 21 PageSize = 0 TabOrder = 1 OnChange = HorizontalBarChange end end end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu AutoMerge = True Left = 335 object File1: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Closes the active window' object Open1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Opens a file' OnClick = Open1Click end object Schlieen1: TMenuItem Caption = 'C&lose' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Closes the active window' OnClick = Schlieen1Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Exit1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Exit' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Terminates SCE ' OnClick = Exit1Click end end object Struktur1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Structure' GroupIndex = 1 HelpContext = 103 object Erkennen1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Recognize...' HelpContext = 115 Hint = 'Opens a dialog for language settings.' OnClick = Erkennen1Click end object Bildschirmdarstellung1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Monitor depiction...' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Opens a dialog for the monitor depiction of the structure charts' + '.' OnClick = Bidschirmdarstellung1Click end object Druckoptionen1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Print &options' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Opens a dialog for setting the print options.' OnClick = Druckoptionen1Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Printer &settings...' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Opens a dialog for the printer settings.' OnClick = Druckereinstellungen1Click end object Drucken1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Prints the structure chart of the active window.' OnClick = Drucken1Click end end object Suchen: TMenuItem Caption = 'S&earch' GroupIndex = 2 HelpContext = 119 Hint = 'Search for line numbers or words.' object Zeilennumer: TMenuItem Caption = '&Line number...' HelpContext = 120 Hint = 'Search for line number.' ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = ZeilennumerClick end object Wort: TMenuItem Caption = '&Word...' HelpContext = 121 Hint = 'Search for words.' ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = WortClick end object Weitersuchen: TMenuItem Caption = '&Continue Search' HelpContext = 119 Hint = 'Continues search.' ShortCut = 114 OnClick = WeitersuchenClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Suchergebnisse1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Search &results' Enabled = False HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Shows a list of search results if available' OnClick = Suchergebnisse1Click end object Suchergebnissedrucken1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print search results' Enabled = False HelpContext = 103 OnClick = Suchergebnissedrucken1Click end object Listelschen1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete list' Enabled = False HelpContext = 103 OnClick = Listelschen1Click end end object Optionen1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' GroupIndex = 3 object Registry1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Registry' HelpContext = 118 Hint = 'Opens a dialog to set double click actions.' OnClick = Registry1Click end end object Fenster1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Window' GroupIndex = 4 HelpContext = 103 object Nebeneinander1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Tile &horizontaly' Hint = 'Shows all windows side by side.' OnClick = Nebeneinander1Click end object Aufteilen1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Tile &vertical' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Shows all windows one on top of the other.' OnClick = Aufteilen1Click end object Fchern1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Cascade' HelpContext = 103 Hint = '&Shows all windows overlapping.' OnClick = Fchern1Click end object Iconsausrichten1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Arrange Icons' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Arranges all icons' OnClick = Iconsausrichten1Click end end object Hilfe1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' GroupIndex = 5 HelpContext = 103 object Inhalt1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Contents' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Shows the contents of the helpfile' OnClick = Inhalt1Click end object ber1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About...' HelpContext = 103 OnClick = ber1Click end object Demodruck1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Demo printout' HelpContext = 103 Hint = 'Makes a demonstration printout of the file provided.' OnClick = Demodruck1Click end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SCEHomepage1: TMenuItem Caption = '&SCE Homepage...' OnClick = SCEHomepage1Click end object Onlineregistration1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Online &Registration...' HelpContext = 123 Hint = 'Register online with your credit card.' OnClick = Onlineregistration1Click end end end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu Alignment = paCenter Left = 172 Top = 95 object Darstellung1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Monitor depiction' OnClick = Darstellung1Click end object Druckoptionen2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Print &options' OnClick = Druckoptionen2Click end object Drucken2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print' OnClick = Drucken1Click end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Zeilennummersuchen1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Search &line number' HelpContext = 120 ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = Zeilennummersuchen1Click end object Wortsuchen1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Search &word' HelpContext = 121 ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = Wortsuchen1Click end object Weitersuchen1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Continue search' Enabled = False HelpContext = 119 ShortCut = 114 OnClick = Weitersuchen1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Suchergebnisse2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Search &results' Enabled = False HelpContext = 119 OnClick = Suchergebnisse2Click end object Suchergebnissedrucken2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print search results' Enabled = False HelpContext = 119 OnClick = Suchergebnissedrucken2Click end object Listelschen2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete list' Enabled = False HelpContext = 119 OnClick = Listelschen2Click end end object ScrollTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 200 OnTimer = ScrollTimerTimer Left = 228 Top = 71 end object PrinterSetupDialog1: TPrinterSetupDialog Left = 292 Top = 63 end object PrintDialog1: TPrintDialog Left = 212 Top = 55 end object SaveFileDialog: TSaveDialog Left = 260 Top = 135 end end