Defining and Using Macros

A user-defined macro represents a named value stored under a registry key. You use these macros to specify file paths when you add files to copy, ActiveX controls, or shortcuts to a profile.

For example, suppose an application stores its installation directory in the registry:

If you want Triage Client to look for files, ActiveX controls, or shortcuts in this installation directory, you can define a macro for the InstallDir registry entry:

Then you can use this macro to specify the location of the file. Just select a file and type the string "$(CensusInstallDir)\" in front of the file name:

The CensusInstallDir macro represents the InstallDir entry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Metaquest\Census97\General registry key.

When Triage Client audits a user's computer, it replaces $(CensusInstallDir) with the value of the InstallDir entry in the user's registry.

When you use a macro to specify the path to a file, Triage Client looks only in that location for the file. Otherwise, Triage Client searches all drives for the file.

What do you want to do?
Topic link   Define a macro
Topic link   Use a macro to specify a file location