Applications often depend on components, such as OLE 32 or ODBC, that are shared by many applications. Triage Wizard allows you to define profiles for shared components, and then include these component profiles (otherwise known as templates) in any application profile.
Using templates makes it easier to build and maintain profiles, because common profile information is not repeated in every profile. When you need to edit the profile of a shared component, you don't have to edit every application profile. You just have to edit the template for that shared component.
Shared components can be system components such as OLE and ODBC, or application-specific components shared by a family of similar applications. For example, if you ship several different versions of the same application, you can use a template to hold the profile information common to all versions of the application. Each application profile then includes the template, and adds profile information specific to that version.
Templates are saved in .TRT files. Like a profile file (.TRP), a .TRT file is an ASCII file.