Industrial Property Office



Industrial Property Office is one of the central bodies of the Czech Republic State Administration and is working mostly in the field of patent and trademark granting. This is not the only function though to grant patents for inventions and to keep register of trademarks. Under the industrial property we understand today the whole series of the rights to so called immaterial goods such as the results of the technical creativity (inven tions and utility models), objects of industrially applied arts (industrial designs), and also the marking (trademarks and appellations of origin). The range of the ob jects of industrial property is growing on. Also topographies of semiconductor products and other objects have been newly included there. The government body decision is needed to constitute them as industrial rights, that would recognize them for such and register them in a public collection. This is the role of Industrial Property Office and the cause of its name.

Being the public administration body the Office also guarantees membership of international treaties on industrial property protection, binding for the Czech Republic. It is also acting in the field of development of industrial property rights and protection.


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Last actualization: 1997-12-15.