Industrial Property Office |
The Library of the Industrial Property Office stores about 20 mil. patent documents in its collections, arranged according to countries and patent classification, Patent Gazettes, Abstract Journals and further aids to work with this special kind of the technical literature, for example classification schedules, concordance tables, annual lists of patents.
The major part of the patent literature colleetion is stored in paper form. Most of it are originals of patent specifications. Minor part is on microfiches and microfilms.
The range of patent literature on the new carriers - CD-ROMs is growing lately. Complete collection ofthe Eu ropean patent applications and patents, since the year 1990 PCT applications and the part of the patent collections of United Kingdom, USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Benelux States, Denmark and Austria are at disposal on this modern carrier in the patent library. Also CD-ROM ESPACE PRECES is available since half year 1993, containing jointly patent documents of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic (each document of the Czech Republic is accompanied by the respective abstract in English). Patent documents of 29 states incl. 2 international or- ganizations and Official Gazettes of 43 states are available to users.
At present time the visitors of the Public Reading Room can use the numerical and classified collections of patent documents, collections of domestic industrial designs and trademarks.
The Patent Library of the Office is by the facility of data network linked with the whole array of the database centres abroad and with the information centres of the European Patent Office in Vienna and Hague what make possible to receive the most recent legal and technical information in the matter of inventions, utility models and trademarks.
The above mentioned resources enable to provide the following services to the public:
- lending service in the public reading room, covering all patent literature incl. utility models and industrial designs as well as manuals to use it (classification schedules, glossaries)
- copying and reprographic services upon request or on the place
- sale of specialised publications from the industrial property field issued by the Office
- search and consultation services from the whole industrial property area
- information from the Office's register.
As a special service for the public the following searches upon request are carried out.
a/ State of the art searches:
For the purposes of R & D tasks, new production programs seeking, licence purchase etc., because the patent literature provides the latest information of the world - wide state of the art.
b/ Novelty searches:
The result of the search is a preliminary information whether a certain solution is new in the light of the world - wide state of the art on the date of the search providing.
c/ Infringement searches:
The most difficult and most important kind of search is meant to find out, if some solution can be used freely on the certain territory without the danger of a patent or similar rights infringement by third persons.
d/ Patent families searches:
These searches allow to find where the invention is granted. It is possible to ascertain, through patent data bases updated daily or weekly (EPIDOS-INPADOC) the recent legal status of patent documents.
e/ Company's, author's, applicant's or owner's name searches:
This search answers fast the question, what and where is filed or protected by the patent of the particular subject.
f/ Searches for national trademarks and international registration according to Madrid Agreement.
In case of searches the database center services are used successfully, providing special patent databases such as EPIDOS, WPI - DERWENT, PATDPA, JAPI0. Although the price of the searches is relatively high in these databases, the essential time saving (as 90%) and also obtained data completeness justify fully their use.
(Patents from the Region of Eastern and Central European States)