Table of contents
- The OBI in Hellas
- The profile of the OBI
- Publications
- The procedure towards the grant of protection
titles in Hellas
- The OBI as a technical information source from
patents in Hellas
- Statistics
- Legal Framework
- Cooperation programs with international
The competence of
the OBI focuses on the protection of inventions and the provision of
technical information from patents. For the protection of the inventions
on domestic basis, the OBI grants Patents and Utility Model Certificates
(UMC)as well as certificates for the registration of the topographies of
semiconductor products. Additionally, the Organization mediates as a
Receiving Office for European Patent applications and PCT filing
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The Industrial
Property Organization, i.e. the Hellenic Patent Office, is a financially
and administratively independent body corporate under private law
supervised by the Ministry for Industry, Energy, and Technology; under
its current status it has been established in 1987 and operates since
01/01/1988 having succeeded the Patent Section in the Ministry for
Industry, Energy and Technology.
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- Industrial Property Bulletin
- A monthly publication containing the publications of the
protection titles (applications and grants) including bibliographic
data, abstracts, and drawings.
- How to get a Patent and/or a UMC brochure
- A brochure containing instructions to the applicants about the
procedures for filing or grant of Patents and UMCs.
- Legal Texts
- A collection of legal texts related to the Organization's
- How to get a European Patent
- The European Patent Office guide in the Hellenic language.
- Industrial Property Glossary
- A trilingual (hellenic-English-French) Glossary containing
Industrial Property terms selected from international conventions on
industrial property.
- Annual Report
- A yearly publication on the activities of the OBI.
- Information on Technology from Patents
- A publication describing the possibilities from the technical
information provided by the OBI.
- Informative leaflets
- A variety of informative leaflets on different subjects.
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A. Patents
- Filing with the OBI of the patent application with all relevant
- Term of 4 months for any corrections or completion of the
- Checking and evaluation of the novelty and inventive step of the
invention/search report
- Term of 3 months for applicant's remarks on the search report
- Final search report
- Grant of patent
B. Utility Model Certificates
- Filing with the OBI of the application with all relevant
documents or conversion of a patent application into a utility model
certificate application
- Term of 4 months for any corrections or completion of the
- Grant of Utility Model Certificate(no prior checking of novelty
and industrial applicability on the applicant's responsibility)
C. Certificate for the Registration of a Topography of a
Semiconductor Product
- Filing with the OBI of the application with all relevant
- Term of 4 months for submission of additional documents so that
the application is deemed complete (otherwise deemed not-filed)
- Grant of Certificate for the Registration of a Topography of
Semiconductor Product
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The OBI has important archives containing
patents from Hellas and other countries in the following forms:
- CD-ROM collections with the following series:
- Hellemic language patent documents in paper form
- Microfilms with US and PCT patent documents
OBI has
subscriptions with Dialog and Questel while having EPOQUE connection
with the EPO's computer in The Hague. OBI has 7 EPOQUE
workstations used by examiners in both Search Reports and
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The Industrial Property
Organization participates in the following Conventions:
- the Paris Convention (on the protection of the Industrial
Property, Stockholm Act)
- the European Patent Convention
- the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- the European Community Patent Convention
- the Budapest Treaty (on the International Recognition of the
Deposit of Microorganisms)
- the Paris Convention on the International Expositions
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The OBI has developed bilateral relations and
participated in cooperation programs with:
- the European Union
- the European Patent Office and
- neighboring institutions of the member-States of the European
Community and other European countries.
Furthermore, the OBI has trained in its premises personnel from
Hungary, Romania, Moldavia, Bulgaria, and Albania.
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