Industrial Property Office


Industrial design, as the new external appearance of the product is registered by the Industrial Property Office after the written application filed in the receiving office. The industrial design application may contain up to 20 external appearances of products of the same kind or the file of products intended for joint use, belonging in one class of goods. The official form can be used for the application the indispensable part of which is of course a photograph or the drawing of the industrial design and/or its description, summarizing those features of the design, representing its novelty. The Office shall mark the date of filing on the application and issues the certificate on it to the applicant. The Office carries out the examination of the application on the registrability of the given industrial design. The industrial design procedure as opposed to the utility mod- els is not carried out on the principle of registration, but similarly as patent procedure it is backed by the substantive examination, the application is not published before registration. Any new two-or three-dimensional design of the product that is susceptible of industrial application e.g. also the work of applied art can be recorded in the Industrial Design Register. As opposed to this, technological or construction solution, the external appearance transferred from other prod- uct, the substitution of material, architeetural concept of the building and/or such modification which can be ascertained only by special attention, cannot be an industrial design. The record in the Register, of that the owner is given the certificate, is valid for 5 years since application filing. The given time can be extended twice as a maximum at another five years. The owner of the industrial design has an exclusive right to usΘ and dispose of it. The Office is publishing the industrial design registration in the Gazette.

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