Publications - bulletins and working papers

- Stavame se spolecnosti strednich trid? [Are We Becoming a Middle Class Society?] - Petr Mateju
- Vydelky, prijmy domacnosti a majetek: jak se posiluji trzni nerovnosti? [Household Earnings, Income, and Property: Are Market Inequalities Increasing?] - Jiri Vecernik
- Co rikaji volby do Snemovny o ceske politicke scene? [What the Elections to the Chamber of Deputies Reveal About the Czech Political Scene?] - Klara Vlachova
- Volby do Senatu: volici, osobnosti, strany a ideologie. [The Senate Elections: The Voters, Personalities, Parties and Ideologies] - Petr Mateju and Klara Vlachova
- Soucasne populacni trendy v ceske spolecnosti. [Current Population Trends in Czech Society] - Ladislav Rabusic
- Verejne mineni a spolecensky vyvoj. Je nase spolecnost v krizi? [Public Opinion and Social Development. Is Our Society in a State of Crisis?] - Petr Mateju and Jiri Vecernik
- Trh prace: dosavadni vyvoj a ceska specifika. [The Labor Market: Main Trends and Specific Features] - Kamil Janacek and Marie Frydmanova
- Transformace vzdelavaci soustavy: kvantitativni zmeny a mezinarodni srovnani. [The Transformation of the Educational System: Changes and International Comparison] - Ladislav Cerych
- Strategie ceskych politickych stran po volbach v roce 1996 [The Strategy of Czech Political Parties following the 1996 Elections.] (Petr Fiala, Miroslav Mares, Pavel Pseja)
- Jakou chceme vladu? Nazory na roli statu v Ceske republice, evropskych zemich a USA [What Kind of Government do We Want? Opinions about the Role of Government in the Czech Republic, Europe, and in the U.S.A.] (Klara Vlachova)
- Jak se prerozdeluji prijmy? Dane a davky v letech 1989 - 1996 [The Redistribution of Revenues: Taxes and Social Benefits, 1989-1996.] (Jiri Vecernik)
- Promeny ve vnimani uspechu, bohatstvi a chudoby - "americky sen" nebo "italska cesta"? [Changes in the Perception of Success, Wealth, and Poverty: "American Dream" or "Italian Road"?] (Petr Mateju, Martin Kreidl)

- Turning Left or Class Realignment? Analysis of the Changing Relationship between Class and Party in the Czech Republic, 1992 - 1996. - Petr Mateju and Blanka Rehakova

- Objektivni mobilita, subjektivni mobilita a zivotni sance v postkomunisticke Evrope. [Objective Mobility, Subjective Mobility, and Life Chances in Post-communist Europe]. In Czech. Also available in English. - Petr Mateju
- Obrat doleva nebo promena vzorcu volebniho chovani socialnich trid? Analyza zmeny v efektu prislusnosti k socialni tride na volebni chovani v Ceske republice 1992-1996. [Turning Left or Class Realignment? Analysis of the Changing Relationship between Class and Party in the Czech Republic, 1992 - 1996]. In Czech. - Petr Mateju and Blanka Rehakova
- Privatizace, formovani strednich trid a postoje populace. [Privatization, Middle Class Formation, and Attitudes of the Population]. In Czech. - Jiri Vecernik
- Vyvoj predstav o spravedlivem prijmu. [Development of Beliefs about Just Income]. In Czech. Also available in English. - Blanka Rehakova
- Predstavy o distributivni spravedlnosti v transformujici se spolecnosti. Vyvoj predstav o distributivni spravedlnosti v Ceske republice v letech 1991-1995 v mezinarodni komparativni perspektive. [Beliefs about Distributive Justice in Transforming Society]. In Czech. Also available in English - see WP-ST 1997/6. - Petr Mateju
- Beliefs about Distributive Justice and Social Change. - Petr Mateju
- Zmeny v percepci pricin chudoby a bohatstvi v Ceske republice. [Popular Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty and Wealth]. In Czech. - Martin Kreidl
- Krystalizace politickeho spektra v Ceske republice. [Crystallization of the Political Spectrum in the Czech Republic]. In Czech. English version will be published as WP-ST 1997/9. - Klara Vlachova and Petr Mateju
- The Crystallization of Political Attitudes and Political Spectrum in the Czech Republic - Petr Mateju a Klara Vlachova
- The Role of Politically Relevant Attitudes and Value Orientations in Electoral Decisions. The Czech Republic in 1996 - Petr Mateju a Klara Vlachova
- Komparace makroekonomickiho vyvoje transformacnich ekonomik - Ceske republiky, Madarska a Polska s durazem na vyvoj zahraničního obchodu a platebnich bilanci
[The Comparison of Macroeconomic Development in the Emerging Markets - The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland with a Special Emphasis on the Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments. - Vladimir Tomsik
- Social stratification and income distribution: socio-economic policies and the middle classes in Czech reforms - Jiri Vecernik

- Peripetie vyvoje a krystalizace stredni tridy. [Peripeteia of the development and Crystallization of the Middle Class] - Petr Mateju
- Volebni chovani ruznych skupin volicu v predcasnych parlamentnich volbach v roce 1998. [Voting Behavior of Different Social Groups in the 1998 Irregular Parliamentary Elections] - Blanka Rehakova
- Rekonstrukce socialniho statusu. [The Reconstruction of Social Status] - Petr Mateju a Martin Kreidl
- The Making of Post-Communist Elites in Eastern Europe. - Eric Hanley, Petr Mateju, Klara Vlachova, Jindrich Krejci
- Nastal soumrak pravicoveho extremismu? [Has the right wing Extremism Come to Disappear?] - Martin Kreidl a Klara Vlachova
- The Middle Class in Formation in the Czech Republic 1991 - 1997 - Petr Mateju
- The Crystallization of Social Status in the Post-Communist Society. The Czech Republic 1991 - 1997 - Petr Mateju a Martin Kreidl
- Distribution of Income in the Czech republic in 1988- 1996: Readjustment to the Market. - Jiri Vecernik
Requests for individual working papers should be made to:
Eva Soukupova
Sociologicky ustav AV CR
Jilska 1, 110 00 Praha 1
telephone: ++420 2 242 190 32
fax: ++420 2 242 202 78
References to other team member publications can be found on their homepages (Team).