Typ: | anal²za |
Autor: | mike |
Nßzov: | MDK |
Na MDK nemßm u₧ chu¥. Ani do pφsania tejto anal²zy sa mi ve╛mi nechce, ale m⌠₧em si to s k╛udom poveda¥, preto₧e ako ÜΘfredaktor sa nemusφm nikomu zodpoveda¥. MDK je pre m≥a u₧ dlhÜiu dobu mαtvou zßle₧itos¥ou, aspo≥ nevidφm ako by ma mohla eÜte nieΦφm pritiahnu¥. Aspo≥ teraz nie. Mo₧no je to t²m, ₧e som pred urΦit²m Φasom MDK hral o 106 cel² Φas a poznal som VèETKO. M⌠j nßvod som nedokonΦil, ale Φo som spravil, to je v MACHERovi. Ale aj tak v ≥om nßjdete dos¥ ve╛a vychytßviek, ktorΘ inde nie s·. Pφsal som ho v angliΦtine, tak₧e sori ak nerozumiete. SlovφΦko pedest znamenß platform, vtedy som nie a nie prφs¥ na to ako sa povie ploÜinka. InßΦ je to OK.
Mo₧no inÜtalova¥ spod DOSu a aj pod Windows. V²hoda DOSu je, ₧e MDK m⌠₧ete p·Ü¥a¥ aj z Windows a nezasvinφ vßm pritom HDD vÜelijak²mi programov²mi skupinami a podobne. NajmenÜia inÜtalßcia zaberß asi 9MB ak ma pamΣ¥ neklame, strednß 27 alebo tak nejak a maximßlna 150 MB. Tß je aj najlepÜia, preto₧e sa r²chlejÜie loaduje. InÜtalßcia teda bez problΘmov.
Prφbeh MDK radÜej ani nebudem rozobera¥, mß to Φosi do Φinenia s mimozemÜ¥anmi, obrovsk²mi ¥a₧obn²mi mestami a v⌠bec - scifi. Vy ste Kurt Hectic a vaÜou ·lohou je so vÜetk²mi zatoΦi¥. K tomu vßm pomßha tak² poloÜibl² profesor a Ües¥konΦatinov² pes Bones.
MDK je akΦnß hra. Levelov je tam Ües¥ a ka₧d² je ve╛mi dlh² a treba ho prejs¥ na jeden d·Üok. Je to tvrdΘ, ale ide to. Na konci ka₧dej ·rovne sa nachßdza jeden koncov² boss, ktor² je pod╛a tradφcie extra tvrd²m orieÜkom. Po skonΦenφ levelu sa dß hra ulo₧i¥. Viem, ₧e som dobr² a tak om chcel prejs¥ celΘ MDK na jeden Üup. SkonΦil som v polovici (u₧ sa mi nechcelo) a vyrßtal som si, ₧e Φist² Φas na dohranie by bol asi tri hodiny. Zßle₧φ na tom ako by ste ·rovne prechßdzali. Mo₧no by sa to dalo aj za dve.
ètrukt·ra hry je nasledovnß: v Üiestich leveloch s· r⌠zne miestnosti a priestranstvß. S· poprepßjanΘ tunelmi, tak₧e ke∩ prebehnete miesnos¥ou ubziknete vÜetk²m do tunela a vynorφte sa spravidla eÜte vo vΣΦÜej Ülamastike. V t²chto tuneloch ako nimi prechßdzate vßm engine nahrßva ∩alÜie miestnosti (aspo≥ sa tak zdß), a preto hra v₧dy nebadane trhne a dohrßva sa.
Ak teda niekto nepochopil, MDK je VE╝MI akΦnß hra. Existuje tam iba strie╛anie. Iste, s· tam aj logickΘ problΘmy, ale tie sa tie₧ podria∩uj· zabφjaniu. Ke∩ hrßte ·rovne u₧ nieko╛k² krßt, vytratφ sa aj tßto "logickß" zlo₧ka, preto₧e Φinnosti u₧ robφte automaticky. Je to vynikaj·ce na odreagovanie, preto₧e v tak²ch fßzach hry ke∩ u₧ vÜetko poznßte ide iba o vaÜu zruΦnos¥, r²chlos¥ a reflexy (napriek tomu to nie je Üport).
O designe ·rovnφ len krßtko. VÜetko je podriadenΘ absol·tne surrealistickΘmu sci-fi svetu. Nßjdete tu sφce naprφklad jazero, ponorku, vΣznicu, ale to je vÜetko iba povedomΘ a vzdialene pripomφna nßÜ svet. VÜetko ostatnΘ je poloÜialen² v²plod mimozemsk²ch mozgov. Aspo≥ tak vßm to bude pripada¥ a to je aj efekt, ktor² chceli autori dosiahnu¥. Aj tak mß v tomto avete ale vÜetko svoju logiku, tak₧e si nezabudnite zapn·¥ Üed· mozgov· k⌠ru, preto₧e bez jej pomoci to asi nezvlßdnete.
Hra MDK sa odohrßva vo dvoch rovinßch. Tß prvß je Üt²lu Tomb Raider, teda po anglicky third person a tß druhß je takzvan² sniper m≤d, po anglicky first person (typu Doom). Zatia╛ Φo v tretej osobe behßte a skßΦete, v prvej osobe pou₧φvate ostre╛ovaciu puÜku a pribli₧ovanφm a zameriavanφm triafate nepriate╛ov. Zameriavanie prebieha ve╛mi zaujφmavo. Obrazovke sa prepne do akΘhosi otvoru kde je ukazovate╛ nßbojov a v strede znßmy krφ₧ik. Vy zoomujete a tak si m⌠₧ete priblφ₧i¥ veci a₧ 150x. To u₧ je Φosi a s t²m sa dß potom aj celkom dobre napßcha¥ Ükoda pekne zo zßlohy. S· situßcie ke∩ si takto m⌠₧ete uÜetri¥ nespoΦet energie. Ke∩ ste v sniper mode, nem⌠₧ete sa ale h²ba¥, leda do strßn. To zaruΦuje ist· dßvku taktiky.
Ka₧dΘmu levelu predchßdza vo╛n² pßd smerom k obrovskΘmu kolosu (vlasn² level je vlastne to mobilnΘ ¥a₧obnΘ mesto) kde zbierate r⌠zne serepetiΦky ktorΘ vßm zhadzuje profesor, akoby vßm ich nemohol da¥ hne∩ na zaΦiatku. Ale s prφbehom radÜej preΦ. MDK ho aj tak nepotrebuje ma¥ ktovieko prepracovan².
Ku koncu ·rovne letφte v tuneli a ke∩ ste obratnφ, m⌠₧ete si doplni¥ zdravie na maximum. Inak zaΦφnate nasleduj·cu ·rove≥ s t²m poΦtom jednotiek zdravia ako ste mali na konci predoÜlΘho levelu. EÜte len mal² tip: okolo vaÜeho ukazovate╛a zdravia vßm ub·da zelen² Φas. Ak nestihnete dokonΦi¥ level, city minecrawler vÜetko zniΦφ, ale niΦ sa nestane, profesor vßm len oznßmi ₧e zomrelo ve╛a ╛udφ. Koho to zaujφma vÜak?
Nie zrovna priate╛sky naladen²ch alienov tu stretnete na ka₧dom mieste a s· popφsanφ v mojom nßvode. VÜetci s· rozpohybovanφ pomocou motion capture, teda vyzeraj· ako ╛udia Φo sa pohybov t²ka. Hlavne ke∩ vßm otαΦaj· zadky a vysmievaj· sa vßm. Je fajn vedie¥, ₧e hociΦo Φo sa pohybuje nepriate╛om je a to vßs zbavφ prφliÜnΘho pre¥a₧enia mozgu. Len strie╛ate. Ani vßs netrkne ₧e pri strie╛anφ alebo odstrelenφ hlavy vytryskne z alienov zelenß tekutina a nie Φervenß (krv). PeknΘ vidie¥ ₧e krv nie je nutnos¥ou strielaΦky, ani v²buchy, ktorΘ sφce vidφte, ale s· stßle akΘsi rovnakΘ, ale ako som povedal, nevadφ to.
Zvuky k hre s· na ve╛mi dobrej ·rovni. Zbrane strie╛aj· a vybuchuj·, v sniper m≤de poΦu¥ d²chanie a alieni medzi sebou komunikuj· akousi dobre vyretuÜovanou angliΦtinou. Zatia╛ som deÜifroval vysmievavΘ "monkey, monkey", "hasta la vista" a "alert" Φo v₧dy hovorφ strß₧ny tuΦniak.
Hudba k hre je eÜte lepÜia. S· tu monumentßlne skladby a tie sa perfektne hodia k celej hre. NepoΦφtal som ich, ale v ka₧dej ·rovni vßs prekvapφ zopßr nov²ch. HorÜie je, ₧e s· v naozaj ·bohej kvalite a u₧ som nieko╛kokrßt nadßval ke∩ som si ich chcel prehra¥ na kazetu a poΦ·va¥ len tak pre rados¥. V hre samotnej to ale nepoΦu¥ (ke∩ mßm SB16 a poΦφtaΦ napojen² na ve₧u), preto hudbe nem⌠₧em niΦ vytkn·¥.
NajlepÜia Φas¥ MDK. Grafika je v SVGA a engine tak dokonale vyoptimalizovan², ₧e je hra hrate╛nß na hociakom Pentiu (90). Niekde je menej text·r (rozumej ₧iadne) aby hra bola stßle plynulß a nesekala. Okrem toho sa vÜetko r⌠zne odrß₧a a svieti, tak₧e engine dostane jednotku s hviezdiΦkou. VaÜa postaviΦka sa m⌠₧e pohodlne otßΦa¥, skßka¥ a strie╛a¥ vÜetk²mi smermi a hra je pritom neuverite╛ne r²chla. 3Dfx patch iba upravφ grafiku, ale cite╛nΘ zv²Üenie plynulosti nepozna¥ (nejde Φo zr²ch╛ova¥). Tak₧e MDK je prvß hra ku ktorej si 3Dfx patch neinÜtalujem.
Motivßcia a cheaty.
Motivova¥ vßs zo zaΦiatku bude odkr²vanie nov²ch levelov a nakoniec budete objavova¥ stßle novΘ a novΘ veci a sp⌠soby ako sa cez jednotlivΘ miestnosti dosta¥ a ako najlepÜie vyvra₧di¥ vÜetk²ch obyvate╛ov city minecrawleru. Znova nebadane upozornφm na m⌠j nßvod... Cheaty k hre ani nie s· potrebnΘ, treba toti₧ hru preruÜi¥ a to prelomφ kontinuitu a to u₧ naruÜuje rovnovßhu vy-poΦφtaΦ-mdk. Naozaj ich netreba.
Na zßver prφde animaΦka, to je znßme heslo. V MDK vÜak neplatφ. Animßcie tu nie s· a na konci prφde hudobn² klip nejakej baby. Okrem toho je to po franc·zsky a hroznß pesniΦka. S· tam ale zßbery "ozajstnΘho" Kurta, tak² mal² klip s MDK. To si mohli odpusti¥, ale je to vÜetko vec vkusu. MDK je aspo≥ pod╛a filmu Demolition Man policajn² k≤d pre udalos¥ konΦiacu smr¥ou. Pre vÜetk²ch strie╛aΦov je MDK ako stvorenΘ. Je to akΦnejÜie ako Lara a zßrove≥ zatia╛ jedinß hra, ktorß Tomb Raiderovi nerobφ hanbu. Ak vßs teda tak²to typ hier bavφ, do MDK sa za₧eriete ako ja a nedostan· vßs od neho ani Vizφrom.
Typ: | dojem |
Autor: | EDO |
Nßzov: | MDK |
MDK patrφ mikeovi. Ja som sa tie₧ rozhodol napφsa¥ nieΦo k tejto hre. Preto₧e ju nehrßm a nepoznßm ako mike je to len dojem. To¥ na ·vod odo m≥a.
MDK pochßdza od firmi SHINY. U₧ po prvom poh╛ade vßs napadne ₧e sa podobß na TOMB RAIDERa (1,2,3). Ale to je asi vÜetko. Nem⌠₧em poveda¥, ₧e je to klon. Naopak je originßlna. Ke∩ som t·to hru uvidel, tak som si pomyslel: ∩alÜφ klon. To bol najvΣΦÜφ omyl. Ke∩ sme u₧ pri tej originalite len tak nßmatkovo. Naprφklad takΘ ostre╛ovanie. ┴no dobre poΦujete. Ostre╛ovanie. Prepnete sa do re₧imu ostre╛ovania a ide sa na vec. M⌠₧ete zoomova¥ a striela¥. Alebo ke∩ skoΦφte po po chvφli sa vytiahne maÜliΦka a pomaly padßte (ako pri padßku). EÜte musφm spomen·¥ aj to, ₧e pri strie╛anφ do nepriate╛a sa vßm ukazuje nepriate╛sk² health. At∩. InßΦ len tak mimochodom cel² nßzov je Murder - Death - Kill. Hra je v SVGA r²chla od P150. Celß atmosfΘra je o hr⌠ze, strachu, smrti a nepriate╛och. Niekedy budete musie¥ zniΦi¥ takΘ valce, z ktor²ch vyliezaj· nepriatelia a₧ potom to naokolo vyΦisti¥. Hra be₧φ na akomko╛vek Pentiu dobre do P150 vo VGA vyÜÜie u₧ v SVGA. V₧dy na zaΦiatku prebehne kontrola Φi mßte Pentium, a ak nie smola. (edo mß aj 486 - pozn. mike) Je zaujφmavΘ, ₧e na P60 MDK ide, ale na 486-DX4/120MHz vßm nep⌠jde. PeknΘ,₧e? Celkov² m⌠j dojem ja ve╛mi dobr². A MDK sa oplatφ k·pi¥.
P.S. (mike): Musφm vßm nieΦo predsa len ujasni¥. VGA ako ju poznßte v MDK neexistuje a tie menÜie detaily ani nepoznßte. Dß sa sφce nastavi¥ ni₧Üie rozlφÜenie, ale VGA typu Tomb Raider to nie je ani nßhodou.
Typ: | nßvod |
Autor: | mike |
Nßzov: | MDK |
This is a complete list of EVERYTHING in MDK. unfinished. by mike. ---------------------------------------------------------- Cheats.................during game press F1 and write.... HEALME...........100% health HOLOKURTISFUN....Dummy Decoy Powerup ILIKETOLOB.......Mortar Powerup INEEDABIGGUN.....Super Chain Gun Powerup KILL.............suicide NASTYSHOTTHANKS..Homing Sniper Grenade Powerup TORNADOAWAY......Tornado Powerup after that press Enter. Cheats work only once per level. ---------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL PLACE IF DESTROYED... level 1 Laguna Beach, USA - There Goes Laguna Beach! level 2 Lindfield, England - Bye Bye Lindfield! level 3 Livingston, Scotland - Alas Poor Livingston! level 4 Kirkcaldy, Scotland - Kirkcaldy Lies In Ruin! level 5 Sparrow Pit, England - Sparrow Pit Is Dust! level 6 ----------------------------------------------------------- THE LIST --------- Sniper Utencils---------Key-Short--------- amount if you take it ------- Skill Easy Medium Hard Bones Airstrike!!! (6) BA 1 1 1 Bullets (ordinary) (1) unlimited amount Homing Bullets (2) 8 4 Homing Sniper Grenades (4) HSG 3 1 Mortar (6) 3,8 4 Sniper Grenades (3) SG 3 1 Energy ----------------- except "I Feel Top" your energy will never be more than 100% 1% Health - a muscle candy 10% Health - an apple 100% Health - a lamp, looks like a christmas surprise 150% Health - I Feel Top!!! 50% Health - a chicken Utensils (you can have only 5 at a time! - the keys 1,2,3,4,5 select the 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th object from your inventory) amount if you take it Skill Easy Medium Hard Dummy Decoy (decoy dummy) 1 1 1 Groovy! (Earthworm Jim) 1 1 1 Gunta Snack ( Bones ) 1 1 1 Gunta Snack ( seal ) 1 1 1 Hand Grenade 5 1 Super Chain Gun (S.Ch.G., maximum 999) 400 100 Thumper 1 1 1 Tornado 1 1 1 World's Most Interesting Bomb 1 1 1 World's Smallest Nuclear Explosion/Nuke 1 1 1 Your Equipment ---------------------- Dummy Decoy - inflates a dummy Kurt, the aliens and their equipment concentrate on dummy and you can shoot at them or simply run away Grenade - an exploding grenade. it takes some practice until you throw it accurately, however it is very effective in taking up energy of your targets Groovy - once you take it, a cow instantly falls on the nearest alien (or the most dangerous), and you are out of the trouble of dealing with him Gunta Snack - snack for Gunta Boss. used to distract or to kill him Super Chain Gun - much more powerful than your standard one. be economic with it. once you pick it up, you use it and can't switch to your standard gun to save your supergun for later. in any case yo can only have 999 rounds, so if playing at Easy Skill, you have 800 rounds left and you see another chain gun (400 rounds), if you take it, you will lose 201 rounds, because it will show only 999. better shoot some guys around and have your 500 rounds filled to 900 for example. Thumper - a hammer that starts pounding and creates a shockwave. be in the air when it strikes (or in a safe place). good for open-air destruction Tornado - this causes a whirl of chaotic tornado shots that go everywhere and hit everything. do find a safe place to hide when you use it. very good for "cleaning" rooms. World's Most I. Bomb - this bomb is so interesting, that the aliens leave their job and look at the box. after a while the box opens...and blows them away. the interested aliens are no harm and you can do whatever you want to. World's Smallest Nuke - use it to unlock doors with the radiation sign. since you will be getting new nukes until you unlock the door you can use the nuke to blow up some aliens, however it is not very effective Bad Guys' Equipment ---------------------- aircraft - shoot at panel to call bomber aircraft, get in and bomb environment with bombs aircraft bomber - aircraft carrying a death crate as a bomb. if you shoot at the crate, the aircraft will explode. watch the explosive rain afterwards! aircraft nuclear - an aircraft carrying your nuke, shoot it down and the nuke is yours aircraft special - aircraft of Drinker Boss in level 2 aircraft trooper - an aircraft carrying 3 Monkeys. shoot aircraft with Homing Sniper Grenades airship - big flying aircraft, destroy by destroying its guntowers, many types of airships in MDK airship 1 - a green mutant sits inside 6x guntowers airship 2 - beginning of level 5 bat - harmless black birds in level 3 the room before Joker room bomb - aircraft bomb, also carried by Abdzhalahvaar Monkeys boulder - a big boulder trying to run over you box - usually with Gunta picture - there may be something inside if you destroy it (level 4) building - destroy and get what's inside (level 4) city minecrawler missile - City minecrawler fires 3 or more missiles if you are detected by radar skill level Easy : 3 missiles - can even miss you! Medium: missiles - more accurate Hard : 4 missiles - sure hits cobra guntower - fires orange shots. best kill = 2x sniper bullets cow - aliens like to experiment on it, you use it as Groovy crate - spits out Monkeys. best kill = 2 grenade hits, or 2x SGs or 2x mortar. all shots must follow closely, else monkeys come out death crate - one shot and it explodes. watch for the explosive rain that it makes. used also as a bomb in level 1. forklift - wants to run over you, once without driver, you can move it around with your gunfire gunta - see seal guntower - a Monkey sits inside, firing orange shots or blue bazookas. best kill = use Sniper Bullets. aim on his head and shoot once ('knock-knock'). he'll turn towards you and the second bullet goes into his head because now there is no glass to protect him hovering craft - in level 2 takes you to Drinker Boss marble balls - explosive balls 1. small marbles - less explosive, but homing you can shoot them down 2. big marbles - more explosive, not homing marble spitter - flies and spits out marble balls, kill with sniper from distance or with gunfire from underneath marble tower - a hovering guntower firing doses of marbles 1. 2-ball dose 2. 6-ball dose monkey spitter - in level 3 Danger Theatre Room, spite out monkeys, best kill one hand grenade spits monkeys or red monkeys panel - shoot at it and it calls up your airplane penguin - security, it is best you shoot him from a distance so he can't make alarm. you will often avoid trouble. in level 1 shoot at him and then use it yourself. Kill = 3x sniper bullets. after each shot he starts 'ticking' more and more like a metronome and explodes. red bones - collect 10 for a surprise powerup. when your powerup is awarded, it shows up in front of you, Bones will bring it. (level 4) Powerup 1 ... Tornado Powerup 2 ... Tornado seal - one-eyed harmless animal, gunta snack stealth - a hoverboard. shoot alien down and use it yourself. be very accurate or use only Sniper Bullets, because it can happen that you destroy the stealth as well ! tank-bazooka - 2 parts : tank & tower, can run over you tank-monkey spitter - 2 parts : tank & tower, can run over you x-wing - makes helicopter noise, is quite easy to shoot down, has machine guns with orange shots, usually flies in a formation of 3 x-wings The BAD Guys ---------------------- GENERAL : Face types of aliens : - Face 1 "Monkey" - Monkeys Face 2 "Jozef" - Jozefs Face 3 "Devil" - Red F.R. Face 4 "Candy" - Tiny Face 5 "Sad Monkey"- Red Monkeys Boss Bike Rider - level 3 Boss Drinker - level 2 Boss Snakehead - level 1, has blue bazooka Cobra Robots - fire extremly effective yellow scream shots Dogs from Hell - attack you Green Mutant - in level 5 inside airship, kill him and destroy it Gunta Boss - final boss in level 5 & 6 Hammeroid - iron robot, instead of legs huge hammer, in level 5 fires Red Missiles Jozef - 1. have machine guns with orange shots 2. have blue bazookas 3. can change into Fire Screaming Cats 4. have distinctive face and one arm as bazooka Monkey - standard alien, orange shots Monkey Abdzhalahvaar - carry a bomb and want to kamikaze kill you. they are faster than you. Monkey Havanna Smoker - a high ranked Monkey, level 2, orange shots (best kill = 2x Sniper Grenades) Monkey Red - can fire 1. orange shots 2. blue bazookas Muscle Robots - have blue bazookas, big arms, distinctive face Red Flying Robots - fly very quickly from place to place, difficult to catch, blue bazookas, distinctive face Tiny - aliens in level 5, fire white twinkle shots, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAD Guys' Weaponry - maximum amount of health that it can take away from you if you are hit etc. at a given level of skill ...general............... EASY MEDIUM HARD Big Marble Balls (level 5) -6% Blue Bazooka -3%,6% Boulder (level 2) -2% City Minecrawler Missile -4% -22% Death Crate -10% Dog from Hell attack -2% Hitting ... Orange Shots -1% Red Missiles -8%? Screaming Cat hit -6% Small Marble Balls (lev.4) -3% Twinkle Shot (level 5) -1% Yellow Scream Shots -13% Your falling on ground -6% Your Grenade -10% Your Mortar -10% Your Most Interesting Bomb -10% Your Nuke -10% Your Sniper Grenade -10% Your Thumper -0% Your Tornado -0% ...specific for level 2.. 6 Big guns in room 2 -3% -10% 3 Guns in room 6: *blue rays -3% *yellow rays -3% *green rays -3% Pendulum in room 7 -6% ---------------------------- SOME TIPS FROM MASTER MIKE : ---------------------------- GENERAL - the counter can only count a certain amount of head shots. if you make more than he can handle, he will only make additional splat noises. - you can sometimes fall out of City minecrawler (= death), so watch it -in level 3 - after the ride on Stealth over the lake when coming into the hole -in level 5 - after room 2 near the second tunnel when running up the small passage upwards -and basically in all air elevator shafts. - I always use Caps Lock = turbo movement. for my complete levels it is neccessary to use the turbo, mainly in long jumps - the things you can get while falling to City Minecrawler in the order they appear : (note: you do not fly towards City Minecrawler in Level 6) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 1. H.Bullets H.Bullets H.Bullets H.Bullets H.Bullets 2. S.Ch.Gun Snip.Gren. Snip.Gren. Snip.Gren. Snip.Gren 3. H.Bullets Hand Gren. S.Ch.Gun Hand Gren. Hand Gren. 4. ... S.Ch.Gun Hand Gren. S.Ch.Gun S.Ch.Gun (note: the things appear in that order, but each time at different places) - the powerups and utencils are always dropped to the exact same place. with a little practice you will be able to pinpoint yourself to the place and simply wait, or catch the things still in the air while on the go. - recyclable objects. these will be dropped to you until you get it right. so if you for example need to drop in only one more mortar, and you have only one left, better shoot the last mortar somewhere else. now you will be dropped a new dose of let's say eight mortars. you shoot one of them in, you complete your task, and you have 7 spare mortars for your own purpose! - you can evade the enemy shots even while in sniper mode, using the keys for sideways movement. - think economically. for example while falling towards city minecrawler in level 1 don't worry too much about the missiles, focus on getting objects. why? well, you'll find 150% health immediately anyway! or if you are at the almost end of a level or know what is coming, use the weapons you saved, because at the end of the level you will lose them anyway. - do not be too greedy. you can have only 5 utensils. so if yo have the S.Ch.Gun two tornados and two dummies, you won't have room for the thumper! LEVEL 1 ----- Laguna Beach - in arena 2 do not call the plane. kill all, then call it and bomb yet another bunch of them. after that 100% Kills Bonus Powerup will be given to you. - in arena 2 shoot the aircraft that come from the left and right building by sniping the death crates they carry as soon as they appear - the explosion will destroy the building. Use SGs to shoot the first aircraft that will appear above the centre building : It is carrying a tank. Wait until it is turned head-on to you. Then fire rapidly 2 SGs at it. (save your 3rd SG for the Snakehead Boss! The aircraft will crash along with the tank and open the centre building as well - after the 4 chimneys you destroy with a mortar, on the other side is I Feel Top. you can chase him so he jumps down. - in level one shoot at snakehead boss one SNIPER GRENADE into his head. if you get the S.G. before that you will avoid being seen by him. You can save the SGs from the Practise Room. Just do not shoot the Monkey on the lowest pedest, you can jump right on the second one = kill only two Monkeys. Or save all your SGs by shooting into the tiny visible parts of their heads with ordinary bullets. Mikey's complete level...Laguna Beach....................................... *Room 1 ... (The Tunnel and Nuclear Lock) You are in a tunnel. Behind you is I Feel Top. Take it or leave it. Run to the exit. You are in a room with a nuclear lock. The nuke to open it will be dropped in a few seconds on your left. Meanwhile shoot down trooper aircraft and monkeys, and everything. It may happen, that even if you kill everything in an arena such as this room, x-wings will always terrorize you, there will always come new ones. Unlock the door by using nuke. Keep your distance when it explodes. Its explosion kills all x-wings in the air around. (You can chase I Feel Top around up to this point. If you want to force him to the tunnel, he will disappear. That is just in case you want to play with him. Better take the 150 health and run through the tunnel where there is an apple to next room). *Tunnel 1 . (1x apple 10% health - as mentioned above) *Room 2 ... (Practice Room and Practice Building) Be sure to be well away of the red glass, so it does not obstruct you from using sniper mode. Zoom in with sniper mode to the far front of you. There should be a monkey up on the far building holding a target. If you have no time, aim approxima- tely on his head and shoot a homing bullet, that will find his head. If you are doing fine, kill him with a bullet. Kill the other 2 monkeys that will come up. Now 3 more monkeys are there, but behind the glass. You can either continue to practice or shoot at the death crate that is being dropped to the center. If you're good, you can destroy it in the air. The crate puts an end to everything. Now a grenade is dropped in front of you. Use it to blow up red glass. If you miss, another grenade will be dropped to you, so don't worry. Such recyclable objects will be more of in the course of the game. Now jump on the thin spot where the mortar lies. Get it. Sniper mode will automatically put the last weapon in, so you are ready for action. If you can't get the mortar, try harder, jump back on the plateau where the red glass was and jump while using the parachute again. You'll do fine. Now use sniper mode to shoot into the black hole on the building in front of you above the glass windows. Shoot the mortar under an appropriate angle. When you see it is inside, wait and it will explode. Now run inside the Practice Building and take the sniper grenades. Better save them for later. Destroy the crate first, else every time you kill a monkey, another one will jump out of the crate to take his place. Now go to the far front and take the dummy. You will need the sniper grenades later, so don't waste them, at least save one for the final boss Snakehead. Go back and see three monkeys on three pedests. You only have to shoot the middle one. Best use ordinary bullets and aim at his head that he imperfectly hides behind the target. Once he is down, jump on the free pedest. Now using sniper you can finish the other two monkeys. But you can also jump to the fourth pedest near the exit. (do not try jumping on the same pedest as is monkey, he will kick you down) Near the exit is the fifth pedest. You can really choose your own way here. If you need it, take the apple. If you want you can finish the two monkeys from here, you can see their heads beautifully from here. Anyway, go to the tunnel... Option. How to destroy the crate. You can destroy it also with pinpoint mortar shots, I did it from the plateau where I found the mortar. You can save your shots and snipe it away with ordinary bullets, it takes a bit longer, or other utencils. If you did not catch the S.Ch.Gun at the beginning or you do not have to save it, destroy crate with machine gun fire. How to get past monkeys without destroying crate. One way is to start shooting on the monkey on the middle pedest and while shooting you are able to jump on the pedest with him. Jump on the fourth pedest from there. Or the other way, use sniper mode to blow his head, and quickly jump on his pedest and onto the fourth, because soon the crate will spit out another one. There are many ways of dealing with problems in MDK, but always choose which is best or more economic for you. *Tunnel 2 . ( *Room 3 ... (Arena 1) LEVEL 2 ----- Lindfield - it happened to me, that I killed Drinker Boss and nothing happened, I was stuck! His glass was up the wall and I could shoot at it and nothing! Mikey's complete level...Lindfield............................................ *Room 1 ... (First Room and Cobra Robot) You are in a room. In a few moments Sniper Grenades will be dropped in front of you. Take them and turn around. In the room below there is a penguin, that is very alert and will alarm others. In that room a cobra robot guards the exit. Kill him. Nuke is at your left. Occasionally two x-wings bother. Nuke-unlock door and into the slide. Even when you kill the penguin so he won't alarm anyone, the cobra robot will be there. *Slide 1 .. (1x Apple 10% health) *Room 2 ... (Cannon Room Front) In front of you is the entry to a room where 6 cannons are shooting at targets. You can run directly or hide behind the targets and run to the exit at the other side. When running behind the targets there is a small chance that the shot will destroy the target, and thus not hit you. Basically it makes no difference. The cannons will almost surely hit you. Get up and keep running. You can jump into the pit on your left, there is one monkey and a lamp 100% health. You get out of there climbing up near the cannon fire you saw as the first when you got into this room from the slide. When you are on the other side, use the slide again. *Slide 2 .. (15x Muscle Sweet 1% health) *Room 3 ... (Nuclear Room) If you jump on the airlift straight from the slide and do not turn, the Nuclear room will be within a 90 degree turn to the left. The airlift takes you to a plateau near the next room. Jump down and on the incline a mortar will land. Use mortar to shoot into the marked hole on the left of the nuclear lock. After shooting in the explosion will spit out a nuke through that hole. Use it to open the lock. Run through the passage that opened. *Room 4 ... (Havanna Smoker Room) The passage leads left and straight. At the end you are in room 4. In this room you can see the Havanna Smoker bossing others around. The easiest way of dealing with this room is to pick up the grenades that are on th plateau on the far left. You must jump to get to the grenade plateau, but Havanna Smoker does not see you. From there shoot one grenade at the stacked bombs. These will explode and you jump into the crater. You can jump down from the plateau and walk around, the point is no-one will notice you unless you start to shoot or make something silly. So you can choose your own spot where you fire the grenade from. The point is, you don't have to even bother with Havanna Smoker. If you still want to, kill him with head shots or whatever. Two aliens are carrying bombs in this room. You will notice they are moving. Kill them or leave them. The bombs they are carrying will always explode with a kill, because they fall down. If you kill the monkey near the stacked bombs, all will explode. You can detonate the bombs also only by using ordinary bullets. In the crater the slide awaits you. *Slide 3 .. (10x Muscle Sweet 1% health) *Room 5 ... (Cannon Room Back) There are 2 monkeys near the cannon backs. One is near the 2nd cannon and one near the 5th cannon from your right Kill them or leave them. You must jump on the cannon with the chicken. If you want to, you can go, before jumping onto the cannon, into the pit and kill another 2 monkeys. You will notice there is a slope into the pit and that the slope starts near the cannon muzzles. Monkeys that are situated there or generally monkeys that pose as targets can shoot at you in this room. Any- how, you can't get to Cannon Room Front again in case you wondered. The big cube is missing. When on the cannon, you can't get back. Turn towards targtes and shoot three times. After each of your shot the cannon fires as well. After the third shot the cannon breaks away and breaks the glass behind you. You are in the next room... *Room 6 ... (The Three Cannons) The room is divided inte two parts. The near and the far part. Both have airlifts. The objective is to jump through the floating plateaus to the exit. If you want to be quick : When the cannon explodes, you are in the air falling down. Use parachute to slow down. Turn so you can see the room and try floating to the far end as soon as you can. You will notice it is impossible, because there is a glass wall, but if you keep pushing and literally stick your nose to it, as soon as as it ends you will be able to float quite far, well into the far part. From there find a plateau to land on, and trying to avoid the cannonfire run to the exit. Normally, there are Homing Sniper Grenades in the near part. Float to them and take them. You can destriy the monkeys and the crate. There is an I Feel Top as well. When you kill everything, eat him. Then use the airlift to get to the plateaus and jump around. When you get to the far side, you don't have to neccessarily kill the monkeys and the crate, because down there there is nothing to get. You can snipe the monkeys away when you are on the plateaus already behind the cannons if you want to. One monkey surely is near the black wall to the near side and one is below the cannon with the yellow shots. You can avoid the cannon shots by running very near the edges of the plateaus. You can rest at the plateaus in the parts where the shots do not go. From there you can destroy the crates with sniper mode. If you try to explore the cannons and jump down from the plateaus onto the place where they are, you won't be able to get back up again, you will have to use the airlift again. Note: the cannons shoot only if you are within range, when you are behind them or already in a safe place they will stop shooting. Once back within range, they will start again. To finish run up to the exit and the slide awaits you... *Slide 4 .. *Room 7 ... (The Pendulum) You jump to this room from above. It has many hovering plateaus and the exit is to your front. There is only one thing. You must first kill the red robot, then a new plateau appears that you can then use to get to the doors. The red robot is a Red Flying Robot. When you kill the red flying robot an explosion near the exit will tell you the exit is accessable. Killing the robot is hard work. Easier with S.Ch.Gun. You may want to kill him from the bottom, where you will have to avoid boulders, but you won't be a target to the pendulum, that goes after you when on the plateaus. If you do it right, the red robot is almost no harm from the bottom, and when you use the airlift, and the monkey is dead, you will only have to avoid the pendulum. Or you can try to kill the robot with gunfire from the plateau, but you will have to watch the pendulum. Sniper mode is almost useless, although if you are very very good or are vey very lucky, sniper grenades should do the job. So could grenades, but that is again a very risky venture. When on the incline to the exit and safe from the pendulum, which is indes- tructable, see the x-wings in the distance. *Slide 5 .. (no bonus health) *Room 8 ... (Mirror Mayham) This room is basically all about shooting. There are 2 red flying robots, 2 cobra robots, x-wings and a muscle robot guarding the nuclear lock. After some killing and time a nuke will be dropped to you on your left from where you came. Use the nuke to unloch the lock. There are also penguins in the back of the room guarding the muscle robot. Killing the muscle robot guarding the lock : best run under him (he is hovering) and shoot. It is best to kill the penguins at each end of the back of the room, because if you attack the muscle robot, they will call x-wings and the cobra robots. Watch for the x-wings, that bother a lot. They are hard to spot being all mirrors, but the sound can always be heard. It is them that could take up most of your health. Killing the Red Flying Robots : Homing sniper grenades are dropped to you on one of the pedests suggesting you kill them with sniper mode. Optionally decoy dummy is also there, as well as a Super chain gun, all of which will be dropped down somewhere. Unlock the lock with nuke and let the airlift take you up, wherefrom you jump into the next slide. Be careful, even when you are moving upwards in the airlift, x-wings that you did not see can shoot at you. *Slide 6 .. (at the end of this slide another airlift takes you up) *Room 9 ... (Infiltration) You are at the top of the building. There is a small incline in front of you. It is at the place where the hovering craft regularly comes. In a while one will come and 2 monkeys will get off. It is important that you jump on the hovering craft as quickly as possible and then worry about the monkeys (kill them). The craft will depart in a short while and you would have to wait for another one. Kill the two monkeys then. The Hovering craft then gives you a ride straight to the layer of Drinker Boss. Along the way you will pass by other rooftops and monkeys on them, but it's quite hard to really kill someone during the ride. Sniper mode is all chaos, because the craft is moving and turning around. Everyone will (should) leave you alone during the ride however if you behave. This way you reach the layer of the Boss *Room 10 ... (The Drinker's Layer) After the hovering craft has stopped, to the left of you is a door. Go inside, turn left and a little upwards... In front of you is the layer of the Drinker Boss. As you zoom in you can see him. To the left of him are 2 windows and to the right 1 window. All windows have a switch. At this point you can walk around and to your left is a way up on which end there is a chicken. Take it or save it for later. You get the things moving by shooting at the window where the drinker is. With sniper mode shot the drinker will get the point. You will destroy the glass, but not him, no matter how you try. What happens : The Drinker will disappear and reappear again above you with his special aircraft. From the way above where the chicken is you will have a better view. The point is the aircraft will start dropping down boulders. But if you are quick and have a S.Ch.Gun you can shoot the aircraft down even before that. One good way of shooting down the aircraft is to use Homing sniper grenades which you have saved from Room 8 Mirror Mayham. One H.S.G. will take up much energy from the special aircraft. You can also use ordinary sniper grenades, but you have to hit accurately (since they are not homing). Once shot down, the drinker will try to press the switches on the windows that will release monkeys to the room. It is possible to stop him. If you shoot constantly at him, he will from time to time make loops in the air. This will give you even more time to finish him. Once he is killed, he starts inflating and explodes. If you don't manage to do it, just keep focusing on the Drinker and even when some boulders are in the room and some monkeys have been called, you will be best to keep your eyes on him and always shoot at him. Don't worry about the health, this is the last room. Use the chicken to power up if you can. The Drinker runs around very fast and chaotically, so it is easy to lose the sight of him. *You have finished level 2 Lindfield. LEVEL 3 ----- Livingston - in second room, after the place with the dead cow, a monkey will come on a stealth and if you shoot him in the head and take the stealth, you will get the Most Interesting Bomb above. - in the room before the prison when you come near the site where the thumper is, first x-wings will come out. then two monkeys on stealths will come and rest for a while near the place where the homing bullets were. if you shoot them in the head, they leave the stealth and that will give you a ride to get the thumper and 100% health. also kill muscle robot from below and from stealth jump up and avoid Jozef. - it happened to me. that I killed the monkey to get the stealth to get the ride over the lake, but instead of one stealth there were two stealths there! - trick how to get rid of dog before joker room, 3 bats Mikey's complete level...Livingston.......................................... *Room 1 ... (The Valley and Wider Space) You are in a plateau and in front of you is a valley. Use sniper to zoom in and with 2 bullets shoot one Cobra Guntower, then the other. Zoom in to the center and see the Muscle Robot. A shot in the head will be effective, but it will take a few shots. He will start firing blue bazookas then. Best use sniper grenades. Another way of killing are two direct head shots with the economical ordinary bullets, but it may take more of them. It is also possible to kill him with one shot with ordinary bullets, you must aim at the top portion of his head. Or kill him by hiding behind the gate to wider space and constant shooting into his arm. After that jump down and while killing Monkeys check the second place left to find grenades. There are 3 penguins. One of thenm regularly crosses the path. Kill him now. Kill what is around. There is a plateau on your left again. A penguin guards Bones Airstrike. On the left there is a muscle sweet. There is the third penguin, on the left side of the gate to the wider space. Kill him, because as soon as you cross the gate to wider space, he will alarm others. This way you can avoid some shooting. The penguins will call troopers if they spot you. Meanwhile use sniper to kill the two monkeys that guard the exit of the wider space. On your left there is a passage that leads upwards, then a jump and you will see in front of you on the small place Sniper Grenades and a Jozef-Screaming Cat. Kill him with a shot in his head from behind. Take SGs. Now on your left is an incline, run up and jump to the next plateau ahead where there is Super Chain Gun. Look at the other side. Note: If you wait too much with killing Jozef, he will jump down to wider space and attack you as Screaming Cat. It's the plateau with Bones Airstrike. Clean it with sniper mode and jump to get BA. Now jump down and get to wider space. There are two locks on each side of the exit. The most economic way of getting rid of the locks is each one with a sniper bullet. When done, two Abdzhalahvaar Monkeys will come out. Then a little shooting starts. When you kill'em all, take the chicken 50% health near the gate from the valley, to power up. You can kill the Abdzhalahvaar Monkeys with one grenade as soon as the door opens. *Tunnel 1 . *Room 2 ... (The Pool and Lower Room) Be careful and avoid a lot of shooting. Sneak near the entrance of the room and use sniper to kill penguin that crosses in front of you. Find two cobra towers and destroy them as well, but now that the penguin is dead you can stand at the entrance and no alarm will go on. Cobra towers are above the pool. Now a monkey will jump into the pool and since there is no water you'll hear a crash as he dies. I have tried it, but upon shooting the jumping monkey he was not bleeding - therefore it is impossible to prevent him from making the pool dirty. In the course of time dogs will try to jump inside to eat the rests, but will also attack you. OK. On your left is a decoy dummy and a monkey. On your right are homing bullets and a monkey. If you do not destroy the penguin, 4 more monkeys will appear as you enter into the room to get the decoy dummy and the homing bullets. Inside the pool a S.Chain Gun will be dropped. Enjoy the sight of a dead cow and see the seal on each of the sides of the room. Cow is left. Then go to the passage behind the springboard and first kill all monkeys. Two of them are waving near the window to a monkey on a stealth and two x-wings. Now it is important, that you concentrate. The monkey on the stealth will hover above the crater in the middle of the room. Use ordinary sniper bullets to shoot him in his head. Be careful not do shoot him anywhere else, he would explode after being destroyed (e.g. with gunfire) and the stealth as well. This way he will fall down, be killed and the stealth will remain inside the crater. If you need to, kill the rest of the monkeys and the x-wings. There is an apple inside the deep pool and another one in the Lower room on the left of the window, quite clearly visible on a plateau. Now jump on the stealth. It will take you up and you will get the Most Interesting bomb from above. Then the stealth will explode and you a hole in the crater will open. Use it and freefall until you see the ground. On one side is an apple, on the other 2 cobra towers. Steer to the apple. *Tunnel 2 . (Take the apple if you need to. Use sniper to destroy cobra towers. Then jump down from where you are (you can't get back again on the plateau where you were) and see the tunnel doors. *Room 3 ... (Dog Maker) As the doors open there is a monkey at the end of the glass tunnel. Shoot him with sniper mode. He will then break the glass at the end of the tunnel. Run to the end of the tunnel. The situation: There are 2 rooms. In the first is a wheel that spits out Dogs. To this an apparatus is connected, sucking blood from three monkeys in glass containers and making Dogs from Hell from the blood. First jump down and turn left to see the room. Don't bother with anything and run to the next room. On your way however destroy 2 cobra guntowers guarding the entry into the next room with gunfire. There are plenty of apples in first room. There is one apple and one tornado in the second room. The second room also has a cobra guntower, destroy that as well. Now run to the back of the room and turn around. You will see the three containers. Start shooting at them, but continuously, because once you interrupt taking energy from the containers, they will start to reload. Watch the dogs as they attack you coming from the first room, and shoot at them only if really neccessary. When shooting at the containers, choose an angle under which you can kill oncoming dogs with only a minimum of time loss when re-aiming. Once the final container is destroyed, it will fill up with green blood as did the others and all will break, as well as the tube leading to the first room. Now no more dogs will be produced. You can now kill all dogs and fill up your energy with apples, or if you want to proceed, and save your S.Ch.G rounds for example, ignore and avoid the dogs and jump on the wheel that is in the centre of the first room. You will eat the apple that is there and the wheel lifts you up... *Room 4 ... (Danger Theatre) You are in what looks like a forest, but it is only a fake. Pick up three grenades and one sniper grenade. Do not pick up the apple, you will find it useful after the next battle. Now look a little up. There are, as said, four fake walls. Behind one of them you can see two tops of a window. Turn to this wall, and blow it up with a grenade. After that the killing starts. You will see a *Room 5 ... (Joker Room) kill cobra robot with mortar or SGs from the pedests kill crate with 2x SGs when jumping down, Jozefs come out, when they are together - 2x grenade kill LEVEL 4 ----- Kirkcaldy LEVEL 5 ----- Sparrow Pit - in Room 2 if you don't kill the penguin fast enough, he'll call a Hammeroid. - after the room with the Earth is another room. In this it is vital to kill the penguin first. then kill the 2 red monkeys and go to the room on the right. there kill the cobra robot and all inside. take nuke and grenades. note: the cobra robot requires 2 SGs note: the two red monkeys inside are aleep, so headshot them now fom a distance take your time to kill the penguin. you can then walk around in the room where all are asleep. kill all with a shot in the head. upstairs destroy all 3 crates and aliens. snipe away the next penguin on the other side. then use mortar to kill the cobra robot in the pit already on the other side then when coming out of the incline, kill another cobra robot either from the tunnel with shooting snd taking cover or quickly jump out on the space and kill him from there. LEVEL 6