1 1.50.3506.00 2019 Current Catalog 2020 Active Sessions 2021 Asynchable Commit 2022 Pass By Ref Accessors 2023 Catalog Location 2024 Catalog Term 2025 Catalog Usage 2026 Column Definition 2027 NULL Concatenation Behavior 2028 Data Source Name 2029 Read-Only Data Source 2030 DBMS Name 2031 DBMS Version 2032 GROUP BY Support 2033 Heterogeneous Table Support 2034 Identifier Case Sensitivity 2035 Lock Modes 2036 Maximum Index Size 2037 Maximum Row Size 2038 Maximum Row Size Includes BLOB 2039 Maximum Tables in SELECT 2040 Multiple Storage Objects 2041 Multi-Table Update 2042 Notification Phases 2043 NULL Collation Order 2044 OLE Object Support 2045 ORDER BY Columns in Select List 2046 Prepare Commit Behavior 2047 Prepare Abort Behavior 2048 Procedure Term 2049 OLE DB Version 2050 Provider Name 2051 Provider Version 2052 Quoted Identifier Sensitivity 2053 Schema Term 2054 Schema Usage 2055 SQL Support 2056 Structured Storage 2057 Subquery Support 2058 Isolation Levels 2059 Isolation Retention 2060 Table Term 2061 User Name 2062 Transaction DDL 2063 Asynchable Abort 2064 Data Source Object Threading Model 2065 Multiple Parameter Sets 2066 Output Parameter Availability 2067 Persistent ID Type 2069 Column Set Notification 2071 Row Delete Notification 2072 Row First Change Notification 2073 Row Insert Notification 2075 Row Resynchronization Notification 2076 Rowset Release Notification 2077 Rowset Fetch Position Change Notification 2078 Row Undo Change Notification 2079 Row Undo Delete Notification 2080 Row Undo Insert Notification 2081 Row Update Notification 2082 Rowset Conversions on Command 2083 Multiple Results 2091 ISequentialStream 2094 Preserve on Abort 2095 Blocking Storage Objects 2096 Use Bookmarks 2097 Skip Deleted Bookmarks 2098 Bookmark Type 2100 Fetch Backwards 2101 Hold Rows 2102 Append-Only Rowset 2103 Scroll Backwards 2104 Column Privileges 2105 Command Time Out 2106 Preserve on Commit 2108 Delay Storage Object Updates 2109 Immobile Rows 2110 Literal Bookmarks 2111 Literal Row Identity 2112 Maximum Open Rows 2113 Maximum Pending Rows 2114 Maximum Rows 2118 Others' Inserts Visible 2119 Others' Changes Visible 2120 Own Inserts Visible 2121 Own Changes Visible 2122 Quick Restart 2123 Reentrant Events 2124 Remove Deleted Rows 2125 Report Multiple Changes 2126 Row Privileges 2127 Row Threading Model 2128 Server Cursor 2129 Objects Transacted 2130 Updatability 2131 Strong Row Identity 2132 IAccessor 2133 IColumnsInfo 2134 IColumnsRowset 2135 IConnectionPointContainer 2136 IProvideMoniker 2137 IRowset 2138 IRowsetChange 2139 IRowsetIdentity 2140 IRowsetInfo 2141 IRowsetLocate 2143 IRowsetResynch 2144 IRowsetScroll 2145 IRowsetUpdate 2146 ISupportErrorInfo 2147 Change Inserted Rows 2148 Return Pending Inserts 2149 IConvertType 2155 Cache Authentication 2156 Encrypt Password 2157 Integrated Security 2158 Mask Password 2159 Password 2160 Persist Encrypted 2161 Persist Security Info 2162 User ID 2164 Data Source 2165 Window Handle 2166 Impersonation Level 2167 Location 2168 Mode 2169 Prompt 2170 Protection Level 2171 Connect Timeout 2172 Locale Identifier 2173 Extended Properties 2180 Accessible Procedures 2181 Accessible Tables 2183 Outer Join Capabilities 2184 Stored Procedures 2185 Driver Name 2186 Driver Version 2187 Driver ODBC Version 2188 Like Escape Clause 2189 Special Characters 2190 Max Columns in Group By 2191 Max Columns in Index 2192 Max Columns in Order By 2193 Max Columns in Select 2194 Max Columns in Table 2195 Numeric Functions 2197 Outer Joins 2198 String Functions 2199 System Functions 2200 Time/Date Functions 2201 File Usage 2202 Integrity Enhancement Facility 2203 SQL Grammar Support 2204 Active Statements 2215 Query Based Updates/Deletes/Inserts 2216 Generate a Rowset that can be marshalled 2217 Position on the last row after insert 2218 IRowsetChangeExtInfo 2219 ODBC Cursor Type 2220 ODBC Concurrency Type 2221 BLOB accessibility on Forward-Only cursor 2222 Include SQL_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLE, and SQL_REAL in QBU where clauses 2223 Force SQL Server Firehose Mode cursor 2224 Force no parameter rebinding when executing a command 2225 Trusted connection coming from another server 2226 Connection coming from another server in the integrated security environment 2230 Force no command preparation when executing a parameterized command 2231 Force no command reexecution when failure to satisfy all required properties 2235 Autocommit Isolation Levels 2301 The ODBC Driver can not be used, because it does not support one of the follow APIs: SQLTables, SQLColumns, or SQLGetTypeInfo. 2302 The query is not updatable because it contains no searchable columns to use as a hopeful key. 2303 The query is not updatable because the from clause is not a single simple table name. 2304 Unable to do query based updating because the command text is not available. 2305 Query based update failed. The row to update could not be found. 2306 Query based delete failed. The row to delete could not be found. 2307 Named Parameters are not supported. 2308 Object must be initialized, prior to setting or retrieving properties on this object. 2309 The request properties can not be supported by this ODBC Driver. 2310 Operation Canceled 2311 Login Failed 2312 Query Based Insertion or Updating of BLOB values can not be supported. 2313 Could not load the ODBC 3.x Driver Manager. 2314 Multiple parameter sets cannot be supported because the ODBC driver does not support SQLParamOptions. 2315 Nested variants are not supported as parameters. 2316 At least one parameter contained a type that was not supported. 2317 Unable to determine parameter type for at least one variant parameter. 2318 Cannot start transaction because more than one hdbc is in use. 2319 Cannot create new connection because in manual transaction mode. 2320 ODBC driver failed attempt to start transaction. 2321 Can not start transaction while in firehose mode. 2400 ODBC version %s is currently installed on this machine.\nODBC version 03.50.0000 or greater is required to use the Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC data. 2401 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Data