This is a powerful feature which allows you to sort the pictures into the exact order you want, easily and quickly.
The top list displays the pictures in the album and the order
in which they are currently placed. The bottom list displays the
pictures that will be in the new album and the order in which
they will appear. Clicking on duplicate causes the top list to be
copied to the bottom list.
The numbers at the top-right of each list tell you how many
pictures are in each. The title of the list turns yellow when it
is selected. The currently selected picture appears at the
top-right, and its filename and path appear in the box at the
Accept New List: This replaces the virtual photo-album with a new one as defined in the bottom list. Note that any changes are not permanent until you save the album.
Cancel: This keeps the old album and closes the Re-order window.
Copy to Other List: This copies the currently selected picture to the other list.
Remove from List: This removes the currently selected picture from the selected list. (Confiirmation is required before a picture can be deleted from the original list.)