FmEdit98 2.0

Formerly known as FmEdit95

The Ultimate File Management Utility Tool

for Win95 / 98 and NT

FmEdit98 was last updated on Friday, 6th November 1998

(Any bug fixes, changes or new functions added after this date are not included in files for downloading)

Features | Editor | Images | Html | Zip Manager | The Birth

File Management | Tools | User Options | Credits | License | Download

Known Problems | Changes | Bug Fixes | Whats New

This software may be freely used for personal use only

Due to the number of links to this page and to the files on the server, I have kept the name as fmedit95, only the program name has changed from FmEdit95 to FmEdit98.

This is actually the FmEdit98 help file, this may differ from the FmEdit95.htm file included in the files for downloading. As I will be adding more detailed help when I have the time (you will only need to save this html file to the FmEdit98 folder) and writing any changes or bug fixes I have made to FmEdit98.

Say goodbye to Windows Explorer, when you start using FmEdit98 you will never have the need to use explorer again.

Known Problems - Will try and get fixed, but cannot guarantee as the programs/components below were not written by me.


Main Features



View large ASCII files, limited only by the amount of RAM on your PC.

This is a fully fledged text editor with functions such as, search and replace, bookmark, goto line number, cut, copy, paste, undo, change font, print entire file or the currently selected section only..

Files can be saved in 3 different formats, MsDos / Win (default), Mac and Unix, to change the format to save under, from the main menu select Editor and change the format you wish to save the file under.

Editor Tip: Iif you open a large file, edit some text in the middle of it, save the file, then choose the option to clear all viewers or by double clicking the filename in the editor status bar to clear only the editor file, you can then reload the file, you will see that the scroll bars are in the same position as when you closed the file but it is the start of the file will you see, click on the vertical scroll bar button and you will be taken directly to where you made your changes, or click inside the vertical scroll bar to reset it.}, this also applies to the html editor.

Use the right hand mouse button when in the editor for more editing options.

Key controls when using the editor - The editor must be the focused window for the key controls to work.



Current formats supported are: BMP, GIF, ANIMATED GIF's, JPG, JPEG and PNG, I have found these type of images to be the most popular, previous versions of FmEdit95 supported more formats but had some problems with some type's of image compression, in future release's I hope to add more formats.

I have no intention of adding editing capabilities to the image viewer, it is and always will be a WYSIWYG image viewer although I have added an option to allow the printing of images, the images can be printed in full colour if your printer supports it.

I have found when viewing some GIF files it is better to reduce your colour settings to 256 colours, I do not know the cause of this, but when in 32bit colour mode, some view OK while others look as if the image has only 16 colours, changing to 256 colours solves the problem.



View large html files, html tables, html forms, background colours and images, also includes formatted printing of the html document, text search and copy to clipboard .

Provides both a viewer and an editor, the viewer is capable of showing animated images as well as frames, the editor is pretty basic but does the job, this html file is partly written using it, the editor show's the html tags in colour (a pretty basic blue), switching between the editor and viewer is pretty simple, from the viewer you can use the pop up menu or press Alt+F2 to gain access to the editor, switching from the editor back to the viewer can be done the same way or from the main menu View option (Html).

When viewing an html file and you then switch to the editor and make any changes, if you the try to switch back to the viewer without saving them, FmEdit98 will prompt you if you wish to save the changes you made. If you clear the html file while in the editor and try and switch back to the viewer you will be prompted that no file is available for viewing, you can either create a new file or click another html file for viewing.

While html documents are normally associated with the internet, they are also very useful for displaying all kinds of textual material such as documentation, helpfiles, etc. graphics are easily incorporated in these documents.


Zip Manager

Open a Zip File, select this option to open an existing zip or self extracting zip file.

Create a New Zip File, select this option to create a new zip file, any zip file that is currently open will be closed, you will then be prompted for the name of the new zip file you want to create, after you have named your zip file, you can then add files to the zip.

Extract From, extract individual files, selected files or all files from within the zip to a destination of your choice.The default settings for extract is Selected files, this can be changed toAll files if required, you can extract them to the current directory, a directory of your choice, or you can create a new directory.

Adding Files to a Zip, scan any directory for any files you wish to add to the new or current zip file, just click the filename or select All Files, click Add to Zip when you have finished the file selection, the files will then be added to the zip file.

To selct a folder to zip, just click on the folder, if you want to zip sub-directories from within a selected folder, click on the Recurse Dir option.

If you want to remove a file / folder from the files you have selected, just double click on the filename or select the option Clear Files.

Delete, highlight the file or files you wish to delete, then select this option to delete them from the archive.

Convert Zip archive to self-extracting .EXE, the resulting .EXE is a Win32 program. Uses the same base name and path already used by the Zip File - only the file extension is changed to "EXE", this can also be reversed, by changing an "EXE" back to a "ZIP".

You can now Add To, Extract or Delete from a self-extracting exe, use the Open a Zip File option to open a self-extracting file.

Zip Spanning, is now supported, default span size is 1.43mb for spanning to floppy diskettes, this can be changed by selecting the Volume option, also if you want some free space left on the first disk spanned , select the option Free, FmEdit98 will also format floppy diskettes when spanning if this option is selected, if you are spanning to the hard disk the filename used will be appended by a number, eg., etc. when spaning to floppy, they will be named just

If there is already data on a floppy diskette you are spanning to, the data will not be overwritten, FmEdit98 will just use up all the available disk space.

There is also an option to convert a spanned set back into one large zip file.


User Options

Helpful hints are displayed on the status bar when you highlight an option from this menu.

Some options are saved when you exit FmEdit98 providing you have checked the Save Settings on Exit option, they are:

There is also a Save Settings Now option which will save the current settings to the Windows registry.

The options are saved in the Windows registry file under:

If you remove FmEdit98 from your system, you can safely delete the FmEdit982 key from the registry.


The Birth of FmEdit (FmEdit95 was Born September 1997)

FmEdit98 - Written and Programmed by Raymond Allan, using Borland Delphi – Version 2.0

FmEdit95 or FmEdit98 as it is now called evolved around a project I was doing at work, I needed a flexible editor to manipulate large label files, I eventually found the Delphi components required in the form of LEdit32 , this in turn allowed me to achieve my requirements.

I then got thinking about various Editor's, File Managers, Image Viewer's, Html Viewers/Editors and Zip Utility Programs I have used or am currently using, since I found the components for the Editor, I started searching the various Delphi site's looking for components I could use to build one complete program in which I had total control over, the net result is FmEdit98, so instead of having to use 5 or 6 programs I now only use FmEdit98.

It may not be as classy or as functional as some other program's, but FmEdit98 is a very robust program and does the job required, I do not intend to stop working on FmEdit98, and will be constantly looking to add new functionality.

If you think it can be improved in anyway, or have any comments to make, drop me an e:mail and I will try to incorporate them into FmEdit98.

Anyone finding faults when using FmEdit98, please e:mail me at the address below, stating what you were doing and what happened.

I can be contacted at:

Home Pages:

Raymond Allan (September 1998)



There is also a pop up calculator and calendar on the toolbar, click on the button to access it.


File Management

If you are going to be doing a lot of file manipulation it is a good idea to Uncheck the Run Exe or associated program on dbl clk and Disable Viewers from the Options menu.

To take full advantage of the FmEdit98 File menu, you should install the Send To program from the Win95 or Win98 Power Toys.

The Send To program is (From the Win95 PT) and is available for downloading from this page in the Download section.

Multiple files and folders can be selected by keeping CTRL pressed down and clicking on the file / folder names, there is also an option to Select All in the File menu

Full drag and drop functions are supported.

To create a folder

To change the name of a file or folder

A file name can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces. It cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

To copy files or folders

To move files or folders

To send files or folders to a disk

To delete files or folders

To delete files or folders without using the Recycle Bin, highlight the files or folders you want to delete, press Shift+Del or press Shift and click the Delete Button on the toolbar.

You can also drag files or folders into the Recycle Bin. If you press Shift while dragging, the items will be deleted from your computer without being stored in the Recycle Bin.

To find a file or folder

         Click Find Now.

If you want the search to be case-sensitive, click the Options menu and make sure a check mark appears next to Case Sensitive. Click to create the check mark; click again to clear it.

To put a shortcut on the desktop

All of the above options can also be accessed by the pop up file menu.

To change any settings for the shortcut, such as what kind of window it starts in, right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.

To delete a shortcut, drag it to the Recycle Bin. The original item still exists on the disk.

To format a floppy diskette or hard disk

Right click on the disk you want to format in the Drive window, and click Format. Note: C:\ cannot be formatted with this option

Dual File Manager

Press F9 to bring up the dual file manager, the FmEdit98 icon will appear in the currently focused file window, all file funtions will relate to the focused window.

*NOTE* When dragging and dropping files/folders between file windows, I recommend using the right mouse button when dragging the files, you are then prompted if you want to copy, move or cancel the operation.

Press F5 to refresh the Status Bar when adding and deleting files.



Html viewer components - Dave Baldwin

Zip Components / Zip Spanning / Create Self-Extracting Zip

Original zip-code comes from the Infozip-Group, they developed a free implementation of the zip/unzip-code for unix and later for other platforms. Info-Zip:

Hex Editor - Markus Stephany:

Menus97 - Authors: Stephane Chova & Jean-Luc Mattei:

All beta testers of FmEdit98, especially Robert Le Ferte who really pushes pre release versions to the maximum.




This software may be freely used for personal use only.

Individual commercial use (with the exception of Avex Electronics) requires a payment of $10 per computer and that you register the software for commercial use with the author, registration entitles the user to all versions of FmEdit98 2.x

FmEdit98 may not be sold, distributed or used in any other manner without the prior written consent of the author. Those interested in licensing FmEdit98 for other than personal use should contact the author.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author disclaims all warranties regarding this software, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable for consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages arising out of the use or inability to use this software even if the author is aware of the possibility of such damages or a known defect.

By using this software, you are agreeing to the above terms.


Download and Installation

Before running FmEdit98, open Windows Explorer, select View then View Options and ensure that the Hide file extensions for known file types is unchecked, FmEdit98 will not function correctly if it is checked.

FmEdit98 - First time users and upgraders from all versions of FmEdit95 and FmEdit98 below release 2.0

FmEdit98exe -

If you do not have the Win95 or Win98 Power Toys installed on your PC then you should download the SendTo program (from the Win95 PT) for more functionality when using the file menu's.

SendTo - Contains 2 files, SendTox.inf and SendTox.dll (15k), unzip the 2 files, right click on the inf file and select install, you will now have multiple options on the Send To menu.

Files included in (888k) (I have kept the zip names as fmedit95 for bookmarking purposes)

Files which will be included in when version 2.0 is upgraded


Unzip the file to a temporary directory, then run the FmEdit98 Self-Extracting program, the default directory for installation is C:\FmEdit98, this can be changed to a directory of your choice, once installed a readme file is automatically opened, read this carefully before using FmEdit98.


If you wish to uninstall FmEdit98, delete the dll and bin files you moved to the windows system directory, remove FmEdit98.exe, FmEdit98.htm, Readme.txt and FileId.diz from where you installed FmEdit98 to, then delete the key (FmEdit982 in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software section) from the Windows registry file, that's it, although once installed you will never want to uninstall FmEdit98.


Bug Fixes

6th Nov, 1998.

4th Oct, 1998.

30th Sep, 1998.

29th Sep, 1998.

28th Sep, 1998.


Whats New

6th Nov, 1998

4th Oct, 1998.

1st Oct, 1998.

29th Sep, 1998.



6th Nov, 1998

4th Oct, 1998.

1st Oct, 1998.

30th Sep, 1998


1998 Raymond Allan, Last Revision - 06 November 1998 18:14 GMT Standard Time