EASYCLEAN 32 Version 1.4 Please see the helpfile for more detailed information. 1. Backup all the important files you use. Note: You can use ERU.EXE to save your systemfiles on the Win95-CD:\Other\Misc\Eru\eru.exe) 2. Install EasyClean: Create a new Folder (e.g. c:\EasyClean) just copy the both files (easyClean.exe and easyclean.hlp) into the new folder. Start EasyClean.exe now, thats all. 3. Settings of EasyClean to watch the registry: - after the first start a useful selection is done automatically you can expand this selection. - you need not watch HKey_Current_User this is a subkey of HKey_Users - the same goes for HKey_Classes_Root, which is a subkey of HKey_Local_Machine 4. De-Installation of EZ-Clean: to de-install EasyClean do these steps - delete the folder of EasyClean and all the files in it - delete the registrykey "Klaiber" in the Registry HKey_Current_User\Software\Klaiber I hope you don't want to do that and wish a lot of succes with EasyClean.