Sportklub æ92
and the
Good Morning Kites team
invites you to
ultimate indoor open tournament
The Good Morning Cup ┤99

Where: Chomutov, Czech republic (20 km from border crossing w. BRD - Reitzenhain)

Gym: Sportovnφ hala Vodnφch staveb Brezeneckß, ul.17.listopadu (17th November street)

When: 9.-10.01.1999

Game: Will be played in accordance to official rules and Spirit Of The Game, five to five. Playing system and match duration will be made accurate at the Captains meeting, depending on the number of teams.

The championship is designed as an open tournament. Individuals should contact us, weÆll collect all the information and then weÆll decide whether there is enough people to form a pick-up team (youÆll be told the result, of course).

Taxes: Individual taxes (per player), paid at presentation

20,- DM (1-2 nights in the gym, breakfast, supper on saturday (at presentation you can choose between two foods), mineral water and organization taxes) Accommodation: In the gym (sleeping bag recommended)

If you plan to arrive on Friday (8.1.) (please try it till midnight), you have to mention it in application!

Meals: Breakfast right in the gym (dinner possible), Saturday supper in ôCocktail clubö nearby.   Registration: ItÆs necessary to confirm your obligatory participation till 22.12.1998 (the last day we will read e-mail, weÆll see it again on 6.1.1999 = final deadline). Approximate number of players and arrival day must be mentioned!


Mφra BurÜa
Jirka Krotk²


Sportklub ┤92
P.O.BOX 32
430 05 Chomutov
Czech republic

Phone: +420-396-51193-Jirka a +420-396-51042-Mira

08.01.1999              teams accomodation (till midnight please)
09.01.1999  0730-0900   registration
          0915         captains meeting
          1000-2100    Ultimate game
          2100-0200    supper, party in the "Cocktail Club"
10.01.1999  0900-1600   Ultimate game
            1600        results, prizes award

 WeÆre looking forward for all ôFrisbeestepforwardnonebackö,
divies, dives and super-dives.



Organizing team: The Good Morning Kites and itÆs KODLOR G.M.C. ┤99.
Sponsored by:     KANCEL Ltd., ┌stφ nad Labem, Czech rep.
Merry Christmas and a happy New year.
