"EuroDisc", the European Disc Sports Mailing List
In December 1994 a new disc sports mailing list called "EuroDisc" has been set up.
Its main goal is to provide a forum specifically for European disc sports topics
and to enhance communication among European disc players.
All players worldwide who are interested in the European side of disc sports are invited to subscribe and participate by submitting appropriate articles and requests.
To subscribe send mail to "" with
subscribe firstname lastname <your_e-mail_address_here>
as the first line in the message. You will then receive further information how to post articles to the mailing list.
More information
- EuroDisc mails are archived and can be looked up (only) via a WWW browser at the
The archive is very simple. Its appearance will change over time, but this will
happen slowly.
- EuroDisc cannot collect mails and send them out in bundles ("digests").
- Subscribing/Unsubscribing is done manually and therefore will take some time when I am on vacation.
- EuroDisc does not pass on articles from or to the newsgroup
- EuroDisc is unmoderated.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send
mail to the list owner.
Current subscriber statistics for EuroDisc (as of 30.11.1998)
There are 333 subscribers on the mailing list with the following distribution of top level domains:
at 19
au 1
be 4
ca 1
ch 11
com 49
cz 11
de 89
dk 7
edu 9
es 1
fi 5
fr 10
hu 9
ie 2
it 11
net 15
nl 16
no 2
org 1
pl 2
pt 3
se 10
sk 2
UA 1
uk 42
Thomas Griesbaum,
[Frisbeesport | Karlsruhe Department of Computer Science]