Last known coordinates of the storks
Kristyna and David
Baby storks
Czech pages
Storks on line
One of our storks shot by a French "hunter"
One of our storks shot by a French "hunter"
Black stork named Hynek (whose journey to winter habitat has been tracked
as a part of the African Odyssey project) has been shot by a French "hunter".
GĂ©rard Jadoul (a zoologist originating in Belgium) informed the Czech Radio
about the accident. Hynek has been shot about 3 days ago near the Dondas
village (SW France); no more details are available so far.
According to Jadoul's information, Hynek may be the third black stork
shot by a vandal hunter. Another stork carrying the marker ring of National
Museum Prague has been killed 2 months ago near Baie de Somme. The Czech
Radio 2 - PRAGUE (that coordinates the whole African Odyssey project) is
preparing to send a complaint both to French Embassy in Prague and French
Executive Department of Living Environment.
Thanks to live sessions accessible via the Internet, young male
stork Hynek has been observed by a thousands of people since his very birth
(dated May 31,1998). In July, he was equipped with a satellite communication
set (like all members of his stork family). Thanks to this device, his
journey to the tropics could easily be followed and mapped.
More information are available on Czech Radio 2 - PRAGUE program or
refer to the website http://capi.internet.cz.
Miroslav Bobek, Czech Radio 2 - PRAGUE