HTML-Ed v0.96b
(C) Copyright 1996, Ian Prest
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for trying HTML-Ed v0.96b.
Thank you for trying this beta of HTML-Ed! HTML-Ed is a full-featured
editor for HTML code. HTML is the markup language used on the World Wide
This manual, like HTML-Ed itself, is in a constant state of
modification. I will be improving it over the next few revisions of
HTML-Ed. I would also appreciate comments on how this manual could
Visit the HTML-Ed Home Page for the most up-to-date information:
HTML-Ed's Features include:
1. HTML-Ed, unlike other OS/2 HTML editors, features a built-in viewer!
No more waiting for WebExplorer to load; testing of HTML code is almost
2. HTML-Ed support all of the common HTML 2.0 tags (the major exception
being forms), and selected HTML 3.0 tags (background, colours, etc).
3. HTML-Ed is FAST! It is written in pure C for speed. Most other HTML
editors have been written in VX-REXX and you are therefore stuck with
poor VX-REXX performance.
4. HTML-Ed is SMALL! It won't gobble megabytes of disk space, and
doesn't require much in the way of RAM to run. The executable file is
currently hovering around the 90 kb mark!
5. HTML-Ed has an intelligent keyboard interface. Most of the common
tags are easily available from the keyboard.
6. HTML-Ed was designed with speed of use in mind. Everything is
keyboard driven; there is no need to use the mouse. There is no
graphical toolbar to get in the way.
7. HTML-Ed is configurable. You can toggle word-wrap, toggle the
loading of graphics (in TEST mode), change the font of the MLE, and save
the window position for future use, among others.
8. Multi-File editing via a ring-type system (like EPM).
9. HTML-Ed can run any external process, and extends the REXX language
with over 50 new functions that allow you to create really powerful
v0.96b (July 21, 1996)
* added a WebEx version display in the about dialog
(Note: Every WebEx version I've tried reports itself as v1.02, YMMV).
* Notebook Other Options dialog.
* WebExplorer Window Options
- Underline Anchors
- Choose font and font size
* Default Extension/Filespec Options
* More Drag and Drop
- Copy Drop (Ctrl+drag) a file to INSERT text at cursor
- Drag & Drop options
* Redefinable hotkeys!
* External processes
- Nine processes available with hotkeys (more than one process can
be assigned to the same hotkey, and they will execute in order).
- any defined external processes available with a keyword/title.
- run any other process from a pseudo command-line
- program output piped into an output window
* REXX Macro Interface! Over 50 extra functions! Make your own
powerful extensions to HTML-Ed! Macros are run as just another
extenal process!
* HTML-Ed Programmer's Manual (INF format) that describes the
extensions to the REXX language.
* Only the first nine characters of the search/replace strings were
used when searching. Fixed.
* I significantly modified the code for several of the "tag" dialogs
(IMG, BODY, HEAD, ANCHOR, HR, etc) in orderto make them easier to
maintain and extend. I may have accidentally introduced a bug or two,
so be on the lookout for them. On the bright side, I did find the
following bug in the existing code:
* When creating an IMG tag, VSPACE used the HSPACE value. Fixed.
* Save ASCII erroneously changed the current file's "filename"
(but not in the title bar), causing every regular save
afterwards to use the ASCII filename rather than the real filename.
* I was using the Borland C++ file i/o routines in several places.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a few bugs in them, as they were
causing crashes when opening large numbers of files (>32). I'm now
using OS/2 Dos file i/o routines and the problems have disappeared.
* When saving over a file using Save As EA's were saved and shouldn't
have been.
v0.95b (June 14, 1996)
* Save All feature.
* You can now print from test mode.
* Chord click on editor will display Ring List dialog.
* Special characters dialog is now non-modal
* Hotkey for Find (Shift+F3), and Replace (Ctrl+F3)
* Drag and Drop
- drop files on editor to open them (add them to the ring)
- drop a graphic on the editor to create an IMG tag
- shadow drop a file to the editor to create an anchor to it
* Misc Options
- load LAST file when following links
- load ALL files when following links
* Tag Options
- insert tags in upper/lowercase
- absolute/relative font sizes
* Drop down list in the anchor dialog with the standard URL prefixes
* Ring Left/Right bitmaps were ugly on 1024x768 (and up) desktops.
* Misc changes to install program.
* Two menu items were swapped.
* The "Find" button in dialogs now appends a "file:///" in front
of files that reside on other drives (WebEx sometimes had a problem
loading these files).
* HTML-Ed now preserves extended attributes when saving over a file
* When more than one copy of the same file is opened, HTML-Ed now
numbers them.