The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users - by Robert Vivrette

Enhancing the TDateTimePicker

by Steve Gill -

Editors Note: In response to the article run earlier this month on Formatting the Time format in the TDateTimePicker component, Steve has wrapped the whole thing into a descendant class of TDateTimePicker.

I have had a go at putting a time format into a descendant component of TDateTimePicker (see attached zip file).  Another shortcoming of the TDateTimePicker component is that it has no TabOrder property.  This was a real barrel of laughs until I finally realised why I couldn't get the tab order to work correctly.  Every time I set the tab order of the components on a form, the TDateTimePicker would default back to whatever it's setting was.  I have added the TabOrder property to the component as well.