The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users - by Robert Vivrette

A Multiline Hint Property Editor

by Grahame Marsh - gsmarsh@aol

In the 25th May issue of UNDU, Jorge Turiel showed a simple, but effective way of obtaining multiline hints.  The disadvantage of his method is that the
hint is placed in the code associated with the form and not in the component's hint property in the object inspector.  What is obviously needed is a hint property editor that allows the hint property to have multiple lines.

So having been given the "hint" by Jorge, I have written a simple property editor. It includes a TPanel to show what the hint text currently looks like.  If you want to make the editor memo to look like the hint text then you need to include the following FormCreate event handler.

Enjoy, and thanks to Jorge for the original idea. You can download the code for this by clicking here...