Product Reviews & Announcements

I have moved all the announcements and reviews of books, and other Delphi related products to this page. If you have a product you would like to see reviewed, or wish to do a review yourself, please feel free to contact me at

 03/25/98 - WinHelp Office Review
 Issue #24 - A Second Look at MicroEdge's Visual SlickEdit
 Issue #23 - Book Review: Hidden Paths of Delphi 3
 Issue #23 - Book Review: Building Delphi 2 Database Applications
 Issue #23 - Raize Components
 Issue #22 - Programmers Guild Animated Tray Icon
 Issue #22 - MicroEdge's Visual SlickEdit
 Issue #22 - IniOut Component
 Issue #22 - Addict 2.2 Spell Checker for Delphi
 Issue #21 - Book Review: Delphi Component Design
 Issue #20 - Delphi Books and Periodicals
 Issue #19 - SpeedDaemon Code Profiler
 Issue #19 - A Look at MagiKit
 Issue #18 - Object Express by OopSoft
 Issue #18 - Announcement: IniOut Component
 Issue #18 - Book Review: Delphi Component Design by Danny Thorpe

More links to come! To see the material in Issues 1 through 17, click here.