The Delphi Workout
  • Professional Delphi Training for Under £100
  • One of the World's leading Delphi Trainers
  • Great sessions to enhance your Delphi Skills
  • FREE Full 170 page course book
  • FREE Developers CD with over 1200 tools and components
  • FREE £600 off Borland Tools
  • Sessions in London (Westminster Hall) and Manchester (United Football Club)
  • Zack Urlocker (Borland VP Marketing) says: "A must for Developers who want to take their Delphi skills to the next level. Highly recommended"

    To register:

    Phone:      0800 833022
    Fax back:   0118 954 6978
    Mail:       The Delphi Workout
                Multizone International
                Caversham Business Centre
                23 Prospect St, Caversham, RG4 8JB.
    When:       19th, 20th March 1998 and other dates TBA

    Course Outline:

    8.30-9.00 Registration

    9.00-9.30   Warming up
    In this section we'll discuss some generic tips to working with Delphi 2 including some focus on exciting new methods of working in Delphi 3

    9.00-9.30 - Delphi Overview
    Delphi 2&3, ObjectPascal, Code Insights, Components, BDE. This session will give a very quick overview of some 32-bits Delphi features, such as Code Insights, the VCL Component Palette/Packages, Data Modules, Form Inheritance, ActiveX controls, and the Database-Form Wizard, etc.

    9.30-10.45   The Top 10 Ways to becoming a better Delphi Programmer
    In this section we'll focus on ObjectPascal, exception handling, and performance optimization, positioning most of this on Delphi 2, but highlighting new better ways to do it in Delphi 3 as well

    9.30 -10.00 - ObjectPascal
    ObjectPascal, Exceptions, Try-Except, Try-Finally, Raise, Assert.  This session will start with new ObjectPascal features, followed by the benefits of structured exception handling as the preferred way of error detection, error handling and resource management. All Delphi 2 compatible. At the end of the session, we'll also examine a new Delphi 3 feature called assertions, to support preconditions and error detection.

    10.00-10.45 - 32-bits Efficiency
    Profiling, Algorithms & Datastructures, Language Features. This session will identify the steps of performance optimization: finding bottle-necks, checking algorithms & datastructures, and new 32-bits Delphi language features. A number of examples will illustrate what difference it can make in performance to know and apply the tips and techniques from this session.

    10.45-11.00   Coffee

    11.00-12.30   The Top 10 Secrets to building Rapid Applications
    In this section we'll focus on the developer and his building tools (components, packages and Delphi IDE experts/wizards) to help building Rapid Applications.

    11.00-11.45 - Component Building
    Component Wizard, Properties, Methods, Events. This session will teach the basics of component building, as we focus on the Component Wizard, followed by the creation of a component skeleton, the addition of properties, methods, events and event handlers. We'll move on by installing the component in the Component Palette, or in a Delphi 3-specific package

    11.45-12.00 - Delphi 3 Packages
    Design Time, Run Time, Deployment, Versioning. This session will explain what Delphi 3 packages are, how they can benefit our projects (size of executable), how to make our own custom packages with components, and how to deploy them correctly.

    12.00-12.30 - Experts and Wizards
    IDE, Open Tools API, Experts, Wizards. This session will show how to extend the Delphi IDE itself by using the Open Tools API to write Experts (that plug into the IDE) and Wizards, including some User Interface guidelines for writing Wizards.

    12.30-13.30   Lunch

    13.30-14.00   Unleashing the hidden power of Databases within Delphi
    BDE, Tables, Queries, data-aware components.  This session will show the database basics, including tables, queries, data-aware components and how to (re-) create your own tables with ObjectPascal source code.

    14.00-14.45 - The Best of Delphi  (UK-BUG)
    A Borland User Group representative will highlight how to unearth the most comprehensive guide (the DIL database) where to find free Delphi Code,
    tools, samples and support.

    14.45-17.00   Building Killer Web Applications
    In this section we'll start by seeing how we can use Delphi 2 for data-aware net development, followed by some next exciting techniques and net development support in Delphi 3.

    14.45-15.10 - Table to HTML
    HTML, Tables, Image Map, Table-layout, Index Fields, Frames. This session will shortly introduce the basic concepts of HTML, followed by a Wizard that can be used to convert the contents (records) of a table to a set of static HTML-pages that can be uploaded to the web.

    15.10-15.30 - CGI and WinCGI
    CGI/WinCGI, GET/POST, State, Debugging CGI. This session will extend our HTML knowledge with the Common Gateway Interface protocol, which is a way to interact between the web client and the web server. Delphi 2 compatible.

    15.30-15.45   Afternoon Tea

    15.45-16.15 - Delphi 3 ActiveForms
    New ActiveForm, Converting existing Forms, Deployment. This session will illustrate how to write, use and deploy ActiveForms on the web, including an example where we publish a table on an ActiveForm on the Internet.

    16.15-17.00 - Delphi 3 C/S WebModules
    WebModule, Dispatcher, PageProducer, TableProducers. This session will demonstrate the Delphi 3 Client/Server-only capabilities of the Web Modules to create and support CGI/WinCGI and ISAPI/NSAPI web server applications, including an example where we connect a database to the web, with options to browse, query and update the database contents.

    17.00-17.30   Cooling Down

    17.00-17.30 - The Future of Delphi  (Borland)
    A Borland Product Manager will talk to the audience for half an hour on the future of Delphi... and answer questions from the audience.