Welcome... This .ZIP file contains 76 bitmaps (.BMP's or glyphs) useful for creating applications with Borland's Delphi. Most of the enclosed bitmaps are taken directly from Delphi's own resource files (though a few are custom) and should prove somewhat more professional-looking than some of those those used by the Project Expert. Following is a description of the bitmaps included with this file. Unless stated otherwise, each bitmap is a "two-state" bitmap, meaning there's an image for an enabled and a disabled version of the bitmap. ALIGNPAL.BMP --- The Alignment Palette Toolbar button ARROLEFT.BMP --- An arrow pointing left, useful for 2-list controls. ARRORITE.BMP --- An arrow pointing right, useful for 2-list controls. ARROWDN.BMP ---- An arrow pointing down, useful for sort list controls. ARROWUP.BMP ---- An arrow pointing up, useful for sort list controls. BREAKADD.BMP --- Add Breakpoint Toolbar button. BREAKPTS.BMP --- Run to Breakpoint Toolbar button. BREAKTOG.BMP --- Toggle Breakpoint Toolbar button. BROWSOBJ.BMP --- Object Browser Toolbar button. CALLSTAK.BMP --- Calling Stack Toolbar button. CANCELX.BMP ---- The "X" used in Borland's "glyphed" Cancel buttons. CHALKBD.BMP ---- Relativity equation (E=mc**2) chalkboard button. CHECKALL.BMP --- Check All options bitmaps (two checkmarks). CHECKOK.BMP ---- The checkmark that appears in Borland's OK buttons. CLIPCOPY.BMP --- Copy to Clipboard Toolbar button. CLIPCUT.BMP ---- Cut to Clipboard Toolbar button. CLIPPAST.BMP --- Paste from Clipboard Toolabr button. COMPNEW.BMP ---- New Component Toolbar button. DELPHIRU.BMP --- Delphi Run project button (single image only). EDITREDO.BMP --- Edit | Redo Toolbar button. EDITUNDO.BMP --- Edit | Undo Toolbar button. EXEPOINT.BMP --- Run to Cursor Toolbar button. EXITAPP.BMP ---- Exit application "doorway" button. FILECHEK.BMP --- Report page containng a checkmark. FILELIST.BMP --- Three pages overlapping. FILENEW.BMP ---- File | New Toolbar button. FILEOPEN.BMP --- File | Open Toolbar button. FILESAVE.BMP --- File | Save Toolbar button. FILESVAS.BMP --- File | Save As Toolbar button. FOLDER.BMP ----- Simple file folder button. FOLDRADD.BMP --- Add to Folder Button. FOLDRDEL.BMP --- Remove from Folder button. FOLDRNEW.BMP ---- New folder button FOLDROPN.BMP --- Open a folder button. FOLDROPT.BMP --- Folder | options button. FORMCOMP.BMP --- Form Compile button. FORMLIST.BMP --- form list; three windows tiled. FORMNEW.BMP ---- File | Few Form button. GLASSES.BMP ---- Eyeglasses button. HELPAPI.BMP ---- Help | API Toolbar button. HELPCONT.BMP --- Help | Contents button (question mark) HELPHELP.BMP --- Help | Using Help button (two question marks). HELPINFO.BMP --- Help | About button (italicized "i" button). HELPSRCH.BMP --- Help | Search button (Book w/question mark). IGNORE.BMP ----- Ignore button (man walking left). NOCIRCLE.BMP --- Alternate Cancel icon (slashed circle). OBJCOMP.BMP ---- Object | Compile Toolbar button. PRINT.BMP ------ Print this Form button (printer). PROJCLOS.BMP --- Project | Close Toolbar button. PROJCOMP.BMP --- Project (folder) | Compile. PROJOPEN.BMP --- File | Open Project Toolbar button. PROJSAVE.BMP --- File | Save Project Toolbar button PTRSETUP.BMP --- Printer Setup button. RETRY.BMP ------ Retry button (two-arrows pointing). SRCHAGIN.BMP --- Repeat Last Search button (flashlight). SRCHFIND.BMP --- Search/Find button (flashlight). SRCHREPL.BMP --- Search/Replace button (flashlight). SRCHSYMB.BMP --- Find a Symbol button (flashlight). STEPINTO.BMP --- Debug | Step Into button (jump in). STEPOVER.BMP --- Debug | Step Over button (jump over). USEROPTS.BMP --- User Options button (briefcase w/checks). VCRFFWD.BMP ---- VCR Fastforward button (Next Set). VCRFIRST.BMP --- VCR First button (Top/Home). VCRLAST.BMP ---- VCR Last button (Bottom/End). VCRNEXT.BMP ---- VCR Next Record/Play button. VCRPAUSE.BMP --- VCR Pause button (single image only). VCRPLAY.BMP ---- VCR Play button (single image only). VCRPREV.BMP ---- VCR Previous Record button. VCRREWND.BMP --- VCR Rewind/Previous Set button. VIEWOBJS.BMP --- View Objects button (glass over objects). WATCHADD.BMP --- Add Watchpoint button. WINARANG.BMP --- Window | Arrange All button. WINCASC.BMP ---- Window | Cascade button. WINOPTS.BMP ---- Window | Options button. WINTILE.BMP ---- Window | Tile button WINTOGGL.BMP --- Window | Toggle form/code button. If you find these files useful (or have other ones you'd like to see), drop me a quick EMAIL message. Who knows? I may upload other bitmap collections, depending on the response and my own creativity. -- Lance Leonard, CompuServe: 76117,3050 Internet: 76117.3050@compuserve.com P.S. All trademarks and copyrights are hereby acknowledged as being the property of their respective owners.