Nov. 2, 1998 |
Added: Plan of Government assignments approved in decision
No.632 of Sept.30, 1998. |
Oct. 27, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 110th session of the CR Government
Council for Research and Development. |
Oct. 24, 1998 |
Updated: www page of the Government Committee for the
Czech Republic's Integration into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), and added: information on the ratification process in the CR's
accession to NATO. |
Oct. 16, 1998 |
Added: text of the Position of the CR Government Council
for Research and Development concerning the draft national budget for the
year 1999. |
Oct. 15, 1998 |
Published: proposed structure of input data for CEP99,
CEZ99 and RIV99 on the page of the CR Government Council for Research and
Development. |
Oct. 5, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 109th session of the CR Government
Council for Research and Development. |
Sept. 16, 1998 |
Updated: the page of the Government Committee for CR's
Integration into NATO, and added: information about the 3rd session and
the 4th session. |
Sept. 11, 1998 |
Added: text of proceedings of the 1O8th session of the
CR Government Council for Research and Development. |
Sept. 10, 1998 |
Published: upgrade for CEP software application on the
page of the CR Government Council for Research and Development. |
Sept. 9, 1998 |
Added: check-out programme for CEZ98 including manual
and instructions for the check-out programme on the CR Government Council
for R&D page. |
Sept. 8, 1998 |
Added: check-out programme for RIV98 including manual
and instructions for the check-out programme on the CR Government Council
for R&D page. |
Sept. 7, 1998 |
The Government programme is now available also in the
HTML format. The MS-Word 6.0 format has been preserved. |
Aug. 26, 1998 |
Added: text of Government resolution No.531/1998 (on
preliminary information con-cerning the course of selected cases of state-owned
property privatization) complete with a reasoned statement, report on the
course of selected cases of the privatization of property, in which the
public shows interest, the outcome of comments and sugestions. |
Aug. 20, 1998 |
Updated: home page of the CR Government Council for R&D;
added: information on RIV (Czech abbr.for Register of Information on the
Results of State-promoted R&D). |
Aug. 19, 1998 |
Added: the document Notice concerning the outcome of
the competition for complementary projects for the Gypsy community on the
page of the Interdepartmental Commission for Gypsy Community Affairs. |
Aug. 12, 1998 |
Added: the document National Plan of Equal Opportunities
for the Disabled on the page of the Government Board for People with Disabilities. |
Aug. 7, 1998 |
Published: CR Government Policy Statement |
July 29, 1998 |
Added: text of the Agreement on the creation of a stable
political environment in the Czech Republic concluded between the CSSD
Czech Social Democratic Party and the ODS Civic Democratic Party |
July 23, 1998 |
Added: programme, by means of which data are supplied
to the CEP in the structure of the CEP98/II for organizations and central
bodies including directions for installation on the CR Government Council
for Research and Development page. |
July 22, 1998 |
Updated: information on the make-up of the CR Government.
Information on the previous Government has been relocated to the section
From the History ... . |
July 13, 1998 |
Published: binding structure of data for the Central
Records of Research Designs (CEZ98) and for the Register of Information
on the Results of Research and Development (RIV98) on the CR Government
Council for Research and Development page. |
July 10, 1998 |
Added: text of the EU Model Agreement for the funding
of research and development projects - on then CR Government Council for
Research and Development page.
Added: standardized form of Application for Subsidy to finance the CR Government's
drug control policy on the Interdepartmental Anti-drug Commission page. |
July 9, 1998 |
Added: proceeding of the 107th session, and added dates
of sessions meetings for the second half of the year 1998 - on the CR Government
Council for Research and Development page.
Updated: list of members of the CR Government Council for Non-Governmental
Non-profit Organizations, and added: brief record of the discussions of
June 25,1998.
Added: text of reasoned statement on Government decision No. 397/98 ("Principles
of the CR Science Policies on the Eve of the 21st Century") - on the
CR Government Council for research and Development page. |
June 26, 1998 |
Published: announcement of selective proceeding for the
NIF - on the CR Government Council fon Non-Governmental Non-profit Organizations
Added: proceeding of the 106th session of the CR Government Council for
Research and Development. |
June 18, 1998 |
Added: text of the document Principles of the CR Science
Policies on the Eve of the 21st Century (as part of the CR Government decision
No. 397/98) - on the CR Government Council for Research and Development
page. |
June 9, 1998 |
Added: information on the Interdepartmental Commission
for Gypsy Community Affairs including the launching of the Competition
for Complementary Projects for the Gypsy Community.
Added: on the Council for Nationalities page - texts of the General Convention
concerning the protection of ethnic minorities, and Children's and Young
People's Support and Protection Programmes for the year 1999. |
June 2, 1998 |
Added: text of the CR Government's decision No.360/98
concerning the allocation of financial means raised by the sale of shares
intended for the joint-stock company Nadaèní investièní
fond (Foundation Investment Fund) on the page of the Government Council
for Non-Governmental Non-profit Organizations. |
May 19, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 105th session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development. |
May 4, 1998 |
Updated: information on the Government Board for the
People with Disabilities. |
April 30, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 104th session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development. |
April 20, 1998 |
Updated: information in the review of R+D programmes
and "grant-based projects" declared by central public service
bodies, and deadlines of the 1998 public competitions run by the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development. Updated: information in connection
with the discontinuation of the Council for Foundations and with the formation
of the Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations. |
April 15, 1998 |
Updated: Statute of the CR Government's Council for Research
and Development. |
April 14, 1998 |
Added: information for the review of R+D programmes and
"grant-based projects" launched by central public service bodies,
and deadlines for the 1999 public competitions run by the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development. |
April 7, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 103rd session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development |
April 1, 1998 |
Added: information on the introduction of a WWW page
on research in the CR on the CR Government's Council for Research and Development
page. |
March 24, 1998 |
Added: information concerning the programme "Development
and preservation of the culture of ethnic minorities" on the page
of the CR Government's Council for Nationalities |
March 19, 1998 |
Added: information for the review of R+D programmes and
"grant-based projects" launched by central public service bodies,
and deadlines for the 1999 public competitions run by the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development
Added: proceedings of the 102nd session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development
Updated: information of the CR Government's Council for
March 12, 1998 |
Added: information to be included in the review of R+D
programmes and "grant-based projects" launched by central public
service bodies, and deadlines for the 1998 public competitions of the CR
Government's Council for Research and Development.
Added: document Background Information for the Providers
of Data for the draft 1998 State Budget for the CR Government's Council
for Research and Development page.
March 9, 1998 |
Added: review of R+D programmes and "grant-based
projects" launched by central public service bodies, and deadlines
for the 1999 public competitions run by the CR Government's Council for
Research and Development |
March 3, 1998 |
Added: information on the Interdepartmental Drug Control
Commission (document Conception of Drug Control policies) |
Feb.26, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the CR Government's Council for
Foundations meeting of February 17, 1998 |
Feb.24, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 101st session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development |
Feb.11, 1998 |
Updated: information on the Government Board for the
People with Disabilities. |
Feb.4, 1998 |
Updated: information on the CR Government 's Council
for Foundations. |
Feb. 3, 1998 |
Added: proceedings of the 100th session of the CR Government's
Council for Research and Development |
Feb. 2, 1998 |
Made public: information for RIP data suppliers in 1998
on the CR Government's Council for Research and Development page. |
Jan. 27, 1998 |
Added: text of Government Policy Statement delivered
before the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic |
Jan. 26, 1998 |
Added: text of the document Report on the Situation of
the Gypsy Community in the Czech Republic and Government Measures to Help
Its Integration in Society - on the Secretariat of the CR Government's
Council for Nationalities page |
Jan. 19, 1998 |
Made accessible: Government decisions, Government programme |
Jan. 17, 1998 |
Corrections were made on the CR Government's Council
for Research and Development page, and some information was added for CEP
98 data suppliers. |
Jan. 9, 1998 |
Added: information on the Government Committee for the
Czech Republic's Integration in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO). |
Jan. 7, 1998 |
Added: text of proceedings of the 99th session of the
CR Government's Council for Research and Development. |
Jan. 2, 1998 |
Alterations were made in the composition of the CR Government. |