ADAM | SystΦme Administratif et Documentaire des Achats et MarchΘs | bibliographical | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
APC | Commission prepatory acts (decision-making process) | bibliographical | Telnet | Eurobases |
ARCADE* | Telematic service of DG XII with Information about the research programmes | factual | Telnet | DG XII |
CDS | Provides a locator system on environmental information | factual | WWW | European Environment Agency |
CELEX | European Union law | fulltext | Telnet/WWW (Password required) |
Eurobases |
CLAB Europa | Database on case law about unfair terms in consumer contracts | fulltext | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
CES-DOC | Opinions of the Economic and Social Committee (only in german) | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server (Univ. Bielefeld) |
COM-DOC | Documents of the European Commission forwarded to the Council (since May 1996) | fulltext (all official languages) | WWW | WWW-Server European Parliament |
COM-DOC | Documents from the Commission of the EC (since Jan. 1990, only in german) | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server (Uni-Bielefeld) |
CORDIS | Community R&D Information service with 9 datenbases | fulltext | WWW
/ CD-ROM |
CORDIS-Server |
ECLAS | European's Commission Library Anototed System | bibliographical | WWW
/ Telnet |
EUROPA-Server / Eurobases |
ECU | Daily ECU rates | factual | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
EDC Library | Library of the European Documentation Center of the University of Mannheim | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server (Uni-Mannheim) |
EG-LIT | Bibliography of the educational policy in the EU | bibliographical | Disquette | DIPF / EDC, Univ. Mannheim |
EIROnline | European Industrial Relations Observatory: Database on events and issues in industrial relations in Europe | fulltext | WWW | WWW-Server European Foundation, Dublin |
ELCID | European Living Conditions Information Directory | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server European Foundation, Dublin |
EMIRE | Online version of "The European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries" | fulltext | WWW | WWW-Server European Foundation, Dublin |
EPOQUE | Documentary database of the European Parliament | bibliographical | Telnet | Eurobases |
EUDOR | Document delivery service for official EU documents | factual | WWW | WWW-Server |
EuGH | Neueste Rechtsprechung of the European Court of Justice and Court of First Instance (since June 1997) | Fulltext | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
EUR-Lex | Official Journal (L and C series) in all 11 languages for a period of 20 days | fulltext | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
EUREKA | Network for industrial R & D | factual | WWW | EUREKA-Server |
EURHISTAR | European Historical Archives database (Florence) | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server (EUI, Florence) |
EUROCAT | Publication catalogue with extracts from ABEL, CATEL, CELEX, SCAD | bibliographical | CD-ROM | EUR-OP / EDC, Univ. Mannheim |
EURODICAUTOM | Multilingual terminology database | factual | WWW | I'M Europe-Server, ECHO |
EUROPEAN RESEARCH DIRECTORY | File of current vocational trsaining research projects | fulltext | Disquette | Cedefop / EDC, Univ. Mannheim |
EUROSTAT | Statistical yearbook of the European Union | factual | CD-ROM | Eurostat / EDC, Univ. Mannheim |
GASP | Documents of the Council of the EU about Common Foreign and Security Policy | fulltext | WWW | Server of the Council of the EU |
IDEA | Interinstitutional directory of EU institutions | factual | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
INFORMATION MARKET FORUM | Details of companies active in the EU informations market | factual | WWW | I'M Europe-Server / ECHO |
IM GUIDE | Electronic information products and services available in Europe | factual | WWW | I'M EUROPE-Server, ECHO |
INFO92 | On-line version of the "Completion of the internal market" (included in SCADplus on WWW) | fulltext | Telnet / WWW | Eurobases / EUROPA-Server |
IRELA | Handbook for European Latin American Relations | factual | WWW | IRELA-Server |
LΣndlicher Raum | Factsheets for regional policy | fulltext | Disquette | DG X / EDC, Univ. Mannheim |
Market Access Database | Trade policy, tariffs, etc | factual | WWW | WWW-Server |
NEW-CRONOS | Statistical tables (time-series) in different areas | factual | CD-ROM | Eurostat / EDC, University of Mannheim (financed by MZES) |
NEWS Online | On-line version of "Information Market Newsletter" and "ECHO facts for users" | fulltext | WWW | I'M EUROPE-Server, ECHO |
OEIL | Legislative Observatory: Planning and monitoring of interinstitutional legislative procedures | biobliographical | WWW | WWW-Server, European Parliament |
OIL | Prices of petroleum products without custom duties and taxes | factual | Telnet | Eurobases |
ORTELIUS | Adresses and curricula of European universities institutions | factual | WWW | WWW-Server (EUI, Florence) |
PE-DOC | A4-reports of the European Parlament (since 1997) | fulltext (all languages) |
WWW | WWW-Server, European Parliament |
PE-DOC | Documents of the European Parliament | bibliographical | WWW | WWW-Server (Univ. Bielefeld) |
QOTAS | Tariff quotas and ceilings | faktual | WWW | EUROPA-Server (Directorate General XXI) |
RAPID | Daily press information service about the EU | fulltext | WWW | EUROPA-Server |
SCAD, SCADplus | On-line version of the SCAD-Bulletin: Documents on EU policy; WWW version extended with fulltexts | bibliographical and fulltext | Telnet / CD-ROM/ WWW | Eurobases / EUROPA-Server |
SESAME | Research projects in the energy sector | bibliographical | Telnet | Eurobases |
Statewatch | State und civil rights in the UK and Europe | fulltext | WWW | WWW-server Statewatch |
TED | Tenders Electronic Daily; On-line version of the Official Journal Supplement | fulltext | WWW WWW | EUR-OP / WWW-server Context Ltd., UK |
Who's who in European Integration | Directory of university teachers and researchers | factual | WWW | EPMS, NL |
ZEUS | Eurobarometer Surveys | factual | WWW | WWW-Server (MZES, Univ. Mannheim) |
Last updated: 26-10-98