Filing a patent application and taking over the representation * |
480 |
Filing a patent application according to PCT - national stage * |
480 |
Petition for complete novelty search
- up to ten claims
- every additional claim |
260 30 |
Petition for earlier publication of the patent application |
150 |
Informing the client about the patent application publication |
100 |
Payment of the printing fee
- up to ten pages
- every additional page |
190 15 |
Petition for change of the inventors or the applicants name or address in the Patent Applications Register |
130 |
Petition for entry in the Patent Register (licences, assignment) |
250 |
Filing an opposition * + caution 100 |
370 |
Filing a reply to the opposition * |
370 |
Petition for annulment of the patent * + caution 100 |
390 |
Filing a comment on the annulment petition * |
345 |
Petition for determination of the extent of patent protection in a given case * |
345 |
Filing a comment on the petition for determination of the extent of patent protection * |
345 |
Payment of annuities
- 1st to 5th (total sum)
- 6th to 8th (each year)
- 9th year
- for each consecutive year the fee goes up |
550 180 230 50 |