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Delphi Help
HyperString v2.0
To merge the HyperString help file into the Delphi3 on-line help:1) Copy HYPERSTR.HLP and HYPERSTR.CNT to ..\DELPHI3\HELP.
2) Make a backup copy of ..\DELPHI3\HELP\DELPHI3.CNT.
3) Edit DELPHI3.CNT (it's a simple text file) using NOTEPAD, WORDPAD or the ASCII editor of your choice and insert 2 lines as follows:To Index Section (near top) add ':Index HyperString Library =hyperstr.hlp'
To Include Section (near bottom) add ':Include hyperstr.cnt'
That's it, 3 easy steps. The next time you select on-line help, you should see an animated dialog titled 'Preparing help file for first use'. Once finished, references for all the HyperString functions should be in the index. Try looking for 'CalcStr' as a test.
Win32 Programmer's Reference
While you're modifying the on-line help files, you may want to consider merging the API function docs into on-line help as well.1) Make backup copies of:
DELPHI3.TOC2) Remove ALL lines referencing 'win32s' and 'winhlp32' from the above files.
3) To the 'Index Section' of DELPHI3.CNT, add the following:
:Index Win32 Programmers Reference =win32.hlp
That's it, 3 easy steps. The next time you select on-line help, you should see an animated dialog titled 'Preparing help file for first use'. Once finished, references for all the API functions should be in the index. Try looking for 'GetCommState' as a test.
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