Object Debugger for Borland Delphi 2 Copyright Marco Cantu' 1996-1997 Free Public Beta Release 0.40 (February 7, 1997) >>> Now it resembles the Object Inspector <<< Object Debugger = Runtime Object Inspector ========================================== The Object Debugger allows you to inspect the published properties of the components of a program at run time, and edit them. You simply place the component on the main form of your project, and when the program starts, the Object Debugger window is automatically opened. Usage ===== * Select form and component you are interested in (also the form is listed among its components), and see its published properties, its events, and some mode data. * Clicking on the first line shows RTTI information for the last property you've selected. * Clicking on a value activates its editor (if available). Editors include: numbers, strings, characters, enumarations, sets, cursors, colors (double-click), string lists (double click). * The only property of the compoennt is used to set it initially "Always on Top". Installation ============ Put the two DCU files and the DFM file in your preferred component directory, and install OBJDEB.DCU. This works only in Delphi 2. A Delphi 1 version will be done on request. Disclaimer ========== I've tried at my best to make this program work smoothly, but since it uses low level and undocumented calls at a great extent I won't bet it always works (this is still a beta, you know). In case of errors please let me know, but always remember you are using this software at your own risk (so the saying goes) Check my home page, of CIS:BDELPHI32, for further updates. Future versions might be shareware, this is free. It only reminds you of the author form time to time. Marco Cantu', author of "Mastering Delphi" "Mastering Delphi 2" "Mastering Delphi 3" "Delphi Developer's Handbook" WinTech Italia Srl "Expert Training and Consulting for Delphi and C++Builder Programmers" CIS: 100273,2610 Net: marcocantu@compuserve.com http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/marcocantu