Frequently Asked QuestionsGetting the local internet machine name and IP address. Question: How do I get the local internet machine name and IP address? Answer: Getting the local machine name and IP address is a straight forward process that is most easily accomplished using the TCP component. Simply drop a TCP component from the internet page of the component palette on to a form, and access the following members of the TCP component: Memo1.Lines.Add(TCP1.LocalHostName); Memo1.Lines.Add(TCP1.LocalIp); If you prefer not to use the TCP component, here is an example that interfaces directly with your winsock layer: uses Winsock; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var wVersionRequested : WORD; wsaData : TWSAData; begin {Start up WinSock} wVersionRequested := MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, wsaData); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var p : PHostEnt; s : array[0..128] of char; p2 : pchar; begin {Get the computer name} GetHostName(@s, 128); p := GetHostByName(@s); Memo1.Lines.Add(p^.h_Name); {Get the IpAddress} p2 := iNet_ntoa(PInAddr(p^.h_addr_list^)^); Memo1.Lines.Add(p2); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin {Shut down WinSock} WSACleanup; end;
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