Frequently Asked QuestionsModifying application server SQL from the client. Question: Is it possible to modify the TQuery.SQL property when it resides in a remote data module? Answer: Yes. There are three different avenues to accomplish this: 1. If it is a parameterized query, you can use the IProvider.SetParams call. Assuming you have 2 parameters (Param1 and Param2). The following code fragment demonstrates matching by index, Value1 goes to the first parameter, etc...ClientDataSet1.Provider.SetParams(VarArrayOf(Value1, Value2));Or matching by param name:var V: Variant; ParamCount: Integer; //used for ease of reading begin ClientDataSet1.Close; ParamCount := 2; V := VarArrayCreate([0, ParamCount - 1], varVariant); V[0] := VarArrayOf(['Param1',Value1]); V[1] := VarArrayOf(['Param2',Value2]); ClientDataSet1.Provider.SetParams(V); ClientDataSet1.Open; end;For more example code see \demos\midas\setparam. 2. If you want to change the SQL, then you can use the IProvider.DataRequest method. On the Client;CDS.Data := CDS.Provider.DataRequest('select * from customer');On the server, you must use a TProvider object, and assign the OnDataRequest event;function TForm1.Provider1DataRequest(Sender: TObject; Input: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin //assumes DataSet is a TQuery. Provider1.DataSet.Close; Provider1.DataSet.SQL.Text := Input; Provider1.DataSet.Open; Result := Provider1.Data; end;For more example code see \demos\midas\adhoc. 3. Create you own interface function that executes the SQL statement. In the RemoteDataModule: a. Edit | Add To Interface "procedure ExecSQL(SQL: WideString);" <OK> This will add a procedure to your interface. b. On the server, code the new procedure:procedure RemoteData.ExecSQL(SQL: WideString); begin { Query1 is kept in the RemoteDatamodule for this purpose} Query1.SQL.Text := SQL; Query1.ExecSQL; end;c. On the client, call the new procedure:RemoteServer1.AppServer.ExecSQL('Delete from deal details where dealnumber=1');
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