Frequently Asked Questions

Install Issues
Object Pascal Issues
Windows API

Frequently Asked Questions


About Deploying DBClient in a Web Application
Accessing Server Methods from Client
Application Server Forms
Benefits of the ConstraintBroker
Checking for NULL in OnUpdateData handler
Comparison of Sockets, DCOM, OLE Enterprise
Connection Checklist
Database login for multiple clients
Dataset event handlers
Dataset event handlers not fired
Deploying Midas
Displaying a list of constraint error messages
Error: "DAX Error - Name not unique in this context"
Error: 'Interface not supported'
Error: "Application is not licensed to run this feature"
Error: "Cannot load IDAPI service library"
Error: "Could not find IDataBroker in type library"
Error: "DAX Error class not registered."
Error: "EOleSysError : Error loading type library/DLL"
Error: 'DAX Error - Name not unique in this context'
Error: 'DAX Error class not registered.'
Error: 'EOleSysError : Error loading type library/DLL'
Error: 'General SQL Error : Connection does not exist' in threaded application
Error: 'Interface not supported'
Error: 'Missing Data Provider or Data Packet'
Error: 'Name Conflicting'
Error: 'RPC Server is unavailable'
Error: 'Trying to append data to a non-partial dataset'
Error: 'Windows Socket Error: (10060), on API 'connect''
Error: 'Windows Socket Error: (10060), on API 'connect╞'
Files necessary to run Application Server
How to use the TUpdateSQLProvider.OnUpdateRecord method
Locating the servers available in the registry
Logging in to the remote datamodule
MasterSource/MasterFields behavior
Minimizing Connections
Modifying application server SQL from the client.
Moving the application server to another machine
Multiple Transports
ODBC Constraints
Providing lookup capability
Re-executing export From Table
Resource Usage
Sending a file via DCOM
Server Termination
ServerName property (TMidasConnection or TRemoteServer)
Single Tier Applications
Single and multiple application server instances
Sorting on Calculated fields
TCP/IP: DCOM Dependency?
TCP/IP: Load balancing, OLE Enterprise
TCP/IP: Retrieving Client IP and Host Name
TCP/IP: TMidasConnection, Socket Server
TClientDataSet, auto-increment fields
TClientDataSet.Data property
TProvider Component vs. Provider Property
Table data subset through IProvider
Testing IDispatch Descendants
Un-registering a server
Using Multiple Servers
Using Stored Procedures
Where to get TUpdateSQLProvider component


Hiding your application from the Windows Taskbar.
Using an animated cursor.

Install Issues


Getting the local internet machine name and IP address.
InterBase access from a web server application
Multi-Threaded ISAPI DLLs

Object Pascal Issues

Getting a handle on your files
Using global values in your application.

Windows API

Changing the papersize of a print job.
Converting from Long to Short file names and paths
Creating a rotated font.
Displaying a bitmap on the client area of an MDI parent form.
Drag and Drop with Files
Getting the Win95 Desktop ListView Handle
Getting the serial number of a disk.
Getting user name and company info from Windows.
How do I execute a program from my application?
Making text background transparent
Preventing windows task switching
Retrieving a long file name from the command line.
Retrieving a users login name.
Writting a raw string of data to the printer.
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