A: Arrays can be passed as variants:
VB module code:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1" Declare Function TestMin Lib "c:\windows\system\NoelSArr" (Nums As Variant) As IntegerVB form code:
Dim A As Variant Private Sub Command1_Click() A = Array(4, 3) MsgBox (TestMin(A)) End SubDelphi DLL code:
library NoelSArray; . . function TestMin(const Nums: Variant): integer; export; stdcall; var p1: Variant; begin p1 := VarArrayCreate([0, 1], VT_I4); p1:= Nums; if (p1[0] < p1[1]) then result:= p1[0] else Result:= p1[1]; end;
A: You have to call TImageList.Overlay first. Example:
ImageList1.Overlay(Image_Index, Overlay_Index); TreeView1.Items[Item_Index].OverlayIndex := Overlay_Index;
A: Application.HelpCommand(HELP_FINDER,0). For further info see help on the Windows API call WinHelp.
A: You probably installed IE4, which has a new comctl32.dll. If you use NT3.51 don't set Flat to True, if you use Win95 or NT4.0 use TToolButtons instead of TSpeedButtons.
A: Intel's Lan Desk management Suite (v2.0.0), a PC Anywhere-like product used by Help Desk organizations to view help desk customer PCs, causes WUSER.EXE (v4.01) to run. This hasn't been verified, but WUSER may be using an interupt usually reserved for debugging.
A: You must specify the component type, for example "procedure MyProc(Items: TSafeArray(Integer));" specifies a SafeArray with a component type of Integer. See page 42-10 in the Developer's Guide for more info.
A: Use the TImageList.AddMasked(Bitmap: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor) method. You can either pass the transparent color yourself in the second parameter or clDefault to let the imagelist take the bottom-left pixel's color. TSpeedButton and TBitBtn use this method. Check-out buttons.pas (around line 560) to see an example.
A: Declare a type THack = class(TDBGrid). Then in run-time, do THack(DBGrid1).FixedCols := 2. Of course, you'd have to set it to 1 if you exclude dgIndicator from the Options in the grid component.
A: Set Application.HintHidePause to a larger number than its default of 2500 ms.
A: This problem has occured on a few Matrox Millennium boards and Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 boards.
The workaround is to try a different version of the vendor's video driver or try to use Windows'
verion (even VGA/SVGA) of the video driver.
One solution for the Matrox Millennium board may be the following:
A: There is an AVI Type, which is not used often, called 'AVI' and if you create a .RES file, Resource file, with this type it will allow you to use the resource as an AVI.
The steps are:
Animate1.RESName := 'About'; Animate1.Active := True;
A: The files required to move a project from Delphi 1 or Delphi 2 to Delphi 3 are just the DFM, PAS, and DPR. It is also important to move any resource files (.res), that have custom resources like cursors, icons, strings, etc. All the other files are going to be recreated by the compiler when a build all is done inside of Delphi 3. It is especially important not to bring over the DCU files as the format changes from version to version. You may get unknown identifier errors or other strange behaviors if you try to bring over DCU files.
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