****************** * CD Player v1.0 * ****************** Copyright (c) 1994, Jim Collette. Requires GEOS 2.0 or later. Shareware ($15); distribute this un-registered version freely, but do not modify or sell. Included with this archive, find these files: * CDPLAY.GEO - the CD Player application (put in \WORLD (relative to \GEOS20)) * CDPLAY__.000 - the CD Player help file / documentation (put in \USERDATA\HELP) * CD_PLAYE.000 - the CD Player Registration Form (put in \DOCUMENT or wherever) * README.CD - this file This program is shareware. If you use it and enjoy it, you are requested to register. Full information is provided in the help file - start the CD Player and click the Help (?) icon for more info. Registered users will receive updated versions in the future. Jim :) colletjr@wckn.dorm.clarkson.edu