Code Win-1252
Technical notes to Parallax69
Eroiica API Functions
This page contains an alphabetically sorted list of the Eroiica API functions, their syntax and description.
The complete API reference is available in printed form.
Eroiica API functions are accessible either as DDE transactions or C-API function calls.
Although the majority of DDE transactions has equal C-API functions, some C-API functions
are specific to C calls only. A list of these functions is located at the end of this page.
DDE API Transactions List
[ActivateAllHotspots( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Activates all hotspots on a layer
Activates Eroiica frame window
[ActivateHotspot(docWinID, layerID,"hotspotID", pageID)]
Activates a hotspot
[ApproveMenuAction( docWinID, menuID )]
Approves an intercepted menu item and performs the action
[ArrangeDocWins( arrangement )]
Resizes and displays all document windows tiled, cascaded,or in horizontal or vertical strips
[BatchSetButtonStatus( buttonID, status )]
Sets the status of a button without refreshing the button bar
[BatchSetMenuStatus( menuID, status )]
Sets the status of a menu command without refreshing the menus
[ChangeRaster( docWinID, pageID, xRes, yRes, rotation, mirror, negative )]
Changes raster document's resolution, rotation, mirroring, etc
[CheckIn( docWinID, saveas_dialog, close )]
Checks in document to database, optionally closes
[CheckInAll( saveas_dialog, close )]
Checks in All documents to database, optionally closes
[CloseAllDocWin( savePrompt )]
Closes all document windows, option to prompt save
[CloseDocWin( DocWinID, savePrompt )]
Closes a document window, option to prompt save
[CreateDocWin( "documentTitle" )]
Creates a new document window with title
[CreatePreviewFile( docwinID, xPels, yPels, bColor, bAsDisplayed, formatID, "filename")]
Creates a new preview of the open document and stores it into file in specified format
[CropLayer( docWinID, pageID, layerID, predefSize, coordSystem, x1, y1, x2, y2 )]
Crops the document given coordinates of diagonal corners
[DeleteHotspot( docWinID, "hotspotID", pageID )]
Removes a hotspot from the current active edit layer
[DeleteLayer( docWinID, layerID )]
Deletes a layer from a document
[DeletePage( docWinID, pageID )]
Deletes a page from a document
[DeleteUserAttribute( docWinID, pageID, layerID, "attributeName" )]
Deletes a user attribute from a document, page, or layer
[Deskew( docWinID, layerID, angle )]
Rotates an document by an angle,option to estimate angle
[Despeckle( docWinID, layerID, speckleSize )]
Cleans up document by removing clusters of certain size
[DuplicateDocWin( docWinID )]
Copies the contents of a window to a new window
[EnableDocWinSystemCmds( docWinID, cmds )]
Set which system commands are enabled in a document window
[EnableIMSystemCmds( cmds )]
Sets which system commands are enabled in Eroiica's application window
Closes all sessions and doc. wins., forces checkin, ends
[ExportLayer( docWinID, layerID, saveas, "fileName", "layerTitle", chkExistence, formatID, rotation )]
Exports a layer without changing layer's properties
[ExportPage( docWinID, saveAs, "fileName", "pageTitle", chkExistence, formatID, pageID )]
Exports a page without changing page's properties
[ExtractText( docWinID, layerID, options, "fileName", pageID )]
Locates text objects on a layer and saves their text strings to a file
[FaxDocWin( docWinID, "phoneNumber", pageRangefirstPage, lastPage, mode, resolution, tile, scaleMode, orientation )]
Faxes the contents of a document window
[FindTextMatch( docwinID, text, flags, direction )]
Start a text search
[GetActiveLayer ( docWinID )]
Request the identifiers of the active layers,both raster and edit
Requests the file name of template .RTF file used for loading ASCII text documents
[GetButtonStatus( buttonID )]
Requests the status of a button
Requests which configuration file is being used
[GetDeskewLimits( docwinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the lower and upper bounds of a layer's deskew angle
Requests the number of document windows that are dirty and list of their identifiers
[GetDirtyPageIDs(docwinID )]
Requests the number of pages in document that are dirty and list of their identifiers
[GetDisplayLayer( docWinID )]
Requests whether a particular layer is currently displayed
Requests the default directory first used when opening or saving a file
[GetDocumentDirtyStatus( docWinID )]
Requests whether a document has been changed
[GetDocumentFilename( docWinID )]
Requests a document's file name
[GetDocumentID( objectID )]
Zjistí ID hlavního dokumentu k zadanému objektu
[GetDocumentPerms( docWinID )]
Requests a document's current permission
[GetDocumentState( docWinID, pageID, layerID )]
Requests the state of the specified document, page, or layer
[GetDocumentTitle( docWinID )]
Requests a document's title
Requests a document window's identifier
[GetDocWinFromHWnd( hWnd )]
Requests the document window identifier for a window handle
Requests the number of open document windows and a list of their identifiers
[GetErrorMessage (errorCode)]
Requests the text of the error message for an errorCode
[GetExtDocumentWindowMode( docwinID )]
Requests extern document window mode
[GetFormatList( layerType )]
Requests a list of valid formats for a file type
Requests the window handle for the Eroiica application window
Requests the color of the Reference Window's highlight box
[GetHotspotBLOB( docwinID, hotspotID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the hotspot BLOB data and copies them into client
Requests whether the user is prompted for data when a hotspot is placed
[GetHwndFromDocWinID( docWinID )]
Requests the window handle for a document window identifier
Requests the version of the current Eroiica session
Requests the last DDE error code returned by Eroiica
[GetLayerColor( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the color of a layer
[GetLayerDirtyStatus( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests whether or not a layer has been modified
[GetLayerFilename( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the file name of a layer
[GetLayerFormat( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the type of a layer
[GetLayerFormatList( layerType )]
Requests a list of valid formats for a file type
[GetLayerIDs( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests the number of layers in a document window and a list of their identifiers
[GetLayerInfo( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests information about a layer
[GetLayerPerms( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the current permssions for a layer
[GetLayerTitle( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the title of a layer
[GetLayerToolAttribute( docWinID, layerID, toolIDattributeID, pageID )]
Request the value of a tool attribute for a layer
[GetMenuStatus( menuID )]
Requests the value of a menu command in the active window
Requests the number of open document windows
[GetNumberLayers( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests the number of layers in a document window
[GetNumberPages( docWinID )]
Requests the number of pages in a document window
[GetObjectAttribute( docWinID, layerID, objectID, attributeID, pageID )]
Requests the value of an attribute,for an object
[GetObjectType( objectID )]
Requests the specified object type
Requests the value of the overwrite raster flag (whether utilities overwrite old widow or create new one)
[GetPageDirtyStatus( docWinID, checkLayers, pageID )]
Requests whether a page has been changed
[GetPageDisplayParms( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's current display parameters
[GetPageFilename( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's file name
[GetPageID( docWinID, pageNum )]
Requests a page's identifier
[GetPageIDs( docWinID )]
Requests identifers of all pages in a document window
[GetPageNumber( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's number
[GetPagePerms( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's current permissions
[GetPageTitle( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's title
[GetParentPageID( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests a page's parent page identifier
Requests name information for the current printer
Requests the number of available printer name entries, the current driver, and a list of all printer names
Requests the current product configuration and a list of all available configurations
[GetProperty( objectID, propertyID, subID )]
Requests the long property value
[GetRasterInfoString( docWinID, layerID, pageID )]
Requests the information string for a CALS or TIF layer
Requests whether or not a user can activate and change a layer that contains a file format that Eroiica does not write
Requests whether or not layers that been merged are then removed from the source document window
[GetScanParameter( nParam )]
Requests the value of a scan parameter
Requests the directory path where symbol files are stored
Requests a list of all symbol files in the current directory symbol
[GetSystemToolAttribute( toolID, attributeID )]
Requests the value of a system tool's attribute
[GetTool( docWinID )]
Requests which tool is selected in a window
[GetUIConfiguration( cfgNumber )]
Requests the specified property of the user interface
[GetUserAttribute( docWinID, layerID, pageID, "attributeName" )]
Requests the value of a user attribute
[GetViewHairlines( docWinID )]
Requests whether or not Use Hairlines view option is enabled
[GetViewMonochrome( docWinID )]
Requests whether or not Use Monochrome view option is enabled
[GetViewWireframe( docWinID )]
Requests whether or not Use Wireframe view option is enabled
[GetVisiblePageArea( docWinID, pageID )]
Requests the coordinates of page's area
[GetWindowTitle( docWinID )]
Requests a document window's title description
[GetXRefPath( formatID )]
Requests the path, for a vector file format, where Eroiica searches for external reference files
[GotoPage( docWinID, pageNum )]
Makes the page with a page number the current page
[GotoPageID( docWinID, pageID )]
Makes the page with a page identifier the current page
[GotoPageRelative( docWinID, pageLoc )]
Makes the page with a relative position the current page
[GuessDeskewAngle( docWinID )]
Requests an estimate of the angle by which the currently viewed document is skewed
[HandleExternalDocumentWindow( docwinID, initialMode )]
Creates a child window above the specified document window
[ImportLayer( docWinID, "fileName", "layerTitle", layerType, pageID, location )]
Adds a file as a layer over a document
[ImportPage( docWinID, pageNum, relFlag, parentID, "fileName", "pageTitle", location )]
Adds a file as a new page in a document
[InterceptMenuAction( menuID, state )]
Sets whether or not a menu action is intercepted when chosen by a user
Requests whether or not Contents window is shown
Requests whether or not Detail window is shown
Requests whether or not menu bar is shown
Requests whether or not Reference window is shown
Requests whether or not Standard toolbar is shown
Requests whether or not Satus bar is shown
Requests whether or not Drawing toolbar is shown
[Merge( docWinID, mergeType )]
Combines layers to create a new raster document
[MoveDocWin( docWinID, x, y, dx, dy )]
Repositions and resizes a document window
[MoveIMWindow( x, y, dx, dy )]
Repositions and resizes the Eroiica window
[MoveLayer( layerID, relLayerID, units, x1, y1, x2, y2 )]
Repositions of the specified layer
[NewDocument( "title", "fileName" )]
Creates a new document window with title and filename
[NewLayer( docWinID, pageID, layerType )]
Adds a new layer to a document window
[NewPage( docWinID, pageNum, relFlag, parentID, pageType, "pageTitle" )]
Adds a new blank page to a document window
[NewView( docWinID, viewType )]
Creates a new window that contains an already- document open
[OCRRegion( docwinID, filename, formatID, unitType, x1, y1, x2, y2 )]
Does an OCR of the specified area an stores result into file
[OpenDocWin( location, fileType, "fileName", "title", permissions, wOtherInfo, lOtherInfo )]
Opens a document in a new window
[OpenExtDocWin( docWinID, location, fileType"fileName", "title", permissions, wOtherInfo, lOtherInfo, scrollBar )] ,
Opens a document in a window that belongs to an application other than Eroiica
[PlaceHotspot( docWinID, pbjectType, "hotspotID", unitType, ... )]
Places a hotspot object on a layer
[PlaceSymbol( docwinID, unitType, xLocation, yLocation )]
Places symbol on an active edit layer
[PlaceText( docWinID, unitType, x, y, "string", color, size, sizeUnits, "fontName", angle )]
Places a text object on a layer
[PrintAreaDocWin( docWinID, unitType, x1, y1, x2, y2 printBanner )]
Prints an area of a document window
[PrintDocWin( docWinID, pageRange, firstPage, lastPage, numCopies, useDialog, printType, tile, scaleMode, orientation, printBanner )]
Prints a document window using settings or dialog box
[Refresh( docWinID )]
Repaints a document window
Updates the menus and button bars after they have been changed
Sets print options back to their values in EROICA.INI
[RegisterExtDocWin( hWnd )]
Registers window handle from an external application for use by Eroiica
[RelativeMeasure( docwinID, action )]
[ReorderLayer( docWinID, layerID, layerPosition )]
Moves a layer to a new position
[ReorderPage( docWinID, pageID, pageNum, relFlag, parentID )]
Moves a page to a new position in a document
[ReplaceDocument( docWinID, promptSave, location, fileType, "fileName", "title", permissions, wOtherInfo, lOtherInfo )]
Replaces document in a window with another document
[ResetExternalDocumentWindowSize( docwinID )]
Fits the external window size to the new client window area
Sets all menu intercept flags back to "don't intercept" state
Sets all menus and button bars back to their default state
[ResizePage( docWinID, scale, aspect )]
Scales the active raster layer to a different size, creating a new raster document
[Save( docWinID, saveas, "fileName", "layerTitle", chkExistence )]
Save document with old or new filename
[SaveDocument( docWinID, saveAs;.fileName", "documentTitle", docFormat, chkExistence )]
Saves complete document
[SaveLayer( docWinID, layerID, saveas, "fileName", "LayerTitle", chkExistence, format ID, rotation )]
Saves a layer with old or new filename, format, rotation
[SavePage( docWinID, saveAs, "fileName", "pageTitle", docFormat, chkExistence, pageID )]
Saves a page only
[SaveSymbol( docWinID, "fileName", "symbolTitle" )]
Saves a selected group of vector objects to a file
[SelectedSetCommand( docWinID, action )]
Performs an Edit menu command on a selected set of objects
[SetActiveLayer( docWinID, active )]
Makes a layer active
[SetASCIITemplate( "fileName" )]
Sets the file name of the template .RTF file used for loading ASCII text documents
[SetBannerPrintOptions( bannerLocation, textSize, units, "fontName", "bannerText", writeToINI )]
Sets options for banner that can be printed with documents
[SetButtonStatus( buttonID, status )]
Sets a button's status to enabled, checked, or removed
[SetCFGFilename( CFGFilename )]
Sets which configuration file is being used
[SetDisplayLayer( docWinID, layerID, display )]
Displays or hides a layer
[SetDocumentDirectory( documentDir )]
Sets the default directory first used when opening or saving a file
[SetDocumentDirtyStatus( docWinID, dirtyStatus )]
Sets the dirty status flag for a document window
[SetDocumentPerms( docWinID, perm )]
Sets a document-wide permission
[SetDocumentTitle( docWinID, "documentTitle" )]
Assigns a title description to document
[SetDocWin( docWinID, action )]
Sets which document window is active
[SetDocWinRefresh( docWinID, ignoreRefresh )]
Sets whether or not refresh requests are ignored for a window
[SetExtDocumentWindowMode( docwinID, mode )]
Sets the external document window modes
Returns input focus to Eroiica window
[SetHighlightBoxColor( color )]
Sets the color of the highlight box in the Reference Window
[SetHotspot( docWinID, layerID, "hotspotID", "newID", newData )]
Sets a hotspot's identifier and data fields (EXECUTE)
Subject: SetHotspot
Data: (HWND:docWinID) (LYR:layerID) (HID:objectID) (NEWHID:newID) (DATA) newData
Sets a hotspot's identifier and data fields, allowing API calls in data (POKE)
[SetHotspotData( docWinID, layerID, hotspotID, newData )]
Sets a hotspot's data field (EXECUTE)
Subject: SetHotspotData
Data: (HWND:docWinID) (LYR:layerID) (HID:object ID) (DATA) newData
Sets a hotspot's data field, allowing API calls in data (POKE)
[SetHotspotIcon( docwinID, layerID, "hotspotID", newIconIndex )]
Sets the icon associated with a hotspot
[SetHotspotID( docWinID, layerID, "hotspotID", "newID" )]
Sets a hotspot's identifier
[SetHotspotPromptDataFlag( newState )]
Sets whether or not Eroiica prompts the user for hotspot data when a hotspot is placed
[SetLayerColor( docWinID, layerID, color, pageID )]
Sets a layer's color
[SetLayerDefaultFormat ( layerType, formatID )]
Sets the default output format for a layer type
[SetLayerDirtyStatus( docWinID, layerID, dirtyStatus, pageID )]
Sets the value a layer's dirty status flag (whether thelayer has been changed)
[SetLayerFilename( docWinID, layerID, "fileName"pageID )]
Assigns a file name to a layer
[SetLayerPerms( docWinID, layerID, perm, pageID )]
Sets a layer's permissions
[SetLayerTitle( docWinID, layerID, "layerTitle" )]
Sets a layer's title description
[SetLayerToolAttribute( docWinID, layerID, toolID, attributeID, value, units, pageID )]
Sets the value of a tool attribute for a layer
[SetMenuStatus( menuID, status )]
Sets the availability of a menu item
[SetObjectAttribute( docWinID, layerID, objectID, attribute ID, value, units, pageID )]
Sets the value of an attribute of an object
[SetOverWriteRaster( setting )]
Sets the value of the overwrite raster flag (whether utilities overwrite the old window or create a new one)
[SetPageDirtyStatus( docWinID, dirtyStatus, pageID )]
Sets the value of a page's dirty status flag (whether the page has been changed)
[SetPageDisplayParms( docWinID, invert, negative, rotation, mirror, pageID )]
Sets a page's display parameters
[SetPageFilename( docWinID, "fileName", pageID )]
Sets the page's file name
[SetPagePerms( docWinID, perm, pageID )]
Sets a page's permissions
[SetPageTitle( docWinID, "pageTitle", pageID )]
Sets a page's title
[SetPrinterName( "printerName", "driverName", "deviceName" )]
Sets the printer name, driver, and device
[SetPrintOptions( merge, banner, center, dither, bilevel, scaleType, mode, writeToINI )]
Presets some printing options for future use
[SetProduct( productID )]
Sets the current product type
[SetProperty( objectID, propertyID, subID, value )]
Sets the selected property of the object
[SetRasterInfoString( docWinID, layerID, "info", page ID )]
Sets the information area of a CALS or TIF file to a string
[SetReadOnlyModsFlag ( value )]
Sets whether or not user can activate and change a layer that contains a file format that Eroiica does not write
[SetRelativeMeasureScale( docWinID, unitType, x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght )]
Sets the scale for the relative measure feature
[SetRemoveMergedLayers( value )]
Sets whether or not layers than have been merged are the removed from the source document window
[SetScanParameter( nParam, newValue )]
Sets the value of a scanning parameter
[SetScrollStep( docWinID, scrollStep )]
Sets the increment by which window scrolls
[SetScrollView( docWinID, scrollMode )]
Scrolls window
[SetShowStatusDialogs( showStatus )]
Sets whether Eroiica's status dialog boxes are shown when the application's window is iconized
[SetSymbol( docWinID, "fileName" )]
Sets a document window's tool to a symbol file
[SetSymbolDir( "symbolDir" )]
Sets the directory path where symbols are stored
[SetSystemToolAttribute( toolID, attributeID, value, units )]
Sets the value of a tool attribute for future edit layers
[SetTool( docWinID, toolType )]
Chooses a tool in a window
[SetUIConfiguration( cfgNumber, state )]
Sets the selecte property of the user interface
[SetUserAttribute( docWinID, pageID, layerID"attributeName", "value" )]
Attaches a user attribute and string data to a page or layer
[SetViewHairlines( docWinID, OnOff )]
Sets whether or not Use Hairlines view option is enabled
[SetViewMonochrome( docWinID, OnOff )]
Sets whether or not Use Monochrome view option is enabled
[SetViewWindow( docWinID, coordType, x1, y1, x2, y2 )]
Sets the viewed area of a page
[SetViewWireframe( docWinID, OnOff )]
Sets whether or not Use Wireframes view option is enabled
[SetWindowTitle( docWinID, "windowTitle" )]
Assigns a title description to a window
[SetXRefPath( formatID, "searchPath" )]
Sets the search path where Eroiica searches for external reference files, for vector file formats
[SetZoom( docWinID, zoomLevel, scaleFactor, xpos, ypos )]
Scales the document in a window
[SetZoomStep( docWinID, zoomStep )]
Sets multiplication factor for zoom function in window
[ShowContents (state)]
Sets whether or not the Eroiica Contents window is shown
[ShowDetailWindow( state )]
Sets whether or not the Detail window is shown
[ShowDialog( docwinID, dialogID )]
Zobrazí zvolené dialogové okno
[ShowDocWin( docWinID, arrangement )]
Sets how a window is shown
[ShowFrame( nCmdShow )]
Sets how the Eroiica window is shown
[ShowMenuBar( state )]
Sets whether or not the menu bar is shown
[ShowReferenceWindow( state )]
Sets whether or not the Reference window is shown
[ShowRibbonBar( state )]
Sets whether or not the Standard Toolbar is shown
[ShowStatusBar( state )]
Sets whether or not the Status Bar is shown
[ShowTextMatch( docWinID, state )]
Releases resources from a text search, hiding or showing the highlighting for the last match
[ShowToolBar( state )]
Sets whether or not the Drawing Toolbar is shown
[StartScan( docWinID )]
Begins the scanning process, placing the result in a window
Ends the scanning process
Terminates Eroiica, closes any open windows
[TextReplace( docWinID, layerID, searchType, "searchString", "replaceString", occurrence, pageID )]
Searches for a text string on a vector layer and replaces it
[UnloadPage( docWinID, pageID )]
Removes a page from active memory
[UnloadPages( docWinID )]
Removes all but the current page from active memory
[UnregisterExtDocWin( docWinID )]
Closes and unregisters an external document window (one that belongs to an application other than Eroiica)
C-API Specific Calls List
IN_DeleteObject( IN_OBJECT objectID )
Deletes object from all document windows
IN_EnableSystemMenuCommands( IN_DOCWIN docwinID, long commands )
Enables or disables commands in the window system menu
IN_FlushWorklist( IN_BOOL saveCheck )
Obsolete function, reserved
IN_GetDocumentWindowRefresh( IN_DOCWIN docwinID, SHORTPTR pRefreshFlag )
Requests the specified document window was repainted (freshen)
IN_GetFilename( IN_OBJECT objectID, SHORT maxLen, CHARPTR fileName )
Requests the file name of the specified object
IN_GetFirstVectorObjectID( IN_LAYER layerID, IN_VECTOR_PTR pVectorID )
Requests the handle to the first vector object on a layer
IN_GetNextVectorObjectID( IN_LAYER layerID, IN_VECTOR vectorID, IN_VECTOR_PTR pNextVectorID )
Requests the handle to the next vector object on a layer
IN_GetProductSwitch( USHORT uSwitchID, IN_BOOLPTR pbValue )
Requests the value of the specified switch
IN_GetPropertyString( IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG propertyID, ULONG subID, SHORT maxSize, CHARPTR pValue )
Requests the property value in string form
IN_GetState( IN_OBJECT objectID, IN_BOOL checkDescendents, USHORTPTR pStatus )
Requests the changes made in object (dirty flag)
IN_GetTitle( IN_OBJECT objectID, SHORT maxLen, CHARPTR title )
Requests the user label of the object
IN_GetVectorObjectCount( IN_LAYER layerID, ULONGPTR pCount )
Requests the number of the objects in the layer
IN_GetVectorObjectDescription( IN_LAYER layerID, IN_VECTOR vectorID, USHORT maxDescSize, STDPTR pObjectDesc, USHORTPTR pDescSize )
Requests the parameters of the vector object
IN_GetVectorObjectDescSize( IN_LAYER layerID, IN_VECTOR vectorID, USHORTPTR pDescSize )
Requests the length of the object descriptor in bytes
IN_InterceptSpecialMenuAction( USHORT menuID, IN_BOOL state, HWND hCallbackWnd )
Interní service function, exported for special cases
IN_MessageHook( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT FAR *lpResult )
Hook for the service of the notify and query callbacks
IN_PlaceHotspotBLOB( IN_LAYER layerID, USHORT blobLen, STDPTR pBLOB )
Places BLOB data of the hotspot into specified layer
IN_ProcessExternalWindowMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Calls the exported window function ExtWndProc directly
IN_RegisterAdvise( SHORT notifyID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Registers advise requests in Eroiica
IN_RegisterNotify( SHORT notifyID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Registers notify requests in Eroiica
IN_RegisterQuery( SHORT queryID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Registers query requests in Eroiica
IN_SaveObject( IN_DOCWIN docwinID, IN_OBJECT objectID, SHORT flags, CHARPTR filename, CHARPTR title, SHORT format )
Saves specified object into file
IN_SetAdviseHWnd( HWND hWnd )
Defines a place to receive notification messages from Eroiica
IN_SetDefaultLayerFormat( USHORT layerType, SHORT formatID )
Sets the default format of the newly created layer
IN_SetFilename( IN_OBJECT objectID, CHARPTR fileName )
Sets the file name of the object
IN_SetProductSwitch( USHORT uSwitchID, IN_BOOL bValue )
Sets the program status parameters
IN_SetPropertyDouble( IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG propertyID, ULONG subID, DOUBLE value )
Sets the double value of the object property
Sets the string value of the object property
IN_SetState( IN_OBJECT objectID, SHORT state )
Sets the value of the dirty flag for the object
IN_SetTitle( IN_OBJECT objectID, CHARPTR title )
Sets the user label of the object
IN_Shutdown( void )
Terminates the C API interface
IN_Startup( HINSTANCE hInst )
Initializes the C API interface
IN_UnregisterAdvise( SHORT notifyID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Unregisters the advise requests in Eroiica
IN_UnregisterNotify( SHORT notifyID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Unregisters the notify requests in Eroiica
IN_UnregisterQuery( SHORT queryID, IN_OBJECT objectID, ULONG callback )
Unregisters the query requests in Eroiica