©1997 Keith Rome
Build 3-D trueSpace 3 eXtensions in
Delphi with tSX Builder!
What is tSX Builder?
tSX Builder is two things. In its most minimal form, it is simply an import unit for the Caligari trueSpace eXtension SDK. This SDK allows any programmer to write their own 3-D plugins for trueSpace version 3.0! By using the Delphi imported headers, you can now use the fast-turnaround "RAD" development environment of Borland's Delphi 3.0 compiler. tSX Builder is not only an import unit... it also has a pair of "experts" which will help you to generate a basic plugin from scratch.
tSX Builder supports Delphi forms, so you can build your 3-D plugins visually. You can add any other 3rd party Delphi components too. Just "Drag -n- Drop" them from your component pallette onto a tSX form. Of course, if you use an OCX or other 3rd party control which requires external files, they must be distributed also. To make it even easier for the Delphi tSX developer, tSX Builder also comes with a handful of pre-built controls, all designed exclusively for trueSpace eXtensions.
Do I have to pay for tSX Builder?
No. tSX Builder is free. Any plugins you write using tSX Builder will be royalty-free. For full details, review the License.txt file which is included in the tSX Builder distribution.
Is the source code included?
Yes. If you are having problems with a particular function or type declaration, don't hesitate to check the source code. Also, the full source code for a couple of plugins are included (in a seperate download) to help you get started.
Where can I get tSX Builder?
- 01/26/1998 tSX Builder version 1.4 (176K)
- 01/26/1998 tSX Builder Sample Plugins w/source (323K)
Be sure to read the readme.txt, history.txt, tips.doc, and license.txt files before installing and using. If you have been using an earlier "beta" version of tSX Builder, you may want to read the upgrade.doc file which is a part of this distribution. An excellent resource for trueSpace plugin developers is the tSX Developer Network. Please visit http://www.caligari.com/ for information on how to join the tSX-DN.
What else? How can I contact the author?
Well, that's it for now. As new features and examples are available, you can find them here. So, check back frequently. I have set up a mailing list for announcements regarding tSX Builder. This list is only for notices regarding tSX Builder, and is not a public forum. To subscribe to the list, send a message to tsxbuilder@levdatasys.com, and include the text "%SUBSCRIBE" in the subject area of the message. Do NOT send messages to this address unless they are simple subscribe or unsubscribe commands. Otherwise, they will be ignored. If you have any problems with the list, you can contact me directly at keith@levdatasys.com.